Beyond Journey’s End – Post Series Discussion


    <— Journey’s End | Adventure’s log (Index) | New Game Plus —>

    OP 1 —> Ikiru wu Suru by Macaroni Enpitsu

    OP 1v2 —> Ikiru wu Suru by Macaroni Enpitsu

    OP 2 —> Bravest

    ED 1 —> Mother by Macaroni Enpitsu

    ED 2 —> Akashi by XIIX

    ED 3 —> Namae by Humbreaders

    ED 4 —> Tobu Tori wa



    MAL | AniList | ANN | Kitsu | AniDB


    Comment at the Journey’s End:

    goes to u/charlesvvv for capturing the essence of the final episode in their comment:

    Ok one thing is the Dai and Popp dynamic, when Dai remembers his friends Popp gets his own shot, Dai also remembers Popp's words which inspire him, and when Dai falls Popp doesn't allow anyone to catch him but himself, and of course the two taking Killvearn's core before Popp gets kicked off. It's a really nice closing of their relationship.

    Comment Beyond Journey’s End:

    goes to u/Kaxew for telling us what actually happened during the post credit scene:

    Yeah. I wasn't sure where we were going when they said Hyunckel and Larhart's house has only one bed, but when they started making out everything made sense to me. 10/10 I cried

    Questions that you wanted to answer for a long time, but you couldn’t because they were waiting for you here, Beyond Journey’s end:

    1. What’s your final score for Dai no Daibouken?
    2. Least and most favourite aspect of this show?
    3. Top 5 characters of this show?
    4. Your most and least favourite episode?
    5. Did this Rewatch gave you an urge to go play Dragon Quest?
    6. Most favourite OP/ED?
    7. Are you going to join me in my next Rewatch Project? (Check my comment)


    During the course of Rewatch u/Adensty were updating daily the OST used in the show which you can see here in the Adensty’s list.

    Now Question #8 —> What’s your favourite OST piece?

    by Shocketheth


    1. **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      Man, this show was a *ton* of fun, I don’t really know where to start. I didn’t really have much of any expectations for this show going into it other than “Shocketheth is a fun rewatch host, I wanna see what he and sisoko2 do together”, and then came out of it with a show I’d consider one of my favorite shounen anime and also one of my new favorite OPs (I seriously cannot get enough of Bravest [](#pigeonbeats)).

      Also, as a surprise for the final thread, I made a wallpaper of Dai! Comes in two variants, one where [he’s not glowing]( and [one where he is.]( Enjoy!

      Big thanks to both u/Shocketheth and u/sisoko2 for hosting this! And also, gotta shout out u/tahlyn – I haven’t read all of it yet, but I saw from your posts that you’re the one translating the Avan prequel manga, and that is *greatly* appreciated. [](#saesmile)

      Bonus: I decided to go on a 100-pages-deep Pixiv dive for fanart so you guys don’t have to ~~and trust me, you don’t *want* to.~~ [](#wtfdidijustwatch)

      – [An entire album of cool stuff so long as you ignore #20.](

      – [Another album of cool stuff, no need to ignore any of them.](

      – [A third album of cool stuff.](

      – [A fourth album, with some of the images being absolutely hilarious.](

      – [Another album with some super funny images in it.](

      – [Another album with a couple mildly funny images in it.](

      – [The last image in this album absolutely sent me.](

      – [Yet another album, mostly focused on Popp but there’s some good ones of other characters in there.](

      – [This album is pretty nice too.](

      – [Another nice assortment of characters for an album.](

      – [This album is *mostly* fine, I just don’t like how they draw Maam in a few of the images in it (NSFW warning because of those).](

      – [This album’s nice.](

      – [Antagonist-centric album 1](, [2](, [3](, and [4](, all from the same artist.

      – [Not an album, but still a nice group shot]( and I found [an even *nicer* full group shot later in my hunt too.](

      – [Avan flashing a peace sign]( [](#peacepeace), [Avan](, [Avan but a GIF](, [Avan’s younger days](, [an album of Avans](, and [a shorter album of Avans](

      – Avan and Flora <3 [1](, [2](, [3](, and I somehow found an album that started with [Flora bridal carrying Avan]( but not one of Maam doing it to Popp. [](#harukathonk)

      – [Avan & Hadlar](, and also [this one that’s a parody of something and now I can’t stop laughing.](

      – Avan’s students [1]( and [2.](

      – [Avan’s party.](

      – Baran [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – [Baran, Dai, and Gomechan.](

