keep digging

    by ByBiskuvi


    1. A true good show should have a good start that grabs the audience’s attention in the first few chapters.If people have to tell you “watch until x eps” for the show to get good, that’s just the author failing to create an interesting hook nor too bothered to come back and improve the start once their skills improved.

    2. Ordinary-Warning-619 on

      one piece is NOT in this 20 episode category, mf marine ford is like ep 200 ![img](emote|t5_2w6fe|30941)

    3. extracloroxbleach on

      First of all, this is such a biased take.

      Second of all, I’m caught up to very anime and manga here, and people who give up in 20 ep have good reason to not watch more than 12 episodes because these animes was made before anime was popular.

      Third of all, these anime series was designed to be watched weekly for a while year in the olden days before people only prefer 12 episodes or less. This take is just you being intolerant of a common habit.

    4. But HxH manga hasn’t been that eventfull after the anime ended. It’s just a boat with stuff just starting to happen.

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