Mugen no Ryvius Episode 20: Something I Can't Let Go

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    Kikki of the Day Did you spot Radan?

    Comments of the Day

    It flew completely past me, but /u/zadcap nailed it days ago:

    Don't forget, we've seen some earlier flashbacks that make me think Kouji used to have a different girlfriend who left him for someone else, and he let her go without a fight, which Yuki sees as being more proof his brother is bad and dumb and would probably give up on Aoi too.

    They also really really wants everybody to remember that the Space Squid addressed Neya by name.

    Episode 7, the Space Squid called out what I thought was just a strange sound as it flew by the ship. I remember it being weird because they subtitled it, but now I guess we know why, it was probably calling out to her.

    Character Sheets



    • Instead of action, this episode was all talk — people actually talking to each other! Did this develop their characters more for you? Do you understand where they are coming from?
    • The recap was presented by characters in their own words. How did this compare with other non-clip-show recaps?
    • Is Izumi's behavior properly telegraphed, or completely out of character?

    Tomorrow's Questions, Today

    • [Q1]Is this truly the only way to restore order? It was remarkably effective. Yet Ikumi wants perfect justice.
    • [Q2]Why can't people just get along?

    End Tag: Reverie of us

    by JustAnswerAQuestion


    1. JustAnswerAQuestion on

      **Rewatch Host**

      I meant to answer my own questions yesterday but completely forgot to, beceause I have the memory of a fruit fly.

      I think it goes like this:

      * Ikumi: I gotta save everybody
      * Kouji: You can’t save everybody. It’s like, literally, conservation of mass. You can’t.
      * Stein: Save the most number of people by sacrificing the remainder.

      These are the three ethos at the command level of the ship, to me, and they are in conflict.

      OP: Still Dicastia

      * Necktie, pat on the chest, is a call back to the opening scene of ep 1. Aoi is just like his Mom. No wonder he’s been avoid her.
      * Aoi was just following the boys
      * Aoi recapping reminds me a bit of Meteora’s recapping.

      Perhaps this is where the idea of writing a manga from Aoi’s perspective came from.

      * Ohhh, it looks like Yuki pushed Kouji through a plate glass window. Lucky he only got scarred, and not filleted.

      Ryvius, Check This!

      * Oh, man, watching Rafra murder that bento makes me feel like I’m watch SSY or something.
      * Yuki stole his crush
      * [Welcome to Hell](
      * BREAK UP


      That great violin piece isn’t on the soundtrack.

    2. **First timer, subs**

      * Roving gangs and arson. Incredible choices on a confined ship.
      * At least someone is enforcing the state monopoly on violence. The details can be worked out latter.
      * At least they don’t have to worry about the calcium deficiency combing with the effects of micro-gravity.
      * Recaps you have to pay attention to are the worst kind, because you can’t just zone out until the new stuff shows up.
      * Lucson is a man who hold to his ideals, some of them are just better than others.
      * Is that supposed to be a radar or a signal receiver? Either way, what is it accomplishing inside?
      * The ferret is important for helping reduce the cult look.
      * And also visual metaphors, apparently.
      * Damn, Aoi. That’s a lot of meat.
      * If you hadn’t let it deteriorate to this point, we might not have needed to resort to violence.
      * [Oh… I Guess **We’re Doing Fascism**](#godisdead)
      * Why do you even have spray paint?
      * Do it, Kouji! Grow as a person!
      * Well, that sounds like a threat, Fina.
      * Suddenly need five dudes to pilot this doesn’t seem like such a bad deal.


      1) Sure, I guess? Didn’t seem any more than normal.

      2) But the recap *was* a clip show. Very, very few aren’t

      3) His hinge has been progressively missing for most of the show.

    3. **Infinite First-Timer, subbed**

      – [Ikumi’s trying to solve violence with violence]( and [going a bit too far with it…]( [](#kumikolook)

      – [Aoi’s *really* acting like a girlfriend with this one.](

      – [Oh I do *not* like where this is going.]( [](#ohfuck)

      – [Yeesh…](

      – [This… *does* explain some of Faina’s weird behavior early on.]( [](#sakurathink)

      – [Faina “sore demo”!](

      – [Kouji…](

      – [But won’t that be dangerous for Ryvius itself…?]( [](#niatilt)

      – [Ehhhhhhhh](

      – [Ikumi “sore demo”!](

      – [RIP.]( [](#toradorasalute)

      – [Oh boy…]( [](#emiliaohdear)

    4. *A Mecha Fan Watches Infinite Ryvius Episode 20:*

      – I guess that Ikumi isn’t going to snap out of his violent rampage mode any time soon. Like yeah, at least he’s stopping a bunch of thugs from beating up an innocent person, but you can tell that this was done more out of his increasing madness than anything. Screaming out loud about how everyone is disappointing you with that just being directed at the air around you is a sure sign of that.