      – Baran & Soala [1]( and [2.](

      – [Baran family-centric album]( and [one image of Baran’s family.](

      – Crocodine [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, and [7.](

      – [Crocodine & Chiu.](

      – [Crocodine & Garuda.](

      – Dai [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, and [6.](

      – Dai & Leona [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, and [5.](

      – [Dai & young Avan from the prequel.](

      – [Dai & Gomechan.](

      – [Dai & Popp.](

      – Dai & Baran [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – [Flazzard and the other two that were with Larhart](, also [one of Flazzard by himself.](

      – Flora [1]( and [2](

      – [You can tell the artist who drew this is *down bad* for Hadlar even if it’s not strictly NSFW](, [Hadlar 2](, [3](, [4](, and [5.](

      – Hym [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – Hyunckel [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, and [5](

      – [Hyunckel & Amy album.](

      – Hyunckel & Larhart [1]( and [2.](

      – [Hyunckel, Amy, *and* Larhart album.](

      – Killvearn [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – Larhart [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – Leona [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, and [6.](

      – [Leona & Gomechan.](

      – Lon Beruk [1](, [2](, [3](, and [4.](

      – Maam [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, and [6.](

      – [Matriov.](

      – Merle [1](, [2](, and [3.](

      – Mystvearn [1]( and [2.](

      – [Nova plus some bonus funny images]( and [Nova-centric album with some Lon Beruk in there.](

      – Popp [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, [7](, and [8.](

      – Popp & Maam [1]( and [2.](

      – Vearn [1](, [2](, [3](, [4](, [5](, [6](, and [7.](

    2. # Rewatch Host Welcomes you to Beyond Journey’s End.

      My biggest thanks goes to u/sisoko2 for being really great co-host, and then my thanks goes to all of you. You were wonderful bunch.

      Although, for undefined period of time, I am done with Rewatches, and if I will host any Rewatch in the future, it won’t be Rewatch longer than 12 episodes.

      **Now let’s answer my final bunch of questions:**

      >What’s your final score for Dai no Daibouken?

      As a First Timer I had it at 8/10, but upon Rewatch I decided to lower the score to 7/10. But hey, this was still enjoyable show!

      >Least and most favourite aspect of this show?

      Least favourite aspect of this show is how Maam was handled, and most favourite aspect of this show was how the show managed to give it’s character a proper growth. (no pun intended)

      >Top 5 characters of this show?

      Popp, Hadlar, Crocodine, Chiu, and Leona.

      >Your most and least favourite episode?

      Favourite – episode 73 easily, least favourite episode 37

      >Did this Rewatch gave you an urge to go play Dragon Quest?

      Funnily enough, I tried Dragon Quest many times, but I have some kind of a curse making me to never finish DQ.

      >Most favourite OP/ED?

      OP 2 – Bravest, ED 4 – Tobu Tori Wa

      >Are you going to join me in my next ~~Rewatch~~ Project?

      We had our fun with Dragon Quest, and here is something I am planning for a long long time.

      Next time, one of my favourite games ever, Final Fantasy 9 is going to celebrate 25th year anniversary, and to celebrate this properly, in the course of the next year, I am going to host “CDF plays Final Fantasy” where we will play Final Fantasy 1-6 during the first 6 months of 2025, and then on July 7th, we will start celebrating the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy 9 with playing Final Fantasy 9.

      Now if you are interested in playing Final Fantasy series with me, let me know and I will add you to the tags.

    3. **First Quester**

      THEY’RE FINALLY MAKING DRAGON QUEST REMASTERS ON STEAM? Fuck yeah I’ve been waiting for that to get into the franchise.

      Now when I’ll actually sit down and play them is another question (looking at you, Final Fantasy)…

      > What’s your final score for Dai no Daibouken?

      Dai no Daibouken is a story that has some good ideas at its heart, but it’s plagued by sloppy and careless writing, and an odd attachment to video game logic that doesn’t translate well to a different medium. Ultimately it’s a good show, but it could’ve been so much better. The way it ended as wouldn’t really leave me much excited to watch shows that are produced similarly, and I’d give it a 7/10.

      > Least and most favourite aspect of this show?

      Most favorite is Leona [](#ero)

      Erm, I dunno what came over me. Least favorite was definitely the constant power escalation. Most favorite is… fuck, is it really Leona? I think it is.

      Okay, I just rewatched OP1. It’s definitely Leona. [](#towel)

      > Top 5 characters of this show?

