
    r/anime Awards 2024

    Welcome back to the 9th annual /r/anime Awards! It's once again time to watch a bunch of seasonals and argue about which one was best.

    Changes in 2024

    • Cast has been removed.
    • Best Dramatic and Comedic Character have been merged into Character of the Year as a Main Category.
    • Genre and Production categories have become Open Categories, allowing jurors to freely join them based on their interests after being invited through the application process.
    • Jurors can join up to 10 categories during the nomination stage, and choose 5 categories to remain in for the ranking stage.

    For more information or any questions, please refer to this comment!

    Also, in case you missed it, here is how the Awards looked last year: Announcement | Results post | Website| Livestream

    The Awards Process

    The base format of the Awards still remains: The Awards are split into two groups, the Public and the Jury, who will each nominate anime and separately rank them.

    The public is everyone on /r/anime and are invited to participate in two voting stages. Between January 3rd and 12th, subreddit users can vote to select five nominations per category, which will be paired with the five chosen by the jury. Then, from January 17th to February 12th, the subreddit votes again to rank the ten final nominees.

    The jury consists of anime enthusiasts invited to the Awards based on their ability to analyze anime and communicate their thoughts though the Juror Application. Their role is to familiarize themselves with the anime in their assigned categories, select five nominations, and rank the ten final nominees through detailed discussions between November and March.

    The Categories

    We have 19 total categories this year:

    Genre Awards (Open Categories)

    • Action
    • Adventure
    • Comedy
    • Drama
    • Romance
    • Slice of Life
    • Suspense

    Production Awards (Open Categories)

    • Animation
    • Background Art
    • Character Design
    • Cinematography
    • Soundtrack
    • Voice Acting
    • Opening
    • Ending

    Main Awards

    • Anime of the Year
    • Character of the Year
    • Movie of the Year
    • Short of the Year

    The Livestream

    The annual livestream returns complete with commentary, clip reels, and guest appearances! As with everything else, we're working to make things even better this year, and the livestream team has lots of ideas that they'll be working on.

    We'll have more information as we get closer to February, but for now you can check out the streams from previous years if you haven't! Follow these links for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 broadcasts.

    The Juror Application

    Juror applications are now open until October 22nd, 23:59 PDT (UTC-7) for primary allocation! Selected jurors will be invited to join the Awards by November 1st.

    This year, we’ve made exciting changes to prioritize fun and engagement in the Awards—most notably the introduction of Open Categories. With our Open Category initiative, jurors can join categories they’re truly passionate about, even if they don’t have prior experience. Open Categories, with their flexibility and potential for larger juror sizes, also aim to reduce the burden on individual jurors by sharing the workload of exploring shortlisted shows (traditionally the most time-consuming element of being a juror). We have also revamped the shortlisting process using a Contracts system that fosters a collaborative environment and rewards jurors for discussing and watching other jurors' shortlists. Our vision is for the Awards to be a safe space for passionate anime fans to discuss and analyze their favorite shows as jurors, deepen their understanding of the medium, and celebrate the artistry of the creatives who bring our favorite works to life.

    If this sounds appealing to you, please click this link and fill out the application. We always need more people, so thank you so much for applying!

    In keeping with the renewed spirit of the Awards, we will also accept late applications until December 30th, 23:59 PDT (UTC-7) for those who are unsure about their time commitments or prone to procrastination. Applying early is still recommended if you want to join Main Categories like Anime of the Year or shape the discussion in any category from its onset!

    Additionally, we are allowing jurors who have taken part in a category to completion in any previous years to join the Open Categories without needing to fill out the application again.

    If you want to know more about the specifics of being a juror, you can read the Jury Guide. If you're in a hurry and just need the important details , check out our Condensed Jury Guide along with the Frequently Asked Questions about the Awards.

    If being a juror sounds like something for you, please click this link (or the one up top/below) and fill out the application.





    That's all for today!

    Expect more news from the /r/anime Awards near the end of the year, but we're off for now. If you have any questions, please leave a comment or message one of the Hosts:

    /u/2honeybeecake, /u/AdiMG, /u/bconeill, /u/Duckloader, /u/Fircoal, /u/Kenalskii, /u/Lemurians, /u/MetaSoshi9, /u/RoiAnanas, /u/Schinco, /u/Tehoncomingstorm97, /u/Totalenlo, and /u/Vaxivop

    by MyrnaMountWeazel


    1. Hello everyone. I’m Kenalski, one of the hosts of the 2024 r/anime Awards, and I will be detailing our decisions regarding the changes that have been made since last year.

