1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      I really liked how the depicted those toxic comments floating around Masakichi, almost like they’re suffocating her. And it kept just following her around. That’s a pretty good representation of how those toxic comments and trolls can take a toll on someone and their mental health.

      The ep really took a sharp turn in the later half. This whole Live situation is pretty concerning but now that the girls have revealed they’re vampires, it seems the whole clan is after them. Mother’s obviously pretty pissed…. I wonder how they’ll wrap this up in the finale?

    2. Only 1 more month?

      That’s certainly… Something. Then again, it’s not something that hasn’t been done before. And at least here they’re immoral vampires, and with a team of several people it’s suddenly a lot more feasible to do a 5-day non-stop stream, taking turns to stream and sleep etc.

      Uh oh… They were recording all that.

      Though it seems like they’ve genuinely buried the hatchet and want to direct fans over to her new channel.

      And unsurprisingly the drama rags are all over that.

      The drama’s not going to die down anytime soon.

      They’re surprisingly opposed to Yuki streaming games. She’s certainly built up at least a bit of a fanbase doing it, so it’s not like she’ll _hurt_ the channel.

      Where’s she running off to now?

      Is she commenting in a free chat?

      Where’s Live gone?

      A bunch of notes from 20 years ago?

      Well things have certainly gotten interesting.

      300k in a few hours is simply impossible. Simply because the sheer number of subscribers will be automatically culled once it gets past a certain point. It’s generally agreed to be an anti-botting measure.

      Those flowers are fresh.

      So where’s she hibernating now?

      What’s their plan now?


      And so we’ll find out in the finale.

    3. You know what, a channel consists of vampires and they are doing a live stream of a real life team deathmatch is definitely going to earn them 1m subs, but now begs the question, how the hell are they gonna resolve the problem now that you know, the bat is out of the bag?

    4. As expected Masaki’s punch was the highlight again even though the video was meant to be a reconciliation news it turned into a hit piece on her instead.

      Having Live missing for most of the episode was jarring, it really did hammer in how much she was the mood of the show and now that she’s gone that cheery atmosphere really went south quickly.

    5. Jesus fucking Christ. P.A.Work goes all out in this episode despite it set up for Climax.

      Those visual where it show she bother by hate comment to the scenes where she have fight with Live to chasing scenes and them convince Masaki under rain to the scenes of “Ai room” are full visual presentation and really really good animation..

      I just noticed something… This episode barely have joke or comedic outside a little joke where Ichiko said wrong Kanji.

      They really at make us feel the same as these characters.

      Oh god we shounen fight now.

      Ah it looks like the video has a punch part but this one is not really connected (is this visual error or intended?) even though it still makes her look bad although it does not really affect the Mayonaka Punch channel much consider the sub number doesn’t go down.

      Despite that she becomes distracted again because she really likes she still gets hurt by those hate comments to the point she has a fight with Live.

      Ah… of course, it’s not a Yuri subtext anime without “Divorce” arc that forces another one to realize their feelings.

      Wait what did Live remember?

      Wow…. Live disappear. There are another name coming up….

      Who is this “Ai”? Appearance is the name of a sickening girl who used to stay in that abandoned hospital 20 years ago and seems to be really close with Live… huh interesting.

      I wonder if “Ai” and Masaki actually have connection to each other because they only show name but not last name because of how Live really attached to Masaki.

      She passed away coincidentally the same time as when Live goes to sleep.

      Wow Masaki finally realized that Live is very important person to her and she really really don’t want to loss her.

      What are other Vampire planing by reveal themselves to the world like that? What the hack. It also live streaming too which means it hard to deleted even if Mother have connections all over the world. Even Yuki agree with this plan? Reveal themselves just to save house?

      Oh god…. The mother’s hence man are here. We are going to get a huge fight next episode….

      Danm this is going to be one hell of an ending.

      Next is last episode and the name of episode also very obnoxious…..oh god.

    6. Revealing themselves as actual vampires is going to net them a lot of subs automatically.

      Or the channel’s just going to get taken down.

    7. Damn PA has been cooking!

      Fuck the Hype-Sis girls. Just when I though they were redeemable, they fucking set her up last episode. I’m not surprised that Masaki lashed out at Live like that given how much bullshit she’s dealing with by herself.

      Live’s disappearance was so well handled with its tension and drama. The chase sequence was so cool to watch.

      I can’t wait to see next episode with that cliffhanger and I’m calling it but the person in the middle of the henchmen is Mother.

      I’m still wondering why is there an airsoft sequence in the OP though…

    8. Dude, everything went south in just three days.

      So Live’s gone and it has something to do with her remembering this “Ai”. I can’t help but think that there may be a connection with Masaki here, because she and Ai were apparently close and we still don’t know why Masaki’s blood is so alluring to Live. No idea what it could be though. Blood transfusion?

      I did like seeing Masaki get so worried though. So she’s not the best human being (work in progress there) and sometimes she lashes out, but really got attached to these guys and to Live.

      And now the timeline’s been moved up?? Man. Plus hunters, plus MayoPan revealing that they’re vampires… I wonder if that means the end of the masquerade. That’d be something, a silly NewTube channel being the catalyst for the end of all the secrecy.

    9. Genshin_WhiteKnight on

      Ok so hear me out

      * Ai died 20 years ago,
      * Masakichi is 20ish years old.
      * Liv has a very strong attachment to Ai and Masaki. Masaki being the reason Liv even woke up again in the first place.
      * Masakichi is Ai’s reincarnation?

    10. Damn, the stakes just shot up real quick this ep. Masaki feeling down again, Live has a dark past, and vampire hunters all at the same time?!?

      The fact that Masaki’s old friends thought showing the punch was a good idea says everything about why their channel hasnt gone anywhere since she left.

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