Isekai Shikkaku, episode 12

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. Low_Health_5949 on

      well that was a fun ride, unsure if are getting a season 2 but no matter what happens let’s hope for the best for this series because things are going to get a lot more interesting later on.

    2. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Dazai inhaling the Calmotin was hilarious. Bro’s truly in the pits of despair lol. I love that he just booked it in the coffinmobile and brute forced his way through the trials. Got rewarded with some giant Fairy Queen titties lol. Man was just lounging on them things, the lucky bastard.

      I actually quite enjoyed this. The characters were pretty fun and the premise was interesting. Not sure I’ve seen an isekai starring a famous writer before. The ability to send otherworlders back is also kinda neat too. Don’t know if this’ll get an s2 but I certainly wouldn’t mind.

    3. Low_Health_5949 on

      I find it funny that Melos mini arc of confession and rejection literally foreshadow what was going to happen when Sensey encounter Sac chan for the first time in this world. Sensey literally saw what was going to happen to him and he belittle it.

    4. I’m going to need another season asap. This was so good, and it was the anime I was looking forward to most every week.

    5. Low_Health_5949 on

      Funny once you look a bit deeper and think about it, both Sac chan and Annette are the same, they both hold an obsessive love for Sensey that shape them into the person they are today and they despise each other for it. That’s hilarious.

    6. Not only did Sensei bulldoze past all those trials and it still counted as him passing them, but when given the power to summon a fairy, he used it for something as mundane as fixing a statue! OMG I was laughing my ass off the whole time.

      Welp, looks like it’s back to pulling the coffin again for poor Annette and co. Guess I spoke too soon about that new high-tech coffin.

    7. Will miss Sensei and his constant attempts at suicide. Nothing says real love like immediately trying to commit double suicide as soon as they are reunited, but Sacchan rejected this version of Sensei.

      Wondering where it will go from here, I do hope it gets another season as it was a different and well done take on Isekai with some stellar writing in certain episodes. We also got some foreshadowing to the future of certain characters and some reveals yet to come if you pay close attention to designs.

      If nothing else, I hope Sensei fulfils his dream.

    8. Sensei having a picnic on the world’s most comfiest pillows…

      Great to see a bit more about Sacchan, for someone who is the Deadly Sin of Pride, she sure has a haunting look with those pupiless eyes. Truly the perfect partner for Sensei, given how depressed he felt after their brief encounter 😅

      With that ending, it felt like another episode was waiting to go… S2 doko?

    9. This show was so good for an isekai. Very fresh and very funny with great characters. I also hope we get more Tama and Nir moments in season 2 if there’s one, they’re awesome together. Oneeshota FTW!

    10. When Sensei lied down to take a nap on the Fairy Queen’s honkers, all I could think was man, I wish that were me

    11. What an absolute awesome pair of honke…errr…fairies!!!

      I’m gonna miss this isekai…hope it gets a second season soon.

    12. I love how the “savior” of this world is smoking a cigarette while his party keeps roasting Wolff after he failed to literally do anything in the entire last episode. Sounds about right.

      I have to respect the Fallen Angel of Misery, Sengoku, for taking on their problem head on by trying to kill Sensei and his party before they can take down more Fallen Angels. And despite giving Wolff a chance to show off, the party is powerless against Sengoku’s anti-magic armor!

      But Nir for the save! Seems like Sengoku recognizes Nir’s sword? Did he know his dad?

      It’s actually kind of a good question, even if the Other Worlders have been brought to this world, have they become any happier? Especially when their presence has just made everything worse?

      I love how Sensei is still playing wingman to Melos, to no success with Femelos. Poor guy. Though Sensei’s love life is turbulent as it is, especially when Sacchan shows up.

      You can tell how much Sacchan means to Sensei when he’s so thrown off and genuinely overjoyed to see her, and happy to resume their plan to commit double-suicide. But Sacchan sees that after his journey, Sensei has a renewed sense of life and vigor in him, and that means she won’t die with him. Sacchan rejects Sensei and Annette sees her biggest rival for Sensei’s heart.

      So the leader of the Fallen Angels is Sloth, and Sacchan is Pride. I guess the other two must be Lust and Envy. And Sacchan is still utterly enamored with Sensei, even more than she had been before, despite her words to him.

      Well, Sensei did not take Sacchan’s rejection well to the point of going on a drive to kill himself, but what else is new. Just like with Annette having an emotional breakdown and Sensei doing damage to a statue of a Legendary Hero. Just how these things go.

      Sensei just unintentionally speedrunning through the Fairy Queen’s trials by just running over everything and then landing on top of the breast of a giant fairy woman in a revealing outfit voiced by Kikuko Inoue. And he also spills pills over her breast and into her cleavage, which he then reaches for in said cleavage. Sensei is so based!

      Fairy Queen Oberis sees out a savior of the world and gives them a binary choice that defines whether they’re worthy…but Sensei can’t be quantified that simply, and maybe in a world made more complex because the typical righteous heroes couldn’t truly save it, they need someone like Sensei who straddles the line. Besides, if Esche though he was worthy, there must be something to him.

      So the most Oberis can do is provide Sensei motivation to keep going, promising he’ll see Sacchan again by the end of it, and giving him a Fairy Whistle to summon Fairy Solulu (Miyu Tomita!) to do odd jobs for him which she hates every minute of. Did the party just get a tsundere fairy?

      Look at Annette about to profess her feelings for Sensei before he crashes in with his coffin car. And then he makes the party carry said coffin car across a desert. Some things really don’t change, but at least Sensei seems happy and content with his companions as he carries on with them. And for now, that’s enough.

