Featuring what may be the most nonsensical space battle in Star Wars history, episode 3 of Ahsoka sets a new benchmark for Disney stupidity.


    1. This series feels redundant to me…just felt irritated by the first episode and probably will not continue as I was mostly wondering who wrote this utter drivel or was it a stand in whilst the real writers were on strike? I just cannot any more…🤢🤷‍♀️ Star Wars franchise …well I just need to say “Franchise” and I know it is done.

    2. One of the problems with the Script (or so several sources claim, including a former writer from LFL) is that Dave Filoni is using an AI program to write/fill in the script for shooting instead of a writing staff versed in Star Wars Lore.
      So when they input "Battle Of Britain style dogfight with the orbital ship firing heavy cannons" it inserts the debris clouds, and there's no one there to challenge it.
      It's the same with the heavy pauses in conversation and lack of emotional direction, the AI obviously hasn't learned how to scrip Dramatic pauses or Emotional Drama and so it's left out. The Director then fails at that point to properly counter it and add in the missing emotion.
      But seriously, Why are they relying on AI to write Action/Drama ? Are there no Writers left who will work in the hostile environment of Disney ? (I thought this was finished Before the strike? Or were they all on strike while it was being shot? IDK)

    3. The part that had me rolling my eyes so bad i worried they would get stuck is how she just let a capitol ship hammer on her little freighter with turbo lasers designed to destroy other capitol ships for like 4o seconds straight. A lunatic might expect capitol ship turbo lasers to be dangerous or something. NOPE! not when lazy writing dictates they are not!

    4. Thank goodness those fighters tired so hard to make sure Ahsoka could stop them! Instead of, like, shooting from the other side of the ship or matching speed and gunning the ship down by, like, not shooting at the freaking Jedi.

    5. The thing is there was a missed opportunity with this episode. They could have had some humor with a cut to Ahsoka where she's trying to put on her ridiculous helmet to her space suit while the battle rages outside.

    6. Hi there❤
      I wonder

      Do they breed these inept, woke, incompetent actors in some subterranean hatchery or do they really spawn?

      Has Hollywood really dead or what? I recently watched Inherit the Wind. It was so sensitive, authentic and fun❤. And the rock steady camerawork ❤. The new Hollywood movies are badly written, propaganda ridden and the camera shakes😢😢😢😢😢
      And the Orange & Teal palette 😢😢😢😢😢

    7. Don't really know why they're confused about why Ray Stevenson's character was hanging around at the map location. He was obviously there to guard the map, to make sure it's safe and secure until the coordinate calculations are finished. This show has many issues, but I don't think that is one of them.

    8. Thrawn, in the novels was such an interesting character. He was mysterious, brilliant and could anticipate even deceptions by just studying people, their preferences and how they fight. He was, to me, rivaling, and maybe even surpassing, the emperor. This? I am not sure I care.

    9. I’m so pissed off at this point that I won’t even watch another Star Wars movie with a lead female or diverse actor or actress. Bring back the great white men that built this country in movies or you will not receive another dollar from us.

    10. I can't help but disagree with some of their takes in this video. Look, Ahsoka and Sabin not being all that worried makes sense for their characters. Ahsoka is a veteran of two wars, she has fought much tougher battles that this, she has lead men into combat and lost men following her orders. She was a child soldier for god's sake. The same could be said of Sabin after having fought in multiple battles before this. Using Luke in the Millennium Falcon as a comparison is unfair. That was Luke's first space battle ever of course he is going to be way more excited and animated. A more fair comparison is the start of Episode 3. The Battle of Coruscant is one of the largest battles ever. Does Anakin or Obi Wan seem nervous or worried? No they are joking around about it. "This is were the fun begins." I mean Anakin should be more worried, there is a ground battle going on and his WIFE is on this planet. But he is just smiles.

      The complaint about a lack of tension in the battle is also silly. This is an action movie, do you really feel nervous for John Wick when people are shooting at him. No you're watching to see the spectacle of the fight not to be at the edge of your seat worried one of these shots is going to hit him in the head and kill him instantly. Honestly think how many important characters have died in a space battles in Star Wars.

      Complaining about Thrawn and yet not watch any material in which he is in is also silly. It's like complaining about about the importance that characters put on Luke in Episode 7 and never having watched the Original Trilogy. Ahsoka is not and entry point for people to get into star wars. Would you take someone seriously if they complained that Endgame didn't explain why they should care about all these characters?

      Look there are things that deserve criticism. The acting can be bad at times, real-world Ideology creeping in is a real issue. But be careful of losing yourself to the Hate watching. Or you'll end up like an SJW who all they see is racism everywhere.

    11. This is why i stopped debating anything fictional. When ever some person gets a chance to be a writer or director to any belove ip…they choose to make thier favorite characters become god like. Marvel Hulk is a prime example until a feminist took over She hulk…now the hulk is a massive moron that cant fight. Deadpool is another character that is suddenly so OP..

    12. These modern actors and directors are like Maccie D's employees sneaking into a michelin 5 star restaurant to teach em how to flip a burger, only to demand that the customer better like it bcuz it cost so much more… Fuck off.

    13. Lets face the facts physics in the Starwars universe is meaningless. Watch The Expanse instead. Physics didn't even make sense in the original trilogy. Ugh

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