Recently, there is also a trend of Noradi → Mardanrou, and Agunte is also hired as a receiver ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ Channel Member registration link https://www Twitter Onsokusan Email[ZweiLance supply general sales overview]◎Playmat 2500 yen each Up to 1 set per color per person ◎Sleeves (64 pieces) 1000 yen each Up to 3 sets per color per person *Black is sold out. ◎Shipping ①Up to 3 sleeves (¥250) ②Up to 4 sleeves (¥400) ③Up to 6 sleeves (¥500) ④Shopping that includes one or more playmats (flat rate ¥1000) *If you like it If so, you can purchase additional items again. Deposit method ① Bank transfer ② PayPay ③ Amazon gift points You can purchase using any of the above methods. In particular, Amazon gift points can be used with the gift certificate number on the back of Amazon gift certificates sold at convenience stores, etc., so it is also recommended for those who do not have a bank account or credit card. ① Bank transfer After entering the necessary information in the form below, we will contact you via email with the payment amount and bank account.[Note]Some people may not be able to contact you and cancel their order because their email address is incorrect or the email is categorized as spam. In that case, please contact us using the email address below. ZweiLance Supply Bank Transfer Application ②PayPay Please operate in the order of “Home” → “Send” → “Send via SNS”. ZweiLance Supply PayPay Remittance Application③Amazon Gift Point Amazon Gift Certificate (Email Type) Can also be sent via text message From the link above, Set the recipient email address to yourself and enter his gift certificate number from the email into the form. You can also purchase in the same way using the gift certificate number listed on commercially available Amazon gift certificates. ZweiLance Supply Amazon Gift Point Remittance Application Once we confirm your payment, we will ship within one week, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. We will not contact you during shipping, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.[Inquiry] this is strengthened in the next bullet, it won’t be bad…?[Ura UDB]3rd match “Abyss VS Bolshak!” ◆Dorayaki VS Onsoku[Live streaming clipping] ※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ Channel member registration link Twitter Onsokusan https: // Email[ZweiLance supply general sales overview]◎Playmats 2,500 yen each, maximum of 1 per color per person ◎Sleeves (64 pieces) 1,000 yen each Maximum of 3 sets per person per color *Black is sold out. ◎Shipping ①Up to 3 sleeves (¥250) ②Up to 4 sleeves (¥400) ③Up to 6 sleeves (¥500) ④Shopping that includes one or more playmats (flat rate ¥1000) *If you like it If so, you can purchase additional items again. Deposit method ① Bank transfer ② PayPay ③ Amazon gift points You can purchase using any of the above methods. In particular, Amazon gift points can be used with the gift certificate number on the back of Amazon gift certificates sold at convenience stores, etc., so it is also recommended for those who do not have a bank account or credit card. ① Bank transfer After entering the necessary information in the form below, we will contact you via email with the payment amount and bank account.[Note]Some people may not be able to contact you and cancel their order because their email address is incorrect or the email is categorized as spam. In that case, please contact us using the email address below. ZweiLance Supply Bank Transfer Application ②PayPay Please operate in the order of “Home” → “Send” → “Send via SNS”. ZweiLance Supply PayPay Remittance Application③Amazon Gift Point Amazon Gift Certificate (Email Type) Can also be sent via text message From the link above, Set the recipient email address to yourself and enter his gift certificate number from the email into the form. You can also purchase in the same way using the gift certificate number listed on commercially available Amazon gift certificates. ZweiLance Supply Amazon Gift Point Remittance Application Once we confirm your payment, we will ship within one week, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. We will not contact you during shipping, but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.[Inquiries]


    1. 今使ってるリストと完全一致してて


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