Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf | Season 2 Announced

    by zenzen_0


    1. Emi_Ibarazakiii on

      To no one’s surprise, I would imagine (surely they weren’t rebooting it to do just one season), but still nice to have the confirmation!


    2. How far did s1 get into the novels? I don’t wanna get sucked back into this if they’re just gonna cut off halfway again. Og version became an incompleteness meme for a reason.

    3. Nice. I was hoping that they will adapt the whole thing, but they probably told us that already in the first minutes of the first episode.

    4. Nachtwandler_FS on

      They need like 3,5 seasons to adapt the main story with this pace. Still great news as we will get up to vol. 9 ending if it will be 2-cour again.

    5. Tsumaranai_Jinsei on


      Finally, after 16 years, we will move on to newer arcs (with the exception of the last arc in this adaptation). I can’t even express my happiness in words, I literally dreamed of this day and it’s here, finally!

    6. As much as the series getting redone was good news, this, the fact that more of it is getting greenlit, is the better news.

    7. CosmicPenguin_OV103 on

      >Spice & Wolf Got Revived
      Holo becomes one of the r/anime authorized Best Girls
      Spice & Wolf gets *another* anime season

      After so many years of agony, what freaking happy World Line is that???

      I still remember how rushed the ending of season 2 of the old anime (which covered novel volume no. 5, no. 4 was skipped back then) was, it was an ending that certainly would be absolutely agony if left that way forever. Finally! Finally I can watch what happens next in anime form!

    8. I’m sure it’s what most of us were expecting to happen once they announced the remake originally, but confirmation that the remake will continue is fantastic news! Looking forward to it.

    9. Is anyone else hoping the openings for season 2 is more in line with the original? The music in the OG still clears the board compared to the remake, but I mean, it’s still great regardless.

    10. GroundbreakingBake2 on

      Holy shit, let’s go. One of my favorite series of all time and now we finally, after all this time get new content in the anime (besides the skipped vol).

    11. Praise_the_Tsun on

      Just checking in; has this adaptation been more well received than the original? I remember hearing some rumblings people preferred the original to this adaptation previously.

    12. great news. I hope it will look a bit better than season 1 though. Not that it looked horrible, but the drawing quality could have been better. I would gladly wait till late 2026 if it looks good.

    13. After hoping for years a remake of this anime, when they did it , i didn’t remember it that boring

    14. I want more light novels like this one getting adapted.

      But I guess the reason why we don’t get that many is because there are not enough studios with talented personnel that are able to do justice to the source material.

      There must be a reason why so much garbage LN adaptations exist, because there are many unskilled/mismanaged studios that need something to adapt regularly.

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