Senpai wa Otokonoko, episode 12

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      So Makoto’s grandpa was a lot like him. I’m glad Makoto finally got to meet him. Kid finally got the courage to be himself in front of his parents. Gotta love his pops, man. What a good dad. All he wanted was for Makoto to be happy. I really didn’t think the mom would come around but she seemed to be at the end there. Slowly. I wonder if she’ll ever repair her relationship with her dad?

      This was a pretty interesting series. Not your usual romance comedy. I liked the main 3 in this. Once again, it seems the childhood friend is destined to lose. Ryuji’s the best boy! I haven’t read the manga, but I hope my guy finds love. He’s a good dude. Hopefully we get an s2.

    2. Yeah it didn’t take a genius to guess what was up with Ojiisan. Though it seems Okaasan’s issue is quite straight forward. It was just insecurity of her father. Not particularly a good excuse, but one none the less. At least she’s showing some willingness to change.

      So Makoto’s personal story is… kind of over, but Saki’s still has some to uncover with her parents, we still need to know more about them. And of course there’s still the trio relationship. Well, that explains the movie teaser focusing on Saki. Our souls can’t rest yet, we’ve still got 4.5 months.

    3. What a finale, it was almost everything I wanted and we even get a movie to hopefully tie some loose ends.

    4. And so off they go.

      Oh, Makoto’s at the train station too.

      And they’re all on the same train together.

      Her mum certainly thinks they’re together.

      And there’s the iconic shot of the shinkansen in front of Mount Fuji.

      So that explains why his mum was so against him doing that.

      Huh. Might that explain why Aoi was first drawn to Makoto?

      So will this end with him moving to his grandpa’s? That’ll mean he moves away from Aoi and Ryuji.

      Nope, he’s going back to them.

      Ok he’s pretty much confirmed it, he definitely considers himself a “he”, but he likes more feminine things.

      His mum’s definitely more accepting of him. I guess he’ll be bringing the stuff back from school now?

      Now I’m wondering what’s left to cover in the movie. Perhaps who he ends up with? From what we saw a few episodes ago I don’t think Ryuji is in the running if only because after dating him for a while Makoto realised he isn’t into guys, so at the moment it’s looking like Aoi’s a shoo-in.

    5. Intelligent-Growth98 on

      It’s really annoying that Saki’s mom got no repercussions for abandoning her for 10 years.

    6. Well, that went completely against what I was expecting. First of all, I have to apologize to Saki’s mother. I still think there might be something more going on, but she was way more normal at the end of the day that I gave her credit for. However, that whole red herring with Ryuuji saying she seems familiar was bullshit. Like when he said that I compared her to Makoto’s mom and they neither have the same eye nor hair colour. That was such a weird reveal. I guess, maybe the idea is that they want to go the direction that this whole idea that Saki might not be in love with Makoto comes from the fact that he looks like her mother and she saw Makoto as motherly figure. But tbh, I feel that is at best the half truth.

      As for Makoto, it was also way more straight forward than I expected. I thought they were doing a big flashback to explain why the mother hates this idea so much, but it was just that she never actually took the time to talk to either of them about it. Which I feel makes sense. Because that sounds pretty normal for most people that are disliking the whole idea. I guess in her case, there is also the fact that she thinks she was the reason they “changed from being normal” due to her influence. But still, the whole losing consciousness over the idea feels a bit overblown for what it was in the end.

      In summary, I really enjoyed the show. I get that it didn’t delve too much into the whole aspect, that could have been expanded, but overall, the story didn’t want to be that. I think what it made pretty clear is that just being different (for whatever reason) is not and if you take the time to ignore your own prejudice and just talk to these people, you will realize it. The same way most of Makoto’s class came to realize. I am still a bit open about my final judgement as it seemingly gets a movie for its finale and if they can land the ending, then I think it’s definitely a nice romcom that stood its own in a season full of romcoms.

    7. Prince-Dizzytoon on

      I’m happy for Makoto, he’s finally connected his real self with his mother!

      And that movie sequel is very much needed because Saki’s story is not over.

    8. I’m glad I didn’t drop this thought the first few episode were kinda boring but it really picked up.

    9. Saki’s mom is still in the doghouse with her ex-mohter-in-law, but at least grandma is willing to let Saki go out with her mom if that’s what she wants.

      Hayase’s eyes are uncovered in the OP!

      What are the chances Saki and Makoto would run into each other at the train station? It’s almost as if they’re in a romcom anime. And look at Saki’s mom finally getting to gush over how chummy her daughter is with a boy or Makoto enjoying a nap on Saki’s shoulder!