      1. Leona
      2. Zaboera
      3. Hadlar
      4. Avan
      5. Matoriv

      > Your most and least favourite episode?

      Ugh, you think I can still tell them all apart? Let’s see… Episode 3 or 4 is probably my favorite, and my least favorite is when Baran mindblasted Dai.

      > Did this Rewatch gave you an urge to go play Dragon Quest?

      Not exactly, but it informed me that the time for waiting is about to be over!

      > Most favourite OP/ED?

      OP 1 and ED 4

      > Are you going to join me in my next Rewatch Project? (Check my comment)

      Welp. That answers the question when I’ll actually sit down and play the Final Fantasy titles. Add away!

    4. **1st** **~~Dai~~** **Popp no Daibouken Rewatch, Sub**

      Dai no Daibouken is one of my first anime (after knowing what anime was) so I’m a bit biased to it but there’s obviously some flaws like how some female characters are handled at various point of the story (especially how Maam is handled and whatever that Dark Force Reactor sub-plot was) and how some appearances are just plot convenient (especially Larhart’s Revival). As a first-timer, I didn’t really notice it that much but as a rewatcher I could see how some parts were rushed especially at the start and I mostly agree with some of the first-timers’ comments regarding it.

      A lot of people were mixed on the ending especially the way it was executed and I mostly share the same opinion about it. The epilogue was too short and the anime could’ve improved upon the manga ending but I guess they wanted to finished it it 100 episodes – not more, not less. Personally, would have liked some more episodes.

      The Killvearn reveal is really good the way it is built up throughout the show and as a rewatcher I really love it but it does kinda feel pointless in the grand scheme of things. (Obviously it was part of the Velzar sub-plot so it would’ve been explored had the manga continued) but Dai didn’t really have a reason to leave the world as he stated himself to Leona so I guess he wouldn’t really have left alone. Personally, I like the open-endedness of Dai’s return. Kinda reminds me of how Goku didn’t return after the Frieza arc. But I would be lying if I said didn’t want to see Dai and Gomechan re-unite.

      But the highs of ~~Dai~~ Popp no Daibouken are so high that I can overlook all these flaws since the show has hyped me up, made me cry, made me laugh and sometimes all of them together at times and even managed to invoke the same feelings that I had when I watched it for the first time. This had it all. Epic fights, Emotional moments, Great Characters and OSTs by Yuki Hayashi that elevated them and like the staff behind the show note behind the show note that Dai no Daibouken follows the Shonen Jump’s “Friendship,Effort,Victory” formula the most compared to modern shows and did it without killing off a lot of characters and it stayed true to its principles till the very end. There were a lot of themes like ‘Discrimination’, ‘Might is Right’ and obviously ‘Power of Friendship’ that that Riku Sanjou was able to integrate well with the story. Not to forget, the DQ mechanics.

      Popp is my favourite character so much so that I’m designated as Popp in the Rewatch and I have to say that Popp has one of the best greatest character developments in fiction so much so that it’s a Popp no Daibouken is a meme in JP. I can go on and about Popp but I guess I’ve already written too much about it in the discussion threads. All I would like to say while rewatching, Popp’s moments felt even greater than it was on the first watch and all his moments really hold a special place in my heart. As a first-timer, there was a war b/w Popp and Hyunckel for my top character and Episode 67 sealed it for me and I’ve never looked back. Speaking of Hyunckel, the opposite happened with him. I didn’t really have the feelings that I had when I watched it for the first time. He still has his moments but other than that, some of his scenes kinda felt fanservicey.

      In the end, my favourite characters ended up being Popp, Hadlar, Leona and obviously Chiu and Crocodine. Hadlar also had one of the best character growths and his final fight with Dai and his final moments before he finally died cemented him as one of my favourites. Leona is obviously a no-brainer. Excluding the tentacle scene, she had some badass moments and when she wasn’t badass, she had the most cutest and wholesome reactions. At times, she was just like the viewer. Even Dai and Maam had their own moments and the final fight with Hadlar was when finally came of age. I would recomment reading u/Shocketheth’s [writeup]( because it’s just that good and I feel a lot of people kinda overlook these two. Also, Dai had a great character arc and even h

