Episode 3: Not Enough Reinforcement!

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    The park is closed today, and the new manager makes a bunch of demands; extending the park's hours, making the park open on Fridays, and making EVERYTHING cost 30 yen. How will I be able to make a living on 30 yen?? And Moffle starts a fight with a customer with Salama recording it and Kanie tries to make a swimsuit PV??? What the hell is going on?

    Question of the Day:

    1. 30 yen for all the park attractions is very little; do you think this will actually work in bringing guests in? What other problems do you think could occur from this?
    2. What do you think would have happened if Sento didn't intervene the fight with her gun?
    3. This has one of the few fanservice-heavy scenes in the entire show; is it too distracting and out-of-place or do you think it's fine?

    Attraction of the Day:

    Tiramie's Flower Adventure

    • very uncomfortable gondola
    • there is a backstage tour that Tiramie offers as a lady's only service

    BONUS: Ignoring the Tiramie shenanigans, was there a ride you went on that seemed to be off the rails? Or had a very uncomfortable/shaky seat you could fly off it?

    Gif of the Day (ecchi fans now is your time)

    Clip of the Day (one of the most iconic Amaburi clips and memes)

    This is a good introduction to the inner park antics, now the episodes will start to be more episodic. Have fun!

    ALSO: I only have 16 people on my taglist- if you want to be tagged but aren't on my list please let me know thanks!

    by Baby-Penewine


    1. fun fact that i was supposed to share yesterday: in the novels, Latifah is actually blind. i’m not sure about in the anime, they don’t outright state it, but now you know! it could explain why her eyes sometimes look so colourless

      overall this is a funny episode but probably one of the weaker ones, the first 3 episodes are the weakest imo because it doesn’t show off the true wackiness of the show; it could also turn people off from the ecchi so if you were then don’t worry the show really doesn’t go to that extreme anymore

      Kanie’s laugh gives me life though. Kanie is life in general

      my take on the questions:

      1. 30 yen is very little, so personally i would definitely go, though many people might think cheap = low quality, so it could balance out. i’m glad they didn’t go for the “all things = free” route. the very low income could serve to be a problem though, Kanie mentioned installing lights but without money how will you run lighting?

      2. that would’ve been really bad, though i doubt their reputation would lower that much, they would get hunted down though. another note i forgot to add; did the other guests there just not care she shot them? haha

      3. i don’t mind the fanservice; i can see why it gets distracting but overall it’s for the plot frfr

    2. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Amagi Brilliant First-Timer, subbed**

      – [What a lovely uniform.](https://i.imgur.com/DOqIGfD.png) [](#seasonalcool)

      – [Closing the park for a day so they can overhaul cleaning it *does* make complete sense.](https://i.imgur.com/c84AEus.png) [](#harukathink)

      – [Yeah…](https://i.imgur.com/N4Yl7Oo.png)

      – [Interesting.](https://i.imgur.com/o5h648y.png) [](#whatdidijustread) Does this mean they’d only make money off of concessions?

      – [That’ll at least make them *some* money](https://i.imgur.com/xszE426.png)… oh, [and they can spin it as an anniversary celebration, neat.](https://i.imgur.com/WK628MY.png)

      – [lol](https://i.imgur.com/Soj3Pha.png) [](#pointandlaugh)

      – [So about that…](https://i.imgur.com/teWQzRs.png)

      – [Definitely not something they can rely on to bail them out if something goes wrong, then.](https://i.imgur.com/UCFRdQd.png) [](#harukathonk)

      – [Of *course*, Seiya got all of the girls into skimpy bikinis.](https://i.imgur.com/CMS8zWV.png) [](#trololol)

      – [Wait I know this image.](https://i.imgur.com/7Cb5Ghp.png) Removed comment face? → [*checks the batch that was removed back in 2019*](https://i.imgur.com/3DOEOXD.png) → Removed comment face indeed, that was #hunchedover. I can’t believe I remembered that was an old comment face, I know I never used it myself.

      – […and that explains why the comment face’s code was #hunchedover.](https://i.imgur.com/BUaJemZ.png)

      – [Hm…](https://i.imgur.com/dzWNTxv.png)

      – [Ah, Seiya’s name backwards.](https://i.imgur.com/bG2SGz7.png) So *he’s* the one that uploaded the Moffle fight.

    3. **Rewatcher**

      * [Damn Kanie, looking sharp.](https://i.imgur.com/6WkOyCa.png)

      * Don’t get too full of yourself there Kanie.