      So back in her youth Makoto’s mom was the girliest of girly girls (and actually pretty cute), much like her son is now, but finding out her dad was an okama who liked dressing and looking cute too utterly repulsed her to the point of rejecting everything feminine and disowning her father after her mom died. She started being more feminine after falling in love, marrying, and having Makoto but that also lead to Makoto catching the feminine side that she and her father had.

      Makoto’s grandpa, for his part, is a pretty stoic and taciturn man, but he’s living a happy life making dresses, sweets, and having quite the snazzy apartment. At the very least he’s someone Makoto can freely be himself around, someone who would never judge him, and even give him even cuter dresses to wear!

      Look at Saki and her mom making up for lost time with a mother-daughter trip 10 years in the making! It’s nice to see Saki so happy even if a part of her wishes they could just be a family like they used to be.

      I love the sassy makeup artist girl (Ikumi Hasegawa), especially when she lets Makoto know that what matters is the self you’re most happy with no matter what anyone else thinks.

      I wonder if it’s a coincidence that Saki’s mom looks like Makoto. Is that why she was attracted to him or is there more to it?

      Look at Saki and Ryuji ribbing each other over their relationship with Makoto! Though Saki is still dismissive enough of her feelings for Makoto to not want to seriously pursue him.

      Makoto’s grandpa has given up on fixing things with his daughter, and only prioritizes the happiness he has now, and that’s valid…but Makoto doesn’t want to throw everything away, he wants to live as himself WITH everything he cherishes, including his mom. Which means a shopping trip with his mom as what he is…an Otokonoko.

      I love how the mom actually gets into it especially when they’re going dress shopping. A part of her still doesn’t want to accept it, knowing full well how society might reject Makoto and treat him and because a part of her just can’t understand…but when her husband shows her how happy Makoto is as himself, she can’t deny him that. And it seems like, inch by inch, she’s learning to accept and be there for Makoto properly as his mother. And that’s all Makoto wanted!

      Saotome and Hayase are still cute together but our favorite trio are back to hanging out and having fun together. Nice way to close things out before the movie.

    10. AmethystItalian on

      They didn’t make me hate the mom by the end so that’s impressive by the show.

      Bit annoyed we didn’t get the ending here but guess we’ll see what the movie does.

      Does seem like we’re ending this part on a good note at least!

    11. Prestigious_Taste641 on

      I don’t know how I should feel about this end, it’s a happy end but everything suddenly resolved kinda “easy”. Also they never explained why Aoi‘s mother was gone for so long, i really hope they will answer this in the movie.

      Nonetheless I really enjoyed it and it was among of my favorites this season.

    12. new_interest_here on

      Y’know, I gave Makoto’s mom some benefit of the doubt. When they showed the red nails a few episodes ago, I figured maybe there was some trauma related to someone else crossdressing and that bled over to her son. It wouldn’t let her off the hook, but it’d be understandable.

      But no, she was just always bigoted towards the idea just by default, no underlying motive or anything. But it is intetesting how in Makoto’s case, its not 100% just pure hate, it also comes from a place of protectiveness and care, where she thinks him living like that will only make things harder.

      I do give her credit for at least trying now. That should be the bare minimum: even if you don’t understand, just be supportive and try to figure things out as you go.

      So excited for the movie, even if we’ll likely be waiting longer than February to get it

    13. I think this finale serves to reinforce what I and probably everyone else watching has been internally screaming at Makoto for the whole show, [just be happy](

      At the end of the day this show is about people dealing with and overcoming their insecurities, it’s about not being trapped by some vague norms or conventional labels and [living as yourself](, this episode was all about Makoto but that obviously goes for Ryuji and Aoi among others.

      It’s something that’s been present throughout the whole show and a big part of why I don’t really mind Makoto’s mom turning around so quickly, multiple times we’ve seen the awkwardness around Makoto’s identity dispelled by people just…hanging out with him and doing regular things, those characters realized that Makoto was normal all along they were just so occupied with this vague concept of what is “normal” that they didn’t even try to understand it, Makoto’s mom is just the newest character to join that list, [there’s this great epiphany from her about the backpack color](, it’s just a color yet peoples preconceptions will lead them to draw conclusions from it, she comes to see how vain and surface-level her behavior has been until now, even more so after seeing Makoto hanging out with other people, he doesn’t need her “help” to stay afloat he’s done a good enough job of by just being himself around others.

      Really happy this show is getting a movie continuation, hopefully with some much deserved better production values, while resolving the frankly many still open plot threads.