      While I love how Toei animated stuff, I will never forgive them for how they did the Dai vs Baran fight dirty with the usage of CGI. Personally, I don’t mind it on monsters but when they used it on characters, it made me really angry. But Toei really stepped up their game in the 2nd half. The final Dai vs Vearn fight was movie-level and most fights in the 2nd half were done really well. I ended up taking a lot of screenshots while watching the show because they were just so good. Also, I must applaud Toei for some great use of lighting and camera positioning and their creativity really shined in those scenes that I really didn’t think about that much in my first watch. Some notable examples are – Episode 52 ([Amy’s Confession]( – They even changed the aspect ratio here), Episode 70 ([Popp’s Confession]( – The whole scene was just done so well. I have no words), Episode 73 ([Avan’s Return](, Episode 100 ([Dai kicking Popp](

      Finally, the [OST Documentation]( This was just something I wanted to do because the anime is one of my favourites and some of the OSTs in the show hold a special place in my heart. Tbh, there were times were I was burned out because I would first watch the episode and had it pause a lot of times to get the timings right. Sometimes, they were OSTs that I didn’t remember and I had to look them up since I couldn’t recall some of the obscure OSTs. And after I had done that, I had to rewatch the episode again to take the screenshots while also thinking about what I was going to write about. I did see some people go through it so that made me happy. I would if you guys have any inputs and suggestions to make it better. Personally, I’m not sure when I’ll join another rewatch because I guess this was too much for me.

      Also, since we’re talking about OSTs – I’ll just name my top 10 favourites and some underrated ones that I think deserve more love. I could go on and on about Yuki Hayashi crafted the OSTs with certain letimotifs for character but I’ll try my best to show them with my choices.

      1. [Sortie with Strong Determination]([Protecting Friends](
      2. [Dragon Knight]([Dai, the Hero](
      3. [Anger and Grief]([Reconciliation and Bonds Restored](
      4. [The Tiny Hero]([Sorrow](
      5. [The Battle of Sovereign Rock Castle](
      6. [Strength in a Tight Corner](
      7. [Resonance of the Dragon Crests]([Dragonoid Dai](
      8. [Warriors’ End](
      9. [Power of Purification]([Kaglimmer](
      10. [Indomitable Fighting Spirit](

      Some underrated ones:


      [Holy Legend](

      [Searching for a Break Through](

      [Close Battle](

      [Unwilling Battle](

      [Lost Heart](

      [Compassionate Heart](

      [Positive Farewell](

      [Tough Training](

      [Disciple of Avan](

      PS: I just realized that this was a terrible idea. Since I’m really having a trouble choosing since I’m not happy with them leaving some of them out to the point where I actually ended up being late. But I don’t think there’s any track I didn’t like at all. Even the Vearn themes were really good.

      **1.** Tbh, I’m really biased to it so I really can’t lower it a lot. But at max it will go to 9.5 which is just 10 in my books.

      **2.** Least Favourite: How Maam was handled and how some of the earlier fights were handled using CGI (Dai vs Baran deserved better) Most Favourite: The character development of almost every character especially Popp

      **3.** Popp, Hadlar, Leona and obviously Chiu and Crocodine EDIT: Honorable Mention: Avan

      **4.** Most favourite episodes in no particular order (Bold ones are absolute favourite): **9**, 20, 21, 25, **30**, 32, 41, 43, **58**, **67**, **70**, 72, **73**. **93**, **94**, **96**, 97, 98
      Least Favourite Episode : 37 (Was there any doubt?)

      **5.** As a first-timer, yes. It was in fact my gateway to the DQ Franchise. I ended up playing DQ XI and enjoyed every single bit of it.

      **6.** OP 2 – Bravest and ED 2 – Akashi

      **7.** I haven’t played any Final Fantasy games but I have heard a lot about it and might as well give it a try now that you’re starting a project. Count me in.

      Also, u/Shocketheth and u/sisoko2 really thanks for hosting the rewatch and making the rewatch fun for everyone.

      u/Shocketheth A humble request – if you can add another question, can you ask everyone their favourite OSTs?

    5. Hope you guys had fun. It was a pleasure spending the last three months with all of you.


      It’s a busy week for me so I won’t be able to properly respond to people but I hope to see you around in the future.

      > Top 5 characters of this show?