      * Moffle’s not happy that Kanie decided to close the park since he broke a twenty-nine-year streak of not taking a day off without advanced notice, which is impressive, but it wasn’t earning you loyal guests at this point.

      * [Lol, Sento broke their fight up by shooting them.](https://i.imgur.com/IAcoeoX.png)

      * Moffle, I think the park being as filthy and unkempt, not to mention the poor state the rides are in is more disrespectful then Kanie closing the park to address those areas, makes it look like you don’t care, and what message is that sending to what little guests that do come to the park?

      * Kanie proposes to extend opening hours, until 7pm until they can get lighting installed to move closing to 9pm, makes sense, the longer the park is open allows for guests to show up later in the day.

      * Agreed on the cancelling of weekly holidays, really closing on a Friday? The weekend is probably going to be when you should be busiest.

      * As hard as it is to accept, free entry and unlimited access to the rides is needed, right now the thing you need is people in the park, not massive profits (although money does help) Kanie is basically your hail mary for saving the park.

      * At least Kanie is willing to compromise and charge 30 yen for everything.

      * Macaron, once again being a voice of reason.

      * What is with the kids who visit this place? You had the two yesterday who beat the shit out of Tiramie and Macarone, now you have this spoiled brat beating up on Moffle because they’re closed.

      * Oh, his mom isn’t much better…

      * Man I really hate how Microsoft Word makes a bullet automatically when I put the * and hit space, forcing me to put a space before the asterisk, wish I could turn it off.

      * Oh boy, Moffle’s mad and put his hand on a guest, and now the punk of a father showed up.

      * Now Moffle punched the father, where’s Chris Rock to tell him he’s been knocked the fuck out when you need him?

      * Thank God Kanie showed up, or that would have gott- now [Sento’s blowing their heads off.](https://i.imgur.com/S93a9SK.png)

      * Oh good they’re bullets who wipe the person’s memory.

      * Wait, Moffle does this ***ONCE A YEAR?!***

      * Moffle gets a warning, he got lucky.

      * So according to Sento, the Forgotten Realm bullets that she used are very valuable, and take a year to produce. Christ, I can’t imagine how much they must cost to purchase if they take that long to make. But the normal ones she uses cost 30 yen for a pack of ten lol.

      * Careful with your phrasing there Sento.

      * So putting them in bikini’s is what he meant.

      * [Dayum.](https://i.imgur.com/0k7NmVQ.png)

      * Not that risqué Muse, he could’ve put you in something far skimpier.

      * I love how Sylphy gives no shits and is in her own world.

      * Sylphy’s wings are detachable since it’s part of the costume, poor Kanie.

      * Kanie, expecting Sento to smile is asking a lot.

      * Hey that triceratops mascot sounds familiar, that because it’s Jun Fukuyama!

      * Moffle’s not happy with Kanie for having Latifa in a bikini. So of course, they start a fight that results in them once again getting shot by Sento.

      * Seems there’s more going on with Latifa than we know, apparently, it’s not good for her to leave the magic field around the hanging gardens.

      * So apparently, Moffle had a video of him knocking the punk out that went viral, and the bikini video only got hits because it was related. Why does a video of a guy getting knocked out get more views than cute girls in bikinis? Maybe Sento should have been in the thumbnail.

      * But Kanie reveals a twist, it was Kanie who uploaded the video of Moffles fight.

      * Not to mention, the bikini video was not a bad idea, I mean sex sells after all.

      * Poor Sento, being the only one to show up to Moffle’s party. That can’t be awkward or anything.

      * So after Sento shoots the three to break up their fight, they tease her for staying at Kanie’s place in episode 1, so she shoots them again. But the Croc guy shows up with some kind of emergency involving Latifa, hope she’s okay.

      **Question of the Day.**

      > 30 yen for all the park attractions is very little; do you think this will actually work in bringing guests in? What other problems do you think could occur from this?

      Probably, people are more likely to go to a park or fair if they don’t have to spend a ton. But the downside is you have less money to use for wages, new attractions, maintenance, and advertising.

      > What do you think would have happened if Sento didn’t intervene the fight with her gun?

      The mom and dad would have been fucked up given Moffle’s fighting ability if they kept trying to fight him, not to mention the lawsuit.

      > This has one of the few fanservice-heavy scenes in the entire show; is it too distracting and out-of-place or do you think it’s fine?