      – Oh god damn it, I’ve been tricked into watching one of those half-recap episodes again. Like yeah, it’s nice to get Aoi’s viewpoint about everything, like her relationship with the Aiba brothers and all the things she overlooked about the people she’s met ever since getting started on this journey at the Leibe Delta, but having another episode like this as we’re getting closer to the end of the series isn’t exactly raising my hopes for the pacing of this series.

      – Once again, Cullen proves to be one of the sanest and chillest people aboard this ship when talking to Yuki. At least she’s entirely honest with herself in openly admitting that her calm and collected demeanor is hiding how she feels on the inside, and that Yuki was probably going to walk off and dump her once she bared her feelings to him. I’d say that at this point, she really can read Yuki like an open book. For someone who hates his brother for not being upfront with how he is on the inside, Yuki sure isn’t that different. He sure has problems with people actually trying to get close to him and truly understand him on an emotional level. In that way, he isn’t too different than Kouji, it’s just that his reactions are more violent and less about passive evasion.

      – I guess even Fina can get a flashback montage segment, except this time it’s *way* more uncomfortable than watching Aoi angst to herself. Her confronting Kouji this way is just peak slimy and manipulative. She’s bringing up all the good things he’s done for her, and saying now that he’s hurting her by suddenly and “supposedly” acting distant from her. Now she’s just trying to force Kouji to say that she’s a part of him now, like he isn’t his own human being. This whole bit is just disgustingly manipulative, it’s gross to watch. You can probably also read into Rafra devouring the lunch Aoi made for Kouji as some symbolism too, like Fina’s influence trying to get rid of any kind of presence of Aoi near Kouji.

      – Well, that scene of Ikumi on the bridge discussing the state of the ship with the Zwei sure was ominous. Even if he stopped short of saying it, the intent was clear: if nothing is done about the rampant violence and corruption on the ship, he’ll overthrow the Zwei. And even more concerning there, Stein looks a bit contemplative there once he hears that. I’m guessing that he’s already planning his next move on who to recruit as a puppet leader, since Juli already resigned from being his personal political meat-shield.

      – Huh, well there’s your proof that Aoi and Yuki did have a thing for each other back when they were kids. Although I guess Yuki must’ve been nursing a grudge this whole time for how Kouji had a blithe laugh at hearing the news in that flashback. But it wasn’t really meant in an insulting way, more just chiding himself for not seeing it earlier. Guess we can’t really get to the bottom of the brotherly beef with just that detail alone, even if it does help give us a fuller picture of the childhood friend trio’s backstory.

      – At this rate, Izumi is just reinforcing Ikumi’s increasing brutality and madness by talking about the state of the ship, and how violent it’s become. Unfortunately, her just talking about it is driving Ikumi to believe that Blue was correct in using an iron-fist to enforce order aboard the ship. And although Ikumi doesn’t have Blue’s gun, he’s starting to get crazy enough where I bet he’d actually be entirely willing to personally beat everyone aboard the ship to restore balance. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

      – Finally, Kouji mans up and breaks up with Fina. It’s been a while coming, but I’m glad that he’s finally realized that she isn’t right for him, and that he needs to face his past and his inner self if he wants to get anywhere, not just lose himself in a relationship. It’s gross that Fina tries to respond with one last manipulation and forcibly kisses him though, just absolutely rancid. Of course she doesn’t like it when Kouji tries to leave her when he’s trying to work on himself, that isn’t the result she wanted despite constantly preaching about developing as a person to him. Manipulative bitch.

      – Okay, never mind what I said about Ikumi beating everyone up aboard the Ryvius to maintain order, he’s just hijacked the Vital Guarder and threatens to destroy the ship if any more acts of violence or corruption continue. And of course that bastard Stein approves of this, he’s probably the one who helped Ikumi to hijack the Vital Guarder in the first place. He definitely seemed like he was in on whatever Ikumi was planning there. Sorry Sky, but I think you may have picked the wrong guy to single out as “your guy” earlier.

    5. **First-Timer**

      That scar is from Yuki throwing Kouji through a fucking window?? Holy shit did their mother ever fail these two kids. Yuki needed to get some anger management classes years ago.

      Anyway, what are the odds that the Kozue that Ikumi is talking to is a hallucination? This thought brought to you by the scene of them eating that was very dream-like, but then she just appeared normally near the end of the episode so I think it’s actually pretty unlikely.

      But think of the drama of Kozue having killed herself and Ikumi hallucinating her from that point forward? No-one but Ikumi has seen her, so it’s not entirely out of the question.


