Please search for the video site you want to watch on and prepare yourself. Elma will be watching on dAnime instead of Amazon Prime from this simultaneous viewing! A countdown will be displayed on the screen, so please watch at your own time. Mushoku Tensei simultaneous viewing archive 👇 Season 1 Episodes 1-12 Episodes 13-24 Season 2 Episodes 0-12 Episodes 13-24 Other anime simultaneous viewing streams summary 👇[Looking for anime and movies that you would like Elma to stream for simultaneous viewing]The comments section of this video is the place for requests so feel free to make a request 👇 About spoilers ***Caution*** While watching the anime, Elma will ask questions out loud such as “What does this mean?” and “Why did it turn out like this?” Many people will carefully write answers in the comments section, but please don’t tell me in advance if you think “I’ll find out someday if I watch the anime later”! That would be a spoiler. Since it’s my first time watching, I’m watching it without knowing if it’s something that will be explained later in the anime. If it’s information that you don’t understand even after watching all the episodes, or that you think needs additional information, that’s OK. If you respond to Elma’s question with “You’ll find out later,” that’s the correct answer! Thank you. ————————————————–

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