Episode 99 – Victory by These Hands

    I… I can't win. Not as I am. If only I had both arms. No. I doubt I could win. Even with both arms. He's become a feral beast, sacrificing everything for victory. I must sacrifice everything, too!


    <— Last save | Adventure’s log (Index) | Journey End —>

    OP 2 —> Bravest

    ED 4 —> Tobu Tori wa



    MAL | AniList | ANN | Kitsu | AniDB


    Screenshot of the Dai:

    Dragon Knight

    Comment of the Dai:

    goes to u/KendotsX showing us the sideeffects of playing Dragon Quest games:

    But of course, this is the kind of effort you'd put, when the the world's mightiest mage is coming back, nay, the Grand Sorcerer MASOPHO!!!


    The word nay in your speech pattern is a telltale sign of playing too much Dragon Quest.

    And for his nice comment about Vearn:

    Speaking of immortality, Vearn is basically an eternal sore loser. His big old speech today shows his ideology in a nutshell, everytime he loses he goes "HAHAHA you think you defeated me?! Well guess what? I'm immortal bitch, I get to try this again, and you won't be there to stop me! HAHAHAHA" except, someone else will rise up to beat the shit out of him and he'll repeat the same speech. Whereas Popp only has this time to bet everything on, Vearn is always betting on "next time", and that's why he's been a loser for thousands of years.

    Questions of the Dai:

    1. Hym has heroically sacrificed his life for Chiu. Will you miss him?
    2. With the final episode upon us, what's your predictions about the final episode?


    Please, respect the fact there are First Timers watching Dai no Daibouken with us, so avoid talking about vague things or events that would slightly spoil things to happen. And if you want mention things like this, please hid it behind SPOILER TAGS like [Dai no Spoilers] I am getting the hammer because you spoiled the fun for others

    by Shocketheth


    1. **First-Timer Quest: Sky no Daibouken, subbed**

      – [Shimmering sky!](https://i.imgur.com/TDWdAPN.png)

      – [Oh, fun.](https://i.imgur.com/X24uT9w.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Popp’s not wrong](https://i.imgur.com/aGofH46.png), [but…](https://i.imgur.com/g5Q9W8Y.png) [](#kurisudisappointed)

      – [Oooooooooooh!](https://i.imgur.com/zF82ozZ.png)

      – [Okay good, Hym survived that.](https://i.imgur.com/WsHn0F3.png) [](#takaradasalute)

      – [Yes yes yes Avan and Flora reunion!](https://i.imgur.com/7tkwuop.png) [](#grandhype)

      – [AND SHE JUST FUCKING IMMEDIATELY PASSES OUT LMAO](https://i.imgur.com/uH2reno.png) [](#laughter)

      – [What the fuck…](https://i.imgur.com/6uSWhuo.png)

      – [He really looks like a demon with this one.](https://i.imgur.com/S9LfqpV.png) [](#ohfuck)

      – [*whistles*](https://i.imgur.com/m03GSGU.png) [](#doggo)

    2. First timer!

      1. Very much so. [o7](https://i.imgur.com/93bXZ1Y.jpeg)
      2. I’m only saying this because /u/Shocketheth already spoiled it, but we’re getting a timeskip and Dai is making a wish to make Gomechan his friend again.

      I know I’m beating a dead hourse here but… [For the millionth time, Popp, that shit is not gonna work.](https://i.imgur.com/MOE1ql6.jpeg)

      [Yeah, no fucking shit](https://i.imgur.com/IC3O6Ki.jpeg)

      [I’m glad our captain finally gained some self-confidence!](https://i.imgur.com/iCFbANI.jpeg)

      [That was actually pretty funny lol](https://i.imgur.com/gcvqglZ.jpeg)

      [Of course he has a JRPG final form.](https://i.imgur.com/Er1EjgV.jpeg)

      I hate that Dino didn’t finish Vearn off this episode, I really hoped we would have the entirety of episode 100 for the afterparty and timeskip 🙁

    3. **First Timer, Sub**

      They went all in for Vearn vs Dai especially in animation and voice acting (Koyasu especially). We also finally get to see Vearn’s boss form. In the meantime everyone is able to escape thanks to Hym being him and getting everyone reunited including Avan and Flora since I wanted to see them reunite again. 