      **Removing Cast**

      The Cast category has historically had some issues with definition and discussion. In the past we’ve made attempts to define it as Ensemble Cast, focusing on anime that does not have a singular main character but instead a cast with equal screentime. This approach both narrowed down the eligible anime too much and wasn’t preferred by jurors. Meanwhile, using the traditional definition of Cast as any anime with good group dynamics and chemistry was too vague and often resulted in the category becoming “Anime of the Year That Happens to Have a Larger Cast”. Public votes were usually just any well recived anime with lots of characters, while jury discussions were limited in insight. Additionally, the vast majority of these anime received plenty of discussion related to their cast in the main and genre categories.

      Due to the issues with both the narrow and vague definitions, we have decided to remove the Cast category. We are confident that anime with strong casts will still make themselves known in the other categories.

      **Merging Comedic and Dramatic to Best Character**

      The initial reasoning for splitting Comedic and Dramatic Character categories was that it felt awkward to directly compare characters serving very different purposes, often causing rifts between jurors. However, this split was introduced many years ago, and we believe the issues from back then can be managed with the experience we’ve gained. Additionally, the split led to confusion over what qualified as a “Comedic” or “Dramatic” character, often reducing jury discussions to which character was “most dramatic/comedic.” By merging the two, we aim to judge characters more holistically, including those not specifically focused on either drama or comedy.

      Since we have removed Cast and merged the two remaining Character Categories, it no longer makes sense to keep the Character Grouping. As such, the last remaining Character category will join the Main Group which is also more prestigeful and will give it a better chance to stand out.

      **Open Categories**

      Two years ago, we introduced the concept of Open Jurors, allowing anyone to apply as a juror without committing to a specific category. This aimed to create a more casual Awards experience where participants could engage at their own pace. However, it created a bottleneck, as Open Jurors couldn’t easily join a category without hosts actively searching for potential members. Additionally, the nomination phase occasionally led to burnout due to the time required for watching shortlists, resulting in jurors dropping out altogether and forcing hosts to scramble to fill spots.

      To address these issues and make the Awards a more conducive space for learning and discussion, we’re upgrading the Open Juror system. Genre and Production categories are now fully open for all jurors to join at any time. This way, jurors can decide which categories interest them most and manage their workload based on their own experiences, rather than just observing in the Awards Discord. We hope this initiative creates a more welcoming environment for new jurors to actively participate in the Awards.

      **Shortlisting with Contracts**

      In a bid to reduce juror workload during the Nomination Stage we have reduced the minimum watching requirements for shortlists. However, to still incentivize jurors for discussing and watching other jurors’ shortlists we have introduced the new concept of Contracts associated with shortlisting shows (exact details of the system are in the Jury Guide). This system ensures a fair distribution of the jury checks out all the shortlists while fostering a more engaging platform for jurors to exchange opinions about shows.

      **10 Categories Per Juror**

      With the new Open Category system, participating as a juror during the nomination stage should be a more casual experience for those who prefer it, as you can hop in and out of categories as you wish. Therefore, it makes sense to increase the number of available ones so jurors can try a bunch of different categories without needing to commit to a smaller amount. However, since the ranking stage remains unchanged from last year, the 5 category limit still applies there.

    2. qwertyqwerty4567 on

      > Cast has been removed.

      >Best Dramatic and Comedic Character have been merged into Character of the Year as a Main Category.

      >Genre and Production categories have become Open Categories, allowing jurors to freely join them based on their interests after being invited through the application process.

      >Jurors can join up to 10 categories during the nomination stage, and choose 5 categories to remain in for the ranking stage.

      Based, Based and lastly, Based.


      > In keeping with the renewed spirit of the Awards, we will also accept late applications until December 30th, 23:59 PDT (UTC-7) for those who are unsure about their time commitments or prone to procrastination. Applying early is still recommended if you want to join Main Categories like Anime of the Year or shape the discussion in any category from its onset!



    3. LittleIslander on

      So to be clear, if I’m applying to a genre category I only need to answer one question? Will answering both questions improve the chances of me being accepted or will I only get credit for a single question?

    4. SometimesMainSupport on

      > Best Dramatic and Comedic Character have been merged into Character of the Year as a Main Category

      Boo. I get they can blur but should still do two categories like male and female character of the year.

    5. ElectricalCompany260 on

      Is the fall season not included because it runs until December which would be the end of the year anyway?

