This time, we will explain about the relationship between sea otters and sea otters, their growth, and a summary of special training episodes! Well then, take your time♪ *I read all comments! Thank you very much to everyone who supports us. Copyrights, portrait rights, etc. of images used and posted in videos on the channel belong to the respective rights holders. We take great care in producing the content of the video so as not to cause any disadvantage to the respective rights holders or third parties, but in the unlikely event that there is a problem with the content of the video, we will contact the respective rights holders. I would appreciate it if you could point this out to me. #Chiikawa #slowly #slowly explained


    1. ラッコ先生カッコいいんだけど(島二郎の次くらいに)、なんかやってることが煉獄さんっぽくて煉獄さんENDにならないか心配・・・。

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