      1. He’s Hym

      2. I already know

    4. **First Time Adventurer/Subbed**

      Just when I thought we went full JRPG… we took it to the next level. I mention this because I played one earlier this year that the boss had similar form to this version of Vearn lol. We’re even in SPACE NOW [](#SPORTS)

      But yea interesting to see how much characters in this show were willing to throw it all away, for beating one person or winning one battle. I dig it

      Although Dai very much seemed like he was having second thoughts seeing Vearn going all the way here

      The rest of the party making it to the surface was a nice moment, although I feel them when they wanted to be there with Dai and can’t. Chiu retiring Hym’s number was funny, and not surprising that Hym was the one who used Grand Cross since he uses Aura attacks now. I thought it would be Hyunckel since I had a feeling Avan can’t survive from it

      Seeing the Flora/Avan reunion was nice too

      The Dourora was not what I was expecting (I thought we would have a similar moment to DBZ), but damn did it look pretty here

      > Dragon Knight

      like this screen shot of the day [](#Neat)


      1) Hym had a good run, I’ll pour one out for him like I did for Block

      2) I wonder if that last attack would be the final one for Vearn, and then spend the rest of the first half of Dai trying to control himself again. Hopefully the second half is used for post battle and epilogue stuff

    5. **First Timer Subbed**

      -I like how this fight has just devolved into punches and the like, just beat the shit out of each other at this point

      -Ok, how many hopeless situations can we have?

      -I mean, I couldn’t remember if Avan taught him Grand Cross so I was half-expecting him to say “I never taught him that”

      -The surprise hero Hym, once again here to save the day

      -Yeah, as soon as Chiu was the one crying over Hym I knew he was still alive

      -The queen fainted lol

      -It’d be funny if both their hands completely broke from punching their fists together like that. I’m undecided if I mean all the bones in their hands or if I mean like Hym’s arms

      -Well I guess a half hour left of the entire series is a good enough time to bring in yet another new power

      -That eye on his stomach looks almost like the…thing you find at the end of Earthbound for the final battle

      -Weird thing to bring up but I was one of the people initially disappointed when [Attack on Titan spoilers] >!Attack on Titan started to become titans vs. titans, because its much cooler and more of an underdog scenario if you’re still a little guy fighting a significantly bigger guy. That’s what this is, and its cooler for it. !<

      -Well…guess we gotta tune in to the last episode to find out if that finally worked!

    6. **1st** **~~Dai~~** **Popp no Daibouken Rewatch, Sub**

      * Kinda feel sad for [Vearn Palace.](https://i.imgur.com/UzLb6Kw.png)
      * The animation [here ](https://i.imgur.com/STpcl1F.png)was movie-level but I felt it was a bit too bright towards the end.
      * [Popp’s Final Medoroa](https://i.imgur.com/1vyicEH.png)
      * [Level-Headed Mage](https://i.imgur.com/1BLJytB.png)
      * [Grand Cross](https://i.imgur.com/4mInNWw.png)
      * [Original User of the Grand Cross](https://i.imgur.com/H8PnXY0.png) Kinda like a callback to when Hyunckel did it in Episode 91 for the Air Attack but this time, only this time it’s not exactly the same.
      * [Goofy Avan](https://i.imgur.com/ZOmjYG3.png) [Hyunckel](https://i.imgur.com/YxHqYVH.png) knows Avan’s bluffing.
      * [Number 12 powering up](https://i.imgur.com/WeXG1CM.png)
      * [Hym’s Grand Cross](https://i.imgur.com/tKPi9Ke.png)
      * Really love [Hym’s speech](https://i.imgur.com/jzYRC3V.png) here and it’s kinda ironic since his VA is also Zamasu’s VA.

