Cowards, the lot of them

    by DeepSeaEyes


    1. If it’s about tail, then it’s absolutely possible for it to be fully behind her in that manga panel.

      Else, idk what this is about

    2. Fun_Personality_6397 on

      If it’s about the feet or ears, the animation artists do nerf shit like this all the time.

      If it’s about the tail, I think it’s the angle.

      Other than that, I don’t see any problem.

    3. FlaviusVespasian on

      I am pro shoes. Feet are gross, and they’d be really gross if she walked around barefoot everywhere.

    4. AnotherNobody1308 on

      Do you know how hard it is to animate feet

      IDK, but they should put some more effort into animating them

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