      1. I need Cullen to follow Yuki around with a spray bottle and blast him whenever he reverts to getting angy wit nii-nii. We almost had a conclusion to the Kouji/Aoi/Yuki dynamic before he started getting buttmad again.

      2. This was on the lower end of “good recaps” but it was still a good recap. It helps to refocus We the Audience on the actually relevant character beats in the run-up to the finale.

      3. I didn’t exactly get the moment I was expecting, but yea, Ikumi seizing power isn’t surprising.

    6. First timer


      Recap episode mainly reminds me that we dropped Faina’s plot like a brick. The stuff with the brothers is pointless. Ikumi going nuts is also more than a bit pointless, you’d think he would have at least formed a coalition. The ferret stuff was weird.

      QotD: 1 I repeat: I don’t care

      2 If I cared, this probably helps give context.

      3 I agree that he’d act, I happen to think his choice of actions is silly.

    7. **Episode 20 (rewatcher)**

      * Ikumi, the dark knight (actually clad in white). He is going for the [Batmetal version.](
      * At least the sprinkler system is still working.
      * Aoi is happy playing house with Kouji and the boys.
      * Or was it just putting on a happy face? We get a flashback to their early interactions.
      * Lucson is also trying to be a hero but less effectively so – or maybe more of a hero? Running to help somebody is harder if you know you won’t win the fight…
      * Letting Rafra eat Aoi’s bento: The metaphor is obvious.
      * Second flashback sequence for Faina – intercutting it with Rafra is really effective.
      * Yuki and Kouji almost come to blows over Aoi – does it count as progress that Yuki does not hit Kouji, or would a big brawl be the actual progress?
      * Ikumi is longing for the stability under Blue. Longing for the strong man.
      * Kouji rejects Faina – that is definitely progress. *Could this be the one show where the childhood friend wins?*
      * Ikumi finally snapped – turns out, the biggest source of power on the Ryvius is not the single pistol, but the Vital Guarder.

      This episode has several flashbacks, but it does not qualify as a recap episode. The share of recaps to new animation is relatively low, but, more important, the recaps make a lot of narrative sense. We do a deep dive into Aoi and Kouji, and their relation to the other two people who matter most here, Yuki and Faina.

      Meanwhile Ikumi stages a well-foreshadowed takeover of power. That is, of the Vital Guarder. We will see how successful he is in enforcing non-violence by threatening to kill everybody, but I think the prediction is easy.

    8. **Rewatcher who doesn’t remember much**

      Ikumi’s obsession of helping people is fascinating to see.

      So Kouji is now in a typical Japanese homelife situation with a wife (Aoi) and two kids (Fatso and Nicks)

      Looking at that first episode flashback you can clearly tell Kouji just wanted to move away from Yuki and Aoi.

      Ohhh no it’s a recap episode. [](#holdme)

      At least we’re hearing the piano version of the ending song. [](#listen)

      I know we like to make to fun of Lucson (rightfully so) but he’s doing a good thing for helping Pat like that. He clearly cares about the kid.

      Yuki’s not girlfriend is telling him to get rejected by Aoi so that he can move on. She’s right.

      Faina’s sees Aoi homemade lunch. [](#concealedexcitement)

      There must be some deep meaning of Rafra eating Aoi’s lunch.

      When Kouji arrives at Yuki and Aoi’s location, I had to sit up straight because I know sparks are going to fly. [](#slightoverreaction)

      Or not. [](#frustrated)

      Uh oh Ikumi now has a longing towards the good old days of the dictatorship. [](#watashiworried)

      This the end of Kouji x Faina. The question now is does Kouji have the guts to make a move on Aoi.

      lol, using a giant mech as riot control, this must be some commentary how the military can not and should not be used as a stand in for police. Military police such as Gendarmerie is of course an exception.

      It was a 1/3 recap episode and it didn’t have as much sparks as I wanted but at least there is some movement on Kouji relationship front. It’s fascinating to see the Ryvius society falling apart.

    9. **First Timer**

      Fine episode, but I noticed most of it was just flashbacks to previous scenes. It did gives us some character dev, though this probably was running on the budget or something. The questions of the day address this so I’ll go in more there.


      > [Q1]Instead of action, this episode was all talk — people actually talking to each other! Did this develop their characters more for you? Do you understand where they are coming from?

      Yeah I would say so, I did enjoy the deeper exploration of the characters. Though a lot of it didn’t really feel like things we didn’t know as the viewers already.

      > [Q2]The recap was presented by characters in their own words. How did this compare with other non-clip-show recaps?

      Don’t most recaps do that lol? Like usually the cast standing around remembering things.

      > [Q3]Is Izumi’s behavior properly telegraphed, or completely out of character?

      Nah I think it makes sense, he’s going off the deep end and clearly has been holding back. Kozue’s incident just brought it to the forefront

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