      I think it’s fine, it’s only bikini’s and they aren’t anything you wouldn’t see on a beach or a public pool, and it’s not like the more endowed characters have any ridiculous jiggle physics going on.

    4. **First Timer, Source Reader, Subbed**

      [This… sounds awkward TBH.](https://i.imgur.com/RoDaroW.png)

      Find it very interesting they changed [Novels]>!Kanie having nothing to do with the Moffle video to him having been the one behind it. It definitely makes sense up to a point (In the Novel this is roughly the ¾ mark so the situation’s bad enough already and helps set up the whole “Miracles” thing for the finale, here we’re barely 3 episodes in out of 13 and *have* to how Kanie being smart in some way) but it nonetheless strikes me as a somewhat funny change. If nothing else it lets Tricen be a bit more involved from the get go.!<

      In a similarly related note [Novel]>!I am shocked at how much of Volume 1 they’ve used up already. By this point the only real thing left would be the final act which I assume they’re saving for the finale. If anything though, I’m actually low key excited about that. I genuinely have no clue what the show will do now and can’t wait to see what it makes up to continue that cliffhanger.!<

      On a non-adaptation-related note, I find it quite amusing just how the whole thing randomly turns into a Battle Shonen presentation-wise whenever Moffle and Kanie start doing their shtick. Admittedly the fact that they used it twice probably means that they probably had to use a good chunk of the budget on it, but hey, it’s funny either way and their banter rarely gets old for me. If there’s anything Gatoh’s good at, is making sure that *everyone* makes everyone else miserable in some way for our amusement. Thank goodness that Chidori’s Tsukkomi powers have been passed on to Sento.

    5. Rewatcher:

      – Love how cheap the pain bringer bullets are, Sento’s gotta have easy access to her best Crowd Control option lol
      – Like Seiya said, all that matters is footsteps at the moment, if the park survives we can try and fix the budget, hooray for the 30 yen plan!
      – This feels pretty tame on the ecchi front compared to many shows, especially as there was potential for a lot more…physics… with all the girls jumping around and it was rather mild. I’m good with it, and it is part of a plan to move the plot forward in a loose way, not just tacked on because we can.
      – Seiya and Moff’s fights get better every time! Insert the “Our battle will be legendary”meme whenever these two enter a room
      – I love a good planning meeting, and seeing more of the park staff is fun! Can’t believe we’ve seen security guy twice and chatted with him with no explanation about his mask yet lol, I remember it happens at some point but like that Seiya’s just accepted the weird (I should clarify that I like ONE good planning meeting, anyone who watched Reincarnated as a Slime this season should agree with me that there were way too many meetings in that show).
      – I knew there was something shifty about that plant house, shut it down!
      – Seiya looks good in everything

    6. I keep forgetting to mention my favorite tiny thing about the show is the little geometric block shapes tumbling from off screen with the episode title, so cute!

    7. First-time Watcher spanish subs Today I’m late to the party it seems.

      Amagi Brilliant Park 3. Tokyo Drift

      Kanie’s new uniform makes him look like a generalísimo.

      The new management is literally fighting the boomer Moffle. He’s getting good at this. Seito is a party pooper and stopped the fight just when Kanie was going to hit him.

      Well done, Kanie. His wounded pride will make him somehow entratain the guests.

      Now, in the board meeting, he proposed some unpopular measures: extended opening hours, cheaper tickets, and no free days. all have some merit except the resting days. People should have some recreation time because (insert political discussion that doesn’t belong in this sub). Instead, I’d move it to Monday. The other two measures are logical, and even Moffle couldn’t deny it.

      The Yakuza, the trophy wife, and their spoiled child made Moffle mad in front of the other guests (i did enjoy how they roasted Moffle’s fur,) so he knocked out the Yakuza.

      Again?! Surely you’re joking Macaron, our sweet Moffle wouldn’t be violent with a guest. Just in time, Kannie. 10/10 kick. this is a PR nightmare, Isuzu stopped it with her memory erasing bullets. Kanie shouldn’t need to get used to this , You incompetent fool!

      HAHAHA All of them are now in bikini, all of them beautiful in her own way each. #SexualHarrasment
      That’s a sexy ad, wait? Oh, right. Moffle is Latifah’s uncle. Of course, he’s trying to protect her purity.(It sounds even worse written out)

      HAHAHA, this must be a running gag. Kanie can’t hit Moffle in a fair fight without Seito interference. Is our dear Latifah a prisoner? why can’t she leave the castle? OK, keep your secrets.

