1. They really pranked not just Masaki, but us, the audience as well. Props to the vampires for pulling all of this off behind Masaki’s back.

      The journey to 1 million subs still continues.

    2. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Masakichi discovering what “trolls” are this week lol. Like yeah, they’re saying shit just to be saying it. I personally thought she didn’t need to apologize or anything to the viewers. They can all eat shit if they don’t like her. But I guess everything worked out in the end. Live and the gang were being very sneaky with this little game. Also, pretty funny how Live and Masakichi even met originally.

      All in all, not a bad series. Pretty fun cast of characters and the story was enjoyable. Not sure the chances of an s2, but I sure wouldn’t mind more Live and Masakichi shenanigans.

    3. Turns out the whole thing was a prank and of course Masaki returns it with a classic punch at the end for all their troubles! Especially love the credits showing the prep work being done as well.

      Even the post-credits were fucking hilarious with Mother also calling Yuki Shigeyuki and the flashback showing how Live and Masaki first met with how it resulted in the 20 year hibernation was gold. Definitely gonna miss the pure chaotic vibes from this series!

    4. So It was a prank lmao, i didnt expect That

      A great ending for one of best animes of The season. I Will miss this vampire and my total crazy Masaki

    5. > Masaki Punch is the reason why Live sleep for 20 years

      I can’t believe we get the whole 12 episode set up just for that joke. Lmafooooo.

      Joke aside, what a chaotic ending episode, fitting for a chaotic series with a heartfelt moment anime series.

      We don’t have Yuri confession but god that hug in the middle of the sky feels romantic as fuck and the screen frame of that scene is beautiful too.

      I know that the mask is Live at the moment, “mother” asks the questions. They really get anyone here both Masaki and Audience.

      Wow everyone is really back for final. The guy who has a cheating affair tries to hit on Yuki is a low-key very funny joke though lol.

      The way Live really knows Masaki is very heartwarming though, at least she understands that it needs extreme situations to make her finally admit her feelings lol.

      Lmao everyone gets in on prank, The sisters are also there too.

      It is a very fun episode with a twist but they also don’t forget to give us a heart warming moment with the relationship between Live and Masaki.

      I swear at the end it feels like everyone ships Masaki and Live even The Mother so they just let those two do their thing lol.

    6. This is one of the best anime original series I’ve watched, from start to finish the script had a clear goal and the story was woven together so intricately that almost no plot point was wasted and pointless 9/10 for me

    7. I knew it was a setup because the pacing of the hunt itself was weird.

      Masaki is slightly older than I thought. I’m not sure why I think that matters, when it really doesn’t.

    8. I think I must have missed it in an earlier episode, but did we ever find out why Masaki punched her partner while she was in Hype-Sis?

      Of the three P.A. Works shows this season, this ended up being the most strange but also the most interesting.

    9. Prince-Dizzytoon on

      That was a well done prank, I had a good belly laugh

      But the best part was at the end with how Live first met Masaki, so sweet!

    10. tropicdragonnotme on

      Great ending episode and somehow this looks like there is hope for 2nd season or cour. It answered some but left enough open. Hype sis ended being genuinely sorry, the past explained, still mother a secret. I forgot what the mayonaka part in the name means, something dark/night/vampires? but it fits the whole starts and ends with a punch.

    11. That was a pretty okay end. The Ai mystery was meh.

      Why would Live pause like that when she just remembered that Masaki saved her then?

      The “bro fist” at the end is kind of funny.

      The whole thing being a prank is in theme of being a Youtuber which is a really nice touch. Even I was caught off guard but near the end when the “hunter” was asking Masaki those questions I felt like it was already Live.

      Pretty fun watch for sure. Animations were really good with the movement and such. The emotions shown through the face is nice too. Fun thrilling ride with some emotional stories specially with Fuu and Ichiko.

      I would have liked if Yuki did the camping stream/video because it feels like she will actually do well and focus on survival. Also, I think it took too long for her to be included with the group. The animations when she’s taking hits is so cool. Like she just appears and the animation for looks really impactful.

      Glad to see the hype sis duo helped and was just dumb with their last video.

    12. proneisntsupine on

      I was worried about the pacing leading into the end and that the show wouldn’t properly finish its arc, but apparently that was unfounded. A good twist that brought back a bunch of seemingly abandoned plot points, and made a satisfactory end to the current arc while leaving things open enough for a future continuation. Would definitely watch a second season

    13. AmethystItalian on

      Dang I didn’t expect them to trick her like that! They got me too.

      Can’t say I like her just punching Live though…

      I struggled with this one as a whole as I just really could not like majority of the cast, it’s a shame we didn’t see them reach their goal but guess at the same time it shows how hard it is to get that many subs?

    14. I guess if I also had that kinda time on my hands I’d eventually want to spice things up with an intricately planned scheme of intrigue and excitement… all for the www’s

    15. A fun finale for one of the season’s most entertaining shows. My only complaint is it could have been more definitive, it’s weird to end about 80% of the way towards their goal. But even if this is all we get, it was still worth the ride.

    16. Yeaaaah I’m with Masaki on this one, Live deserved that punch. There were a bunch of great moments in the episode like Masaki finally admitting why she wants to be on camera and finally getting to know why Live is nuts about Masaki’s blood (you dumb vampire going out into the sunlight lol), but the prank really doesn’t sit right with me. Personally I don’t believe that putting someone through the wringer emotionally for a prank is acceptable even if you have a greater purpose in mind.

      But that hiccup (for me, anyway) aside, that was such a fun show and I really wouldn’t mind a new season of these idiots and their shenanigans.

    17. My all time favourites, the end screen said see you again so they might be planning 2nd season, huff huff this copium is addicting

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