    6. Excited about doing the awards again this year! This would be my fourth year, I have previously mostly been in production categories like Character Design, OST, and Shorts etc.

      I just wanted to say that if there was anyone new who was interested in applying for the awards and needing to write the two application questions, I would be very happy to proofread for you. Feel free to reply or DM me if you wanted that. Also to clarify this is a standing offer, feel free to message me anytime in the next several weeks if you were wanting a proofreader.

    7. LittleIslander on

      It’s not especially concerning because it doesn’t really matter to applications and I’m sure it’ll be a lot more clear once you’re actually in awards, but reading the detailed jury guide I find the attempted explanation of shortlists extremely confusing, I don’t really feel like I understand them at all. It kind of feels like it was written by someone taking for granted readers who haven’t participated before and don’t have pre-existing familiarity.

      What’s the scope of a shortlist? Just like, my favourite shows? Every show I think deserves consideration? Why am I submitting multiple? Or is a “shortlist” as used in the documented just referring to an individual show I am shortlisting? That sounds like it makes more sense for some parts but it’s also referenced as “create *a* shortlist” and add shows to “the shortlist” so it sounds like it is a collective thing? There’s a whole detailed explanation of how shortlists are going to organized and contracted but it never stops to just define what it even means.

    8. [](#hardthink)

      I’m still on the fence about applying. I’m very confident in my ability, I’ve watched more seasonals this year than I have pretty much ever before, and Frieren and Dungeon Meshi in particular have given me inspiration to do deep analyses that don’t fit in a single comment, and I definitely want to lend my voice due to that fact, but quite frankly, I don’t want to watch Mushoku Tensei more than I already have, and I dread the fact it’s almost certainly going to category share with them(at the very least there’s little hope I can evaluate Frieren and not have to evaluate MT, Dungeon Meshi being a comedy might let me escape).

    9. SometimesMainSupport on

      Genre thoughts for what I watched:

      * Action: Agree.
      * Adventure:
      * Lv2 Kara: Romance. House was teleported once and they went to a hot springs once? Theme was *not* adventuring while chilling with the year’s #1 wolf waifu. *Looks at MAL/AniList and wonders how the covered material is adventuring.*
      * Chiyu Mahou: Should be in comedy as there was little adventuring. Isekai -> training around capital (one trip to another location IIRC) -> action?
      * Isekai Onsen Paradise: Uh, wasn’t this building a hot spring in one location with a new girl showing up every couple episodes? Probably comedy as I don’t associate fantasy worlds with SoL.
      * SPY×FAMILY CODE: White: Probably comedy?
      * Reincarnated as the 7th Prince: Action.
      * Slime Isekai S3: No idea where to place this.
      * Comedy: Mostly agree.
      * Drama:
      * Code Geass: Probably action or suspense.
      * HIGHSPEED Étoile and MF Ghost S2: Action for the quantity of racing?
      * Romance: Agree.
      * SoL: I finished… four of these?
      * Hime-sama, “Goumon” no Jikan desu: 100% comedy.
      * Suspense: Couple I could argue are dramas but also understand wanting a roughly even distribution across categories, so debatable shows usually get placed here.

    10. It is once again time for another r/Anime Awards session!

      As someone who has participated for **6 years**, the *two* major things jurors require (on top of what is already listed/ commonly known) are:

      – **Be willing to watch an immense amount of shows, particularly for Main categories.** If you aren’t already watching a fair amount of seasonals, or don’t enjoy binging different series, you are likely going to have a hard time catching up. If you intend to join, just make sure that you have actual time to work with to watch everything – some series have multiple seasons or movies worth of content in their backlog, so don’t get caught off-guard!

      – **Be willing to concede personal favourites, which also requires avoiding being overly headstrong or ‘objective’ when sharing your opinions.** Year after year there have been issues with people joining thinking all their favourites will get in, stating there are no faults (the same applying to criticism towards other shows they dislike) and that they cannot be convinced otherwise. This always leads to conflict amongst the juries, which inevitably causes larger issues down the road. Please, be respectful of everyone within your category, put some honest effort into expressing your position, and try encouraging others to look at the shows you feel are the best from different perspectives. You’ve got to work together to find the best of the best within your category (especially so in production-oriented ones), so don’t lock your feet in place and be willing to discuss. You are one of many, use your words to make the best selections of the year – those shows and their staff deserve to be recognized.

      Best of luck to all that apply!

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