“A young lady protected by the Gorilla God is loved by the Royal Knights” to be made into an anime in 2025

    by Task_Force-191


    1. It is a manga based on Shirohi’s novel. Set in a world where you can receive the protection of various animal gods when you turn 16, this romantic fantasy follows the growth of Sophia Leelah, a timid count’s daughter who finds herself drawn to the “Gorilla God,” said to be the strongest fighter.

      [Announcement Banner](https://ogre.natalie.mu/media/news/comic/2024/0924/goriranokagoreijyou_anime.jpg?imwidth=750&imdensity=1)


    2. > The “never-before-seen gorilla romantic comedy” fantasy

      They’re not wrong, I haven’t quite seen [a visual with a bunch of pretty boys and a gorilla in the dead centre](https://cdn.animenewsnetwork.com/thumbnails/max600x600/cms/news.7/215932/__.png.jpg) like this before. I suppose that we *did* previously have [a female gorilla with The Fruit of Evolution](https://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/1114/117055l.jpg) though.

      Anyways, what is this? It’s apparently a romantic comedy, but there’s two options here:

      – The girl is literally just being watched over by this gorilla, and this god is intervening in her love life by chasing these “royal knights” away (hence the romance and comedy parts).
      – Or do the animal gods take human shapes, and is she falling in love with this god that occasionally turns into a literal gorilla?

      Judging from the title, I’m thinking of the first option.


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