      Moffle, you thought the video where you hit that guy was popular by yourself, and it may be so, but it was Me Dio!, I mean Seiya, who posted and edited that video in the first place.

      Well, the bikini video may not get that many new visitors, but tbf we can’t know if the Moffle hitting a Yakuza may do it either. has Kanie’s speech about getting one visitor actually moved his #1 hater. Only time will tell.

      Yay, the visit counter is rising from 198 to 223. This and a happy Moffle deserve celebration. HAHAHA only Seito Isuzu and his pals went. Apparently, I’m not the only one who doesn’t like him that much.

      I knew Moffle is a Targaryen! He didn’t like that comment and once again Isuzu stops the fight, why are you Mad with Kanie? Our favorite perverts rub salt into the wound ; therefore they’ll get more bullets.

      What happened to our precious Latifah?! and cliffhanger.

      Bonus: that decaying train ride is apparently a place to become intimate.

      I had a blast with this episode. I don’t hate Moffle anymore. Well, I kinda do, but he’s entertaining AF.

      1. 30 yens isn’t enough money to keep Amagi brilliant park afloat with its current ticket sales. Kanie is betting towards a huge increase in sales. And tbf it’s literally a steal. I’d love a park for 30 yens even if it’s a mid park at best.
      2. It would’ve been a hilarious fight and another PR nightmare for Kanie, Seito and Latifah.
      3. It wasn’t too much, just bikinis.

      See you tomorrow.

    8. **First timer**

      LOL Seiya the narcissist at it again right when the episode starts.

      I didn’t expect the OP to lead into a shounen fight scene, and a pretty decent one at that.

      30 yen is basically pennies, so it’s rough but Seiya is right. There really is nothing more important than visitor count at this point.

      Dad is a wannabe punk, mom is a gyaru, the kid never stood a chance.

      Damn those girls look niiiiiiiice in bikinis. Thank you Seiya-kami-sama.

      Gotta say I’m loving Isuzu’s gun interrupting fights gag.

      **Question of the Day:**

      > 30 yen for all the park attractions is very little; do you think this will actually work in bringing guests in? What other problems do you think could occur from this?

      Hell yeah, even if I just walk around for an hour and take in the sights, it’s well worth 30 yen. 30 yen is actually much better than the free that Seiya originally proposed, because it’s now phrased as an anniversary special.

      > What do you think would have happened if Sento didn’t intervene the fight with her gun?

      Stuff will get broken and they’ll have to pay back the restaurant with the meager funds they have from the park.

      > This has one of the few fanservice-heavy scenes in the entire show; is it too distracting and out-of-place or do you think it’s fine?

      It’s fiiiiiiiiiiiine. More please!

    9. **Rewatcher**

      When they had the shots around the table introducing the management team with the title and name, there was the head of general affairs, “総務部長”, with the name “総務部長”. Such a blink-and-you-miss-it joke.

      > Question of the Day:

      > 30 yen for all the park attractions is very little; do you think this will actually work in bringing guests in? What other problems do you think could occur from this?

      I don’t think making the park free will make a huge difference to visitors, depending what they currently charge. Visitors still need to take public transport, or drive and park, which costs money. And people only have so many days off, they’re not going to spend 10,000 yen on their one day off to travel hours away to go to a free park.

      30yen is effectively free. I think Moffle is right that if you give something away for free, people don’t value it. I can see there is a difference between free and 30 yen, but I wonder how big of a difference it really is.

      I don’t think the fee is a big lever to control attendance. I think closing for a week and doing some insane renovation/refurbishment using whatever magic comes from the magic realm and then reopening will make a bigger difference.

      > What do you think would have happened if Sento didn’t intervene the fight with her gun?

      They’d probably end up paying them some millions of yen to keep quiet.

      > This has one of the few fanservice-heavy scenes in the entire show; is it too distracting and out-of-place or do you think it’s fine?

      It’s distracting and out of place and they should do it in every episode.

      > BONUS: Ignoring the Tiramie shenanigans, was there a ride you went on that seemed to be off the rails? Or had a very uncomfortable/shaky seat you could fly off it?

      I went to one of these quiet, desolate, falling apart parks in Japan over a decade ago. I went on a freefall ride that the attendant had to run just for me. The whole way up I was looking at ill maintained things around me and by the time I got to the top I was convinced I was going to die on it.

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