      This show was a great time and probably my favorite of the season, its got that perfect amount of melancholiac drama that I just love to see alongside one of the most lovable main leads I’ve seen in a while, a group I constantly just want to be happy, Ryuji best boy of the season!

    14. Wow man I can’t believe it’s over. No more weekly doses of my non binary queen Makoto 😢 BUT WE ARE GETTING A MOVIE!!

      So everything with Makoto mom went just as a I expected. She took her insecurities and “pain” from her father being a cross dresser out on Makoto but I just find that conflict so dumb. I can understand being a little weirded out by your dad taking your stuff, but to just hate him and cut him out your life because he’s living his truth is crazy. Then to do the same to Makoto.. maybe try understanding WHY the people in your life are into that and just love them for who they are rather than hating them or acting like they’re criminals.

      At the end of the day we all just want to be accepted by those we care about. Makoto by their mom, the grandfather by his daughter and Aoi by her mom. This finale was a nice conclusion to most of that with the exception of the grandfather and Makoto’s mom which hopefully we’ll see in the movie next year or a season 2.

      No matter how rocky the relationship started at the beginning of this season, Makoto and their mom got a really sweet ending here today and I’m glad they can finally go shopping together and do “girly things” together. And would you look at that, they even have the same tastes so she did all that hating and could’ve had a bestie as a child 😂

      “Dad asked me if I wanted to live as a boy or live as a girl. I want to live as myself” but I like things girls like” checkmate to all the non binary deniers. It was apparent ever since episode 5 or 6 or whenever they had that basketball club analogy where Aoi told Makoto they didn’t have to “choose either side”, but this is a nice confirmation.

      Only complaint I really got with this ending is we still didn’t really resolve anything with Makoto and Ryuji.. since the movie comes out around Valentine’s Day I wonder if the love triangle will again be the focus. Still had a lot of fun with this and it was such a mature take on a delicate topic! I’ll miss it 😢


    15. Genshin_WhiteKnight on

      “Just be happy” YES, go be happy Makoto! Saki and Ryuuji too. I’m so glad they managed to wrap up the show with a happy ending. Wait, what do you mean they just announced a new Senpai Otokonoko movie? Why is the movie [poster]( show Saki crying? Oh no… here we go again.

      So it seems like crossdressing runs in Makoto’s family huh, even Makoto’s mum was wearing guys clothes at some point. Makoto’s grandfather seems to have quite the subdued personality; even though he said he was happy now, I don’t think I saw him smile once, poor guy must have went through a lot. And I also noticed that Makoto’s grandmother died young, not sure if his crossdressing was partly the cause of that, because Makoto’s mum’s reaction to the whole thing seems excessive. I’m surprised the mum managed to go on a shopping trip with girl Makoto when last episode she had a panic attack from being told that the pink handkerchief was his.

      And Saki’s trip was… surprisingly wholesome? I kinda expected some shit to happen, but I guess they’re reserving Saki’s arc for the movie. And we still have Ryuuji’s stuff maybe? Man, I don’t think I can wait for the movie, might take a peek at the manga to see how this ends.

    16. I’ve had Hide-chan for twenty minutes but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself.

    17. Screw all the people who trashed this series for being “woke.” This was a great watch

      Supposedly anime does better storytelling in the west, but those people would ignore this one just because of the subject matter

    18. * [**Makoto Stitch**](

      It looks like [Saki’s mom already approves of Makoto]( I mean the two aren’t in a relationship but I love how Saki’s mom was so excited watching her daughter [interact with a boy her age.]( I’m glad that [Saki had a great time on that onsen trip with her mom.]( Maybe next time her dad can join in if he’s not too busy with his job.

      [Damn, Makoto’s mom was quite the looker]( back in the day. I also love how [she looks exactly like Makoto]( when she used to have short hair. What’s amazing though is how [Makoto’s parents look like an aged-up version of Makoto and Ryuuji]( when they were younger. O_O

      Makoto’s grandfather was cool though and I’m glad [Makoto found a place where he can be comfortable.]( As much as I would’ve loved Makoto to stay there with him, [making his mother understand what he really is]( was still the better option.

      It’s not exactly coming out but [I like that Makoto finally got to be honest with his mother.]( I guess he still identifies as a boy who likes girly things. I don’t know if there’s an lgbtq+ term for that but it’s good to see Makoto taking some steps. I love how [he and his mother even ended up having fun shopping together.](

      She might still be confused about it but I’m glad that [Makoto’s mother finally understands.]( Not gonna lie, that final scene genuinely made me tear up. I guess we now have the movie to look forward too and I’m guessing it will focus back again on Saki. Hopefully we won’t have to wait too long for Crunchyroll to release the movie once it’s out in Japan.

