Aniplex, Toho Take Major Step In Combating Anime Leaks Via US District Court

    by PurePiro15


    1. “This could mean that Toho will pursue them in the future, or that it was an unintentional mistake in the naming of the original dozen, which are named below:
      @WERLeaks, @msthshra, @IDuckyx, @Nakaysee, @kynesta, @SaaraAdam21, @Snowz7x, @seveninone71, @jobisky, @SinzsSzn2, @Root25257968, @mamutchiq2030
      Regardless, the methodology for both Aniplex and Toho is rather simple. First, follow a series of official and anime leak accounts. Second, monitor the accounts for potential leaks and then preserve as information. Of course, there’s more in-between than just that… for Aniplex. In the case of Toho, despite employing their legal division for the monitoring of anime leaks, their methodology is explained as “if an account posted an image or video before broadcast, then it’s a leak”. It’s not inherently incorrect by any means, but it’s a far less detailed approach.
      In the hands of Aniplex, while they express a similar “if it’s early, it’s a leak” idea, they also employ better methods for tracking origin.“

      Yeah….. they “aren’t fucking around” is right. Oh my.

    2. Lizリズ (@Nakayasee) is totally yapping on twitter about how it’s a complete misunderstanding that they’re mentioned, blah blah blah kinda thing. They did delete 2-3 of their tweets that were mentioned in the lawsuit though, hmm 🤔

      So I’m gonna link some of the things they’re typing:

      [This person calling out Liz:](

      > You understand they fact checked and caught you in the act right?
      > The post has been up for an entire year, in which they were screencapped for evidence on April 4th, 2024, on june 10th, 2024 they filed the petition which was checked over by the US Courts got approved
      > Even if you want to argue that you grabbed the “screenshot” from a “specific” account? Then why was there no update post clarifying that?
      >Why is it that out of all the Demon Slayer Season 3 credits you posted, the ones posted in the court document are deleted?
      > For someone who’s “Not guilty” you’re acting very sus as if someone was caught lying
      > You know they’re following you and see everything you’re tweeting right?
      > For someone who’s put “a lot of research” in the anime space it shocked me you never put an ounce of research into looking at the court documents at all when this came out
      > You’re a coward and a clown🤡

      [Liz’s reply:](

      > So according to your version
      > Me, after hundreds and hundreds of tweet and threads of staff translation over the past 3/4 years, one day i woke up and i suddenly decided it was a good idea to put a leaked Demon Slayer picture and use it for a staff post while I knew it was a leaked one.
      > It certainly makes sense to think that someone decides overnight to purposely ruin his years of work for no particular reason, but that’s a reasonable version of the story according to this guy that doesn’t even know who i am and it’s accusing me of being a liar, a clown and many other things
      > Worked hard through the years only to be called a fucking idiot in the end by someone i never met.
      > Beautiful

      [Reply from the above again:](

      > “Reasonable Version” My brother in Christ It’s in the court document
      > Do you need someone to make your downfall into a anime and post your court date in the staff credits to make you understand this whole thing was *your* doing?
      > You lied to your audience for clout & engagement
      > Plain & Simple
      > Instead of wasting your time arguing with me over twitter, you should be picking out your best suit for that court date

    3. amurocounterattack on

      I don’t understand leakers. Getting internet points doesn’t seem worth the risk of being fired, blacklisted, and sued.

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