      >*If you’re immortal… If you’re immortal… Then I’m also immortal!*

      The Immortal Meme lives on.

      * Chiu, what about [Number 2](https://i.imgur.com/xLpHXyG.png)? Or are you going to get Gomechan back after 10 years?
      * [The Reunion](https://i.imgur.com/Y4HeWuF.png)
      * [Definitely!](https://i.imgur.com/ibew65I.png)
      * [Avan’s and Flora’s reunion](https://i.imgur.com/euUb292.png) was one of my favourite scenes this episode. Her [reaction](https://i.imgur.com/Ig9sbb7.png) and [fall](https://i.imgur.com/gMOQyqj.png) killed me.
      * [Dai vs Vearn](https://i.imgur.com/FUEu34I.png)
      * They [censored Vearn’s Blood](https://twitter.com/Herms98/status/1582024145117667328) when [he ripped out his third eye](https://i.imgur.com/Su3G5xG.png).
      * [Vearn](https://i.imgur.com/u3L90De.png) becomes a [Feral Beast](https://i.imgur.com/IoVDPxi.png).
      * Bro thinks he’s [Hadlar](https://i.imgur.com/8eESecI.png).
      * [Sovereign Supreme/Kiganou](https://i.imgur.com/KGY09ab.png)
      * Remember [Sovereign Rock Castle?](https://i.imgur.com/FzDimGC.png) That was built in the image of [Vearn’s ultimate form](https://i.imgur.com/SRVxZKE.png).
      * [Desperate](https://i.imgur.com/Ib9fOM8.png) [Vearn](https://i.imgur.com/Bsc2lXq.png)
      * [Duroura 1](https://i.imgur.com/K21yiBX.png)
      * [Duroura 2](https://i.imgur.com/5KtNCxc.png)
      * [Duroura 3](https://i.imgur.com/XAtA5fM.png)

      [Dai no Meta Spoilers] >!I mean I get why they decided to hide the next episode preview but the [image](https://i.imgur.com/6sAImeE.png) they chose itself is a big spoiler, lol.!<

      Also, I would suggest reading this thread since it sheds light on [how Toei managed to adapt it within 100 episodes](https://twitter.com/Herms98/status/1582028168193445888). The first half of the series is a bit rushed because of it and they did end up cutting small things here and there towards the end to make it fit within 100 episodes.

      [Also, the staff behind the show note that Dai na Daibouken follows the Shonen Jump’s Friendship/Effort/Victory formula the most compared to modern shows and did it without killing off a lot of characters.](https://twitter.com/Herms98/status/1582029426581073920)

      [OST Documentation – Episode 99](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OD0tVXR50ixuRVijA_54YtHUuerpXbLYzIjQYXnIqmU/edit#heading=h.iyxk26cifub)

      **1.** But Hym said he was [immortal](https://i.imgur.com/bWkm31Y.png) like Hyunckel. Can’t believe he died after saying that. Top 10 Anime Betrayals.

      **2.** Vearn will be defeated and Dai will get to finally meet Gomechan again after the time-skip.

    7. ###[First Timer](https://i.imgur.com/2mi9xO7.png)

      The fight wasn’t my type but it looked very nice. I approve.


      The scenes with the others were very fun. Avan and Popp doing comedy duet, Hyunckel hyunckelling and Hym showing once again how awesome the Beast King Commando are. [Especially loved this line.](https://i.imgur.com/zFutFCN.png)

      And of course [the captain](https://i.imgur.com/to5JxFT.png) shined a lot. [Good stuff.](https://i.imgur.com/Zu7NSw8.png)

      > Hym has heroically sacrificed his life for Chiu. Will you miss him?

      May he rest in peace together with Hadlar. Every time I google “en passant” I’ll be thinking of Hym.

      > With the final episode upon us, what’s your predictions about the final episode?

      Zaboera returns and kills everybody.

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