Like it really shouldn’t be such a long topic. A hero, FREES slaves. Not KEEP them. It’d be a different story if a freed slave was like “Hey I wanna join you, not as a slave but a person” but… we don’t see much a that.

    by the8thchild


    1. Here we go again.

      No one is being like pro-slavery because of anime. It’s a plot device, arguably a bad one, but just a narrative tool and that tool needs to be looked at in the perspective of the story, not the perspective of the real world.

    2. Heroes are also supposed to *save* humanity, not wipe out 80% of it.

      Anime ain’t what they used to be.

    3. Mc does not have to be a hero.

      But yeah having a good natured protag casually owning a slave is cringe

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