    13. – [Ah, so that guy *did* still show up to battle.]( [](#harukathink)

      – [Fun…](

      – [Oh shit, go Nir!]( [](#SPORTS)

      – [Mm…]( [](#hardthink)

      – [RIP Melos.]( [](#toradorasalute)

      – [Yesssssssssssssssssssss this should be good.]( [](#popcorn2)

      – [There… *is*, huh.](

      – [He is *not* taking Sacchan dumping him very well.]( [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [lol](

      – [lmao of course Sensei messed up the statue.]( [](#trololol)

      – [Step aside Truck-kun, Coffin-kun is where it’s at now.]( [](#sassyimouto)

      – [I will never get tired of the gag with Sensei picking a dialogue option that isn’t there.]( [](#ohoho)

      – [They will, huh?](

      – [Hahahahaha]( [](#laughter)

      – [He’s already using the fairy whistle…]( [](#kukuku)

      – Yeah this show was a *ton* of fun, I hope it gets a second season at some point.

    14. I don’t know if it’s me, but when I saw Saachan’s face/eyes I immediately knew that she’s the type to manipulate Sensei, and what does she mean by? He’s the only man worthy of me? No, you’re not even worthy for him he deserves better, I think at the end of the journey he’s going to choose his friends and also maybe there could be a romance between him and Annette. I hope so but let’s see how this journey goes on.

      I really hope for a season 2.

    15. Boo no season 2 announcement. Don’t leave us hanging! We gotta see how this all plays out now that Sacchan dumped Danzai for being too alive.

      One of the most fun Isekai shows in a long time. This is how you make a tired genre refreshing. Can’t wait for more if we ever get it

    16. Sigh another amazing seasonal ends just as it was getting even better at the end! You can’t just give us that Sacchan twist and then end like this 😭 season 2 please man. Idk how it did sales wise, I guess over the next couple weeks we’ll see. But story wise this was the best fantasy show this season hands down(not including recurring stuff like Yatagarasu). So many good twists, great character moments and this finale really had all of that rolled in one.

      The fallen angel of misery fight was cool, but wtf is Near going to be the next hero? Him getting the hero’s sword and remember how they met him with him pretending to be a hero and all.. would be a cool full circle moment for him, kinda like stark in Frieren.

      I wonder if Sacchan ever really changed or if it’s just Dazai who’s changed and become a much better person who prioritises life over death now. Just one look at him was enough for her to realise she isn’t the man she once knew and I’d say it’s for the better! Her being one of the big bads makes a lot of sense narratively, but I never once thought of it lol. Pretty cool job of laying that on us.

      No way this dude is doing pills on the fairy queen tits man Dazai is a damn fool 😂 Not him dropping the pill dust between her titties.. Oberis didn’t look like she minded it much either, probably a novel concept to have a guy there that bold and unconcerned with decorum.

      Am a little interested in what she said about he and Sacchan being reunited at the end of their journey.. Will they eventually get that perfect death together OR will Dazai get a little of his medicine and be sent back home with her to start again after gaining a newfound appreciation for life..

      Either way I will be reading the manga to find out because this series was a blast and I love the characters, the change up on the usual isekai formula and want to see how sensei takes advantage of Solulu from here on out lmao


    17. Just when you thought [that it was finally Wolf’s turn to show off](, his spell didn’t even affect Sugita Fallen Angel and it was [Nir who ended up saving the day.]( I’m guessing Nir is actually the son of the previous hero and the reason the Fallen Angel backed down is because he wanted to see Nir get stronger.

      [Poor Melos!]( It looks like he still got rejected even after helping out with Wolf’s rescue. And Melos isn’t the only one who got rejected in this episode. [Sensei finally got to meet Sacchan again]( and it didn’t [go exactly as Sensei expected.]( Although it looks like Sacchan was just making Sensei fall into deeper despair since [she clearly feels the opposite]( when she was back at their base.

      [That Fairy Queen though!]( That entire encounter was just hilarious especially when Sensei [was digging through Oberis’ cleavage for his pills.]( So it looks like Oberis has finally realized that everyone who claimed to be righteous [isn’t doing anything to improve the situation]( so someone like Sensei who doesn’t exactly want to save the world might be the person they need.

      I thought the whistle was going to give Sensei a boost in power! I didn’t expect that [it will give him the power to summon Solulu!]( Tomita Miyu Fairy will be an excellent addition to the cast even if she is just a summon and not a permanent party member.

      I really do hope we get another season announcement soon. I’m not gonna lie, I remember reading the first two chapters of the manga years ago and thought this was quite dumb so I dropped it. I’m so glad that I’ve decided to actually follow the anime because this series offers so much more to the modern isekai and Sensei is just an excellent protagonist. Fingers crossed for Season 2!

    18. And so it ends
      I was thinking that Sensei is more *stable* now and only played it for the jokes, but I didnt expect Sacchan to meet Senseis ~~Harem of followers~~ eyes and decide he actually wants to live now. Which is a fair conclusion

      I just dont know what its with Japan and giant MILF Faries (Zelda was had them too), but this one is pretty neat ngl

      So the Batman/Guts Hybrid lost his sword to Nirs sword, which is the old heros sword. So Nir is basically at least half Isekaijin? They werent exactly subtle either, but I cant wait to see that Heros background story

      And they just had to teaser their new involuntary party member before ending the season

      Overall, I am glad I caught up after skipping the show thinking it was another Isekai-trash, this one is actually decent. Hopefully S2 soon

    19. Amazing show, I’ve never seen an isekai this unique, where the isekai part actually takes the front stage.

      Also, isn’t the statue Nir’s father? They have the same sword design. Makes sense that the fairy queen said he failed to save the world, and I assume that he died in the process.

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