Absolute pain

    by HoneyHeaven1


    1. RepostSleuthBot on

      Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

      First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1ajbla4) on 2024-02-05 100.0% match.

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    2. Not 100% on Gohan but I thought he got sidelined because the fans really wanted Goku back. I heard Toriyama was completely prepared to make Gohan the featured protagonist and its not like the fans hated him, but I guess Dragon Ball without Goku felt weird or something.

    3. Affectionate-Fly8157 on

      Ngl ,Aceeeeeee
      If luffy saved ace in marineford, and all helped him release, the anime pace would make a great pace for the anime.

    4. Gohan is in such a weird place now, the hype was real in Cell saga, then he was a failure in the Buu saga, he doesn’t train or care that much in Super but now they gave him “beast mode” to try and make him relevant which just feels undeserved

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