      1. Hadlar
      2. Baduck
      3. Chiu
      4. Masopho
      5. Gomechan


    6. First timer!

      1. I have a relatively large number of anime on my [list](, none of which is rated because I don’t like scoring things but… If I had to give it a score, it would probably be a solid 7.5 or 8/10.
      2. Popp. I just couldn’t stand him. Every time he started redeeming himself he would do some stupid shit to make me dislike him all over again. Of course he had his moments, but overall he had more negatives than positives. I especially lost my shit with the courage thing, he went through the exact same thing after they met Leona, so it felt really stupid.
      3. Chiu, Crocodine, Hymu-chan, Leona, Maam… I’m only really set on the top 3 to be honest. Hadlar could take Maam’s place… But at the same time, he was kind of shit until closer to the end, so I’m not sure he deserves it.
      4. I honestly couldn’t tell you…
      5. Actually yes. I’ve got a few other games on my priority queue, but I plan on playing DQ 3 HD-2D Remake once I have some free time!
      6. Favorite OP was the 2nd one by far, although I don’t think I ever skipped either of them. Favorite ED… Maybe the 3rd one? I always skipped all of them 😐

      >Next time, one of my favourite games ever, Final Fantasy 9 is going to celebrate 25th year anniversary, and to celebrate this properly, in the course of the next year, I am going to host “CDF plays Final Fantasy” where we will play Final Fantasy 1-6 during the first 6 months of 2025, and then on July 7th, we will start celebrating the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy 9 with playing Final Fantasy 9.

      Gonna need way more details here… No idea what a “CFG plays” means! Honestly though, this sounds like way too huge of a commitment! I’ve never played a classic FF and I don’t finish games all that often 🙁

      And because I noticed /u/Adensty’s comment, some of my favorite OSTs (shamelessly stolen from your list):

      * Sortie with Strong Determinatiom
      * Protecting Friends
      * Power of Purification

      I need to listen to the whole thing to give a better answer on that…

      Once again, thank you /u/Shocketheth and /u/sisoko2 for hosting, and thank you to everyone who was part of the **Beast King Commando**, it was a great ride!


    7. **First Timer Subbed**

      I’m thrilled to have finally completed this. I had originally watched this anime while it was airing and at some point near the halfway point, I just got distracted by other things and gave up on it. Unfortunately, I also ran into difficulties actually being in the threads that often, being with among other things, other writing talking about other fiction that happened to be around the same period of time.

      I have positive but mixed feelings on the series. I found it mostly reliably solid but not incredible. It felt perfectly like what an anime version of Dragon Quest should be, charmingly classic in terms of the genre (whether it being RPG or shonen) but also classic to a fault. Because its a shonen this old, it kinda feels more basic than basic at points, at least compared to modern shonen that also fit the shonen formula this well. It relies on a “I am your father” villain twist and story arc, that is as cliched as it gets practically. But it does it well, which is what matters.

      I would even say the only notable issues I think this series has are mostly things that are eyerollingly dated because its a shonen that’s around as old as I am but…I can’t hold it against it. And it wasn’t even that common an issue. I’d honestly say the only flaw I’d hold against this series really is that I absolutely would’ve had the reveal about Vearn and Mystvearn’s identity done a lot quicker. It felt like the actual interesting part of that twist was so long after the initial twists that it undermined the parts of the twist that are exciting and made me not care about it. I’d also say its one of those series, maybe just by being a long runner that I often felt like I had to get through 2 ok episodes to get to a great episode. Not surprising for a long running shonen, and certainly better paced than some others I suppose.

      Also I did not like the 2nd OP. It was a boring song, sorry. But that’s about it for actual complaints. The series is very reliable like that.

      But I would say after this series, I’m glad long runners aren’t as much the focus anymore, I’m glad to not get into another one for a very, very long time(barring something like an FMA:Brotherhood happening), especially since I’ve been stuck slowly making my way through 3 of them for basically half of my lifetime at this point. Like even when a show will have multiple seasons out, I’ll usually take a break between seasons, that’s just how I often prefer watching shows instead.

      I do hope someday I get into proper Dragon Quest games as well. I dunno if I’ll be that into them or not, but I’ve heard enough people go nuts for the games, especiially 8 and 11, that its certainly worth a try. My only experience was with DQ Monsters 2 and Rocket Slime when they were new and I did love those games at least…

      But otherwise, that was a fun, endearing, classic manga turned anime. 7.5 feels right for me on this one.

    8. **First Timer, Sub**

      Ok my overall thoughts on this are on the whole “it was fun”. Granted the series does have a fair share of flaws but it’s also very honest at what it’s about that I can overlook a lot of the flaws because of it. It’s definitely a typical story but it does well because of it.

      1. 7.5/10

      2. Popp’s character development, my God I went from disliking him to becoming my favorite character. Least favorite is probably occasional rushness in certain arcs and I do wish Maam had done more.