    19. TBH Senpai is an Otokonoko anime ending honestly feels pretty solid even without knowing the context that a movie for its ending is coming. While I am unsure how to feel about Makoto’s mom because was it just the shock of her dad crossdressing that traumatized her? I guess the idea of him going out like that and people making the connection she is her father. At the very least, she is finally spending time with Makoto as a parent for once, which is what Makoto wants. Maybe the next time Makoto visits his grandfather, his mother can come along.

      Not too much on Saki’s end, but her mom getting excited with Makoto and Saki having fun gives me good vibes. Still concerned if there is something Saki’s grandmother is hiding.

      Overall, I would give this an 8/10. Despite being a P9 anime, they did a decent job and the story was pretty good. Visually Alya, Makeine & Atri are on another level. Though Saki shines when they do chibis. These visual issues are more so glaring on more serious moments like when Makoto was trying to talk to his mom.

      Will check out the film as It’s really cool its getting a full adaptation.

    20. Turns out Aoi mother was [allright]( all along, though there is still some mystery surrounding her huh [](#kannainspect) It was nice to see her genuinly [squee]( and enjoy her [time]( with her daughter. And Aoi really enjoyed it as well, even going so far as to let her mom brush her hair [](#feelingloved)

      Gifu seems to be a pretty open minded city huh, wonder how the relationship between Makotos grandparents was before Grandma died, but their daughter was a grade a brat, even making a fuss on the day of her own mothers funeral [](#psh-mongrels)

      But Jesus, Makotos Grandpa be doing some [humble brag]( [](#drool) Wonder what his [relationship]( with that [make up artist]( is…

      Seems like Makoto felt so good because the whole atmosphere was different, there never was anything to hide there, so even though he didn’t even dress up [at first](, he never had to stress about hiding a part of himself… also possibly the lack of cute things in his own home due to his mother purging that part of her personality

      Speaking of, while Makoto finally found the [courage](, his mother seemed [scared](, and in heavy [denial](, but somehow she still cares about her son and I feel like she comes from a place of worry after all, even if her approach was an dissaster, but this might get fixed in time

      I heard this was a weird place to stop, for a full adaption, but I’ll be hopefull nontheless for a S2. While Makoto grew to accept himself, and found some real [friends]( along the way, Ryuji and Aois side of the story feel incomplete, especially regarding the love triangle.

      Still excellent Show

    21. Makoto’s dad unexpectedly ended up being my favorite character in this series. Was understanding and reasonable the whole way through.

      I assume the mom’s a generally good person who was just consumed by fear of her child being rejected, but damn the reason behind her dislike of girly guys just comes off as a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum over something shocking for way too many years. I don’t think it was a poorly written reason though.

    22. Makoto’s dad unexpectedly ended up being my favorite character in this series. Was understanding and reasonable the whole way through.

      I assume the mom’s a generally good person who was just consumed by fear of her child being rejected, but damn the reason behind her dislike of girly guys just comes off as a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum over something shocking for way too many years. I don’t think it was a poorly written reason though.

    23. I like that Makoto’s mother had no tragic backstory causing her to hate crossdressing. She just found out her father did it and thought it was disgusting.

      If anything, she cut herself out of a *lot* of happiness trying to avoid it, both cutting herself from her own father and preventing herself from dressing how she liked just to keep Makoto from doing the same.

      Remember: hate doesn’t lead to happy lives. It just consumes you.

    24. Oof, my heart grew 100 times over. This finale and series truly touched me made me emotional.

      Seeing the backstory for Makoto’s grandparent and the joy during that visit was everything.

      I heard a movie is in the works and im excited. I’m also impatient lol.

      So I wonder what chapter this ends on in the manga so I could start from there.

    25. Ok, I was being so paranoid with Aoi´s mom that now I feel bad for doubting her. She only wanted to make things up with her daughter and she had no ill intentions (that´s a relief). And the reason why Ryuji said the thing about Aoi´s mother is because she resemble Makoto a little (and now that I look, she´s similar to Makoto´s mother huh).

      And so, a happy ending!! Makoto worked things up with her mother and he chose to be himself, without having to sacrifice things along the way.
      And the best of all? [MOVIE ANNOUNCED]( It airs on February 14th next year!! (In Valentine´s huh… I WONDER WHAT COULD THAT BE)

      10/10 loved this anime

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