Here comes the pure love story! 🥰 short story recommendation


    1. My rant…
      This is just foolish dribble in which every scene are people arguing with the leads, and on top of that, the FL never backs up the ML but argues with put downs, even her girlfriend gets in on the action. Even when he provides evidence of who he is and how rich he is she will argue and put him down. There is no meat and potatoes to even draw a interest from, just endless bickering with the family and no backing for the ML. It could've been a good show cause the storyline was different from others, but it had no substantial interest except endless put downs.
      Edit; This endless dribble last all the way to the, I skipped here and there just to make sure the story was the same. Sure enough, just putdowns towards the ML from the FL, her bestie and her family, no love connection at all, even to the unworthy ending she pushed him away. Just don't waste your time its not worth it.

    2. 無言的一部局,沒有結局!

    3. Мимими самое главное😂😂😂😂волосы завязанные труселями, 😂😂😂😂😂это отпад, шедевр жанра😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    4. Al principio después de tantos muertos el pasillo sin una gota de sangre 🩸.
      Después la mujer se suelta el pelo y pierde el coletero y no tiene otra cosa con la que atarse el pelo que las bragas 😳, no es por nada pero rse pelo debe oler🥴… Y lo de la comida para llevar, yo no la vi por ninguna parte, vi el cuchillo, pero la comida no🤭🫣
      Y luego llega la droga, eso me hace pensar que solo tienen relaciones bajo el efecto de las drogas, en todas las películas lo mismo, ya me aburre

    5. 是怎樣都嫁人了還糾纏。男主也是不斷裝 卻又是地產證又是存摺又是當眾電話呢?看戲就是了

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