      3. Popp, Avan, Hyunckel, Hadlar, and Crocodine.

      4. Not sure I guess for arcs there was a period where I kinda glazed over for a bit but any that have Zaboera as a main focus.

      5. I did play some DQ before this actually

      6. OP 2 and ED 2

    9. **First Timer, Sub…End**

      All good things must come to an end as the saying goes.

      Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken was a lot of fun. Knowing nothing of the show or even the manga for that matter, I had no expectations coming into it. Was pleasantly surprised that it was quite good and engaging throughout. It had a really good cast of main characters and supporting characters as well. It had good villains too, which can sometimes be hit or miss. And it had a lot of great moments of humor, action and drama. It was able to execute a lot of things well and for that I found it a good show.


      1. I’d give a 7.5/10. I would have given it an 8 if I didn’t find some issue with the final episode.

      2. My least favorite aspect of the show was that it killed off Baran, and that Avan was “dead’ for like 90% of the show. Favorite part was definitely the cast.

      3. In no order or Rank: Dai, Popp, Baran, Leona and Avan

      4. My least favorite episode is episode 89. My favorite might be a tie between episode 95 and 32.

      5. It gave me an urge to play more dragon quest. Might have to get the new DQ3 remake coming out.

      6. OP -> Bravest , ED -> Akashi

      7. Tag me down the line if it happens. I’ve never played any FF games, so If I have time, why not.

    10. **First Time Adventurer No More**

      First off, I want to thank our hosts (/u/Shocketheth and /u/sisoko2) again for the wonderful rewatch they put together, engaging with everyone and just making it fun all around

      Y’all were awesome [](#Nico-Heart)

      This was the first long running shonen I’ve watched in a long time. Well one that I didn’t start as it was airing, so this was a nice change of pace from the usual stuff

      As for the show itself, it didn’t really change much from some story beats or character types we’ve seen over the years. And there’s nothing wrong with that, especially when you showcase your biggest strengths, while also using those same tropes and writing them well for the most part. Of course, coupling it with some eye candy for fights and emotional scenes

      The absolute biggest strength for me in this show was Dai and Popp’s relationship. I don’t think I’ve seen a stronger and well written duo in a *long* time but they knocked it out of the park here. Ever since the first Baran arc, I’ve been really into this relationship and seeing it grow. And it got better and better as we went on

      Speaking of Baran, I really enjoyed his moments too (and his cool mustache, those are my stache goals ;-;) as well as other villains who came around to the hero’s party like Crocodine and Hyunckel.

      Another positive note about the show was some of the emotional moments did work really well for me (most of them consisted of Dai/Popp moments lol) but still they were mostly great even if it didn’t focus on those two

      I didn’t expect to like Vearn this much but when he became Ultimate Vearn in the final fight, I was all in. This leads into my next point about…

      THE VOICE ACTING. SO FUCKING GOOD! Just about everyone knocked it out of the park. Even the characters I hated (Yes, you Zaboera)

      I didn’t give a shout to some of the female characters, well character. Leona was great for almost the entire run and Flora was good too.

      Unfortunately, Merle and Maam could’ve been written better. I was pretty disappointed by Maam since I was excited to see her as a martial artist, but she didn’t do much to move that needle. Merle had potential as well but ultimately felt like a plot device to help Popp find his place and new class change. Oh right, there was Amy too

      I’ve complained about this already so I’ll keep it short, added a bunch of stuff near the end and just overall pacing issues were some knocks on the show I had too. Otherwise, I can’t think of anything else

      Ultimately, I gave the show a 7/10 but it was a pretty high 7 and I can see myself giving it an 8. I had a fun time watching it with everyone here even though I came in later (episode 57)


      1) 7/10 but a high one

      2) See above lol

      3) I think I’d go 1. Popp 2. Dai (very original top 2 I know) 3. Leona 4. Vearn 5. Hyunckel

      ~~the person I want to be locked in a cave of trials would be Flora though~~

      4) Man that’s tough… I think least favorite episode was the tentacle monster for sure

      Favorite would have to be when Popp used Megante on Baran or just one in the final fight against Vearn

      5) YES! It did! I talked about it with Shock slightly but I think I’m going to start with the DQ III remake coming out in November

      6) For OP, we only have two options and I liked both, but I think Bravest would be there. ED would be Akashi pretty easily

      7) [](#MugiWait)

      8) That would require some more close listening [](#MugiWait)

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