I should’ve dropped it at episode 1

    by Makoto_Kurume


    1. FurubayashiSEA on

      That why series like Clannad its the best of all time when comes for romance.

      And a bit sad stuff, but well, not everything shine and rainbows.

    2. Same dude, I expected it to be better. By the second half of the show I was watching the episodes while playing games lmao

    3. CorneliusVaginus on


      Those two girls are absolutely evil, first episode and they already managed to string him along then dump him only to want to get back together.

      Actually couldn’t start the second episode just from how they treated the guy.

      Poor dude deserves better.

    4. Well, the guy thrives in the status quo. He basically gets both girls. As soon as he picks one he loses access to the other. And they both seem willing to act as if they are dating regardless of their official dating status

    5. I am a simple man, I see indecisive Romcom/Pseudo-Harem Main Character, I pass.
      U have 3 choices

      1- u choose one and stay
      2- u fuck both and run
      3- u tell them you’re not interested and stay the fuck alone;

      If in 2 episodes the fucker don’t show any signs of doing any of these 3, u lost me.

    6. Same thing with more than married couples but not lovers but it felt there a lot of inner cheating

    7. Dropped it at episode 4 and idk if I should pick it back up. Both the sisters are psychopaths that keeps playing with MC’s feelings.

    8. So its okay for battle shounens to spend 20-50-100 episodes on a single arc, but romance anime are expected to resolve the main conflict in 12 episodes? I hate this double standart.

    9. Gonna catch hate for this but I still believe the most believable love story in anime is in sao

    10. This story is boring but also somewhat realistic because the three main characters are very childish and immature. Something that is very much common in actual teen romances is the idea that what you’re going through is the ultimate drama and that you’re tortured by your feelings, while you’re actually just being a self-centered dick.

      Although the three main characters are somewhat different, they all display immature and egotistic behaviour.

      Naori is the textbook example of the edgy, too cool for school kid. She pretends to be above it all and even tries to analyse other characters, but she mainly is throwing tantrums and being narcissistic.

      Rumi acts like the responsible grown up, displaying her actions as a sacrifice to help others, but she backpedals every time she’s got the chance and is extremely needy and incapable of making decisions for herself. She reacts more than she acts.

      Jun acts like any teenager boy who has two pretty girls fighting for his dick. He tries to cover it up with his indecision, but he’s clearly the one benefitting from this situation as he doesn’t have to commit and still gets to hang out (somewhat romantically) with both girls. Even when Naori wiggles her ass in front of him, it’s clearly to one-up her sister. She wouldn’t have to try that hard if Jun had chosen her. Thus, why Jun has no real incentive to change the status quo.

      The series was much more interesting at the very beginning when it only took Rumi’s POV. Balancing between the three characters made this story more bland and stripped it of any personality it could have. By episode 12 it has sunk to Nisekoi level, but without the humour or Studio Shaft fuckery.

      And no, putting a geeky persona on a character by making him/her shout Star Trek references every three lines doesn’t make him/her interesting.

    11. Love when romance anime don’t have any romance. Or romcoms don’t have it as well and not have any funny moments.

      Sadly, people love those. Despite them being simply slice of life anime, shallow and with no solid narrative.

    12. Cheeseenthusiast77 on

      I normally like to pull out the classic meme of still a better love story than twilight, but honestly it kinda wasn’t. It was enjoyable enough as a show where I turned my brain off and enjoyed both the comedy of the show, regardless of whether it was international or not.

    13. Lord_Webotama on

      Kaguya-sama destroyed all romance and rom-com anime for me.

      Everything else feels like it was written as a self insert fanfiction.

    14. Inevitable_Fall9241 on

      Why can’t at the end of the anime they say fuck it introduce a new girl and boom new girl gf!

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