😊Welcome to Kuri Station https://www.youtube.com/@grease6093, 6 points every night on the main road, continuous release of various types of refreshing short dramas, looking forward to your request~ Happy present road with a small number of contents Notes on YouTube’s best short stories: Kyou Toshi, Hot Blood, Gengen, Gyakuban, Soubun, Goddess of Love, updated with the latest update⚡⚡⚡⚡ ►Supported by: https://www.youtube. com/@UCNy6uakSqG5xaJHQcirYkDw #Short drama #Small short drama #Big story #Xuangen #Smile #Rough story #Sweet story #Story #City #Short play #Sweet story #Continental play #Emotion #Punitive #Sweet play #Heavy life #Horror #Drama #city #antique #idol


    1. Why oh why the chinese short drama become more and more ridiculous. The comedy is extremely hilarious the more creativity is apply. I love it anyway by watching with laughter and giggles me a lot. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    2. 這部短劇都亂演,到底演什麼東西,演員穿的戲服有清朝?槍還能打出連發明明只能打出一發卻能打出五六發子彈😂?

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