Choose one ❤️

    by Temporary-Card-7971


    1. Only nen and breathing style are fair. But i would choose quirk or CE which you either go big or go home.

    2. transwarcriminal on

      chakra. Quirks, stands, nen, and cursed energy are all a gamble with what you can do. breathing styles, ki, and haki are mostly only useful for fighting. Chakra is extremely versatile and can have many everyday uses

    3. Ki because all other can still be learned but ki is hard to manipulate with limited uses , as we currently know although it would be a different story if we talk about wuxia/cultivation genre.

    4. throwaway-55555556 on

      Depends on if they just exist or if I can have it. Because if they just exist, stands all the way. I just stay away from people who look like they have a tailor. If I get them, Ki or Water Breathing.

    5. Miscellaneous_Mind on

      Ki by far. I can fly, teleport, sense energy, absorb energy, emit energy, use to harden parts of your body etc.

    6. Nen is so above all the other combat systems, if you want you can find a way to integrate every other shounen character into hxh and have their nen power essentially be how they worked in their own universe, just scaled up/down

    7. It’s either haki or nen for me.

      The rest are either too laborious; requires memorization or is just a roulette to see if yours is a good one. But I’ll go with haki.

      The strongest man alive in One Piece bodied people with just his haki and if you have conqueror’s haki, only other people with conqueror’s haki can fight you, the rest have no choice but to kneel down and submit to you.

      (I’ve also never watched HXH, so I’m not sure what Nen is, but the same applies for One Piece. If anyone wants to explain I’d be happy and glad)

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