Orb: On the Movements of the Earth is a new anime, adapted from the award winning manga of the same name, that started airing this fall. Animated by Madhouse, it tells the story of a young, incredibly intelligent child named Rafal who, one day, happens to discover the heliocentrism theory, which states that the sun is at the center of solar system and the earth revolves around. At a time where the church holds immense power, ideas that would contradict their teachings are immediately shut down, and those who try to research the truth are hunted and burned as heretics, will Rafal try to pursue the truth?
    I had already read the manga, and it is extremely well written. There's the overarching plot of getting heliocentrism known, but the story at its core is the introspective character work, what does it mean to believe in something, and is it worth pursuing the truth at the cost one's life?

    With a great villain (voiced by the Tsuda Kenjiro himself), a wide and interesting cast of characters, and a riveting plot, this anime is not one that should be slept on. Plus we get beautiful images and breathtaking night skies every few episodes.

    The anime is streaming on netflix, and is scheduled to have 25 total episodes which means that it will wrap up the manga, which has a great ending.

    Go watch it and spread the gospel!

    P.S. I am happy that they released two episodes at once, but they should've had a one hour special, which would allow people to get a better sense of the story. I hope big youtubers like Gigguk might catch on and make a video about it, but this is really a good story.

    by ClBanjai


    1. I tried first episode but The main theme didnt catch me and i find It kinda boring. I know Its something of my tastes tho. Soundtrack and visuals are great

    2. Thanks for reminding me!

      Just finished the first episode and it caught me instantly.

      Middle age dark fantasy with an interesting MC animated by Madhouse can’t be bad.

    3. I really wasn’t sure what to expect or what the draw would be but I just watched the first episode and really liked it. It’s a double-episode premiere and I’m excited to see where Episode 1 goes when I sit back down to watch anime tonight.

      I’m still not really sure what to expect or what the longer hook will be but I’m definitely on board for now.

    4. I have had Orb marked as Plan to Watch for a good while, when one of its trailers was released. Anilist notified me of the anime’s premiere today, I had totally forgotten.

      It was better this way, caught me by surprise – and who doesn’t love a positive surprise? I genuinely loved these first two episodes.

      I can tell the focus probably won’t be in the animation department (though the intro showcases great animation) but I’m not nitpicky on that front. I definitely love what I’ve seen of the story, characters are interesting and well acted. Soundtrack stands out and visuals are pretty nice, especially the night sky. The anime definitely grabbed me and I am invested.

      These first two episodes make the show a 9/10 for me, so far. Can’t wait to see where it goes! Do we know if the cours are consecutive, by the way?

    5. As a fellow manga reader who has been waiting since they announced the anime 10/10 recommended, it will be a wild ride

    6. I honestly wish Netflix released it all at once this sounds like a show where you want to binge at once to follow characters arcs fully, get fully transported in the world and not lose details, I’ll probably binge the manga or wait 25 weeks.

      But this is easily the most original premise to an anime we had in years

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