Daily delivery❕❕Rakujukutei Shiratomo’s horse racing prediction channel. This time, it will be a preview video of Monbetsu Racecourse’s main event, Hokkaido Kinen. Please refer to it ❕❕ Click here for[Thursday Kasamatsu/Love Me Chan Memorial Forecast Video]https://youtu.be/7OIN7nQc7lM[Thursday Monbetsu/Doei Memorial Forecast Video]https://youtu.be/ldWidJ6G42A[[Thursday Kawasaki/Fujimi Open Forecast Video]Click here https://youtu.be/8Gwe3XGD0z4[Wednesday Monbetsu/Hokkaido Sprint Forecast Video]Click here https://youtu.be/MAejusFnc80[Wednesday Kawasaki/SⅠ Rosita Memorial Forecast Video]Click here for https://youtu.be/6Mm68KUUqQA[Tuesday Kawasaki/SⅠ Laurel Award prediction video]Click here https://youtu.be/YPY3g1MuQxg[Monday Kawasaki/Horse producing area Hidaka special prediction video]Click here https:// youtu.be/fT_AhuvpPrE[Shira Satoshi’s review of this week’s race October 30th to November 5th Vol. 4]is here https://youtu.be/YlgsTqi8If4[Shira Satoshi’s review of this week’s race October 23 Sunday – 29th Vol.3]Click here https://youtu.be/y1SuX-YLp3c[Shira Satoshi’s review of this week’s race October 16th – 22nd Vol.2]Click here https://youtu.be /kAw9kysT9PM[ShiraSatoshi’sreviewofthisweek’sraceOctober9thto15thVol.1]is here https://youtu.be/kAw9kysT9PM[Tokyo G1 Tenno Sho Autumn prediction video]is here https:// youtu.be/3lOzjz00KAE[Kyoto GⅠ Shuka Sho Prediction Video]is here https://youtu.be/FOIAv_fLJS4[Tokyo GⅡ Fuchu Himba Stakes Prediction Video]is here https://youtu.be/1CaqCHzRVvY[Hanshin・GⅠ Takarazuka Memorial Prediction Video]Click here https://youtu.be/SDdRiqTXMBs[Tokyo GⅠ Yasuda Memorial Prediction Video]https://youtu.be/cmPi6AL4-oQ[Sodashi Dengeki retires. Looking back on his wonderful achievements. ]Click here https://youtu.be/8VBinHTZaBA[Efforia blitz retirement! Let’s look back on that accomplishment. ]Click here for https://youtu.be/0fpfpZQte0E[2022 JRA Award consideration video]Click here for https://youtu.be/2XVfs_1lgYA[2019❣❣TokyoGrandPrixbettingticketcashexchangevideo❣❣Triple755xHitthemarkwith4points❣Video]Click here https://youtu.be/rPzQFfvv_C8[Personal Famous Horse Review Series ①]Mihono Bourbon – Undefeated 2-winner horse -]Click here https://youtu.be/MMc1JRoFO6Q[Ario How to make Olio Peperoncino, uncut]Click here https://youtu.be/ntAHEWGN77A Rakujuutei Shirachi’s Twitter is here https://twitter.com/mdc0201 #Doei Kinen #Monbetsu Racecourse #Horse racing predictions

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