2.5-jigen no Ririsa, episode 11

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      The weebs are about to freakin explode at this cosplay off lol. Ririsa and Nagomi are giving it their all, and having fun while doing it too. It’s kinda nice things aren’t so competitive anymore for Nagomi. She’s just doing it for the love of cosplay like Ririsa.

      The two of them nerding out after was so cute. And she got to meet her “Kai” lol. It was also really cool that everyone was nice to Nagomi. She was expecting toxic bullshit and got nothing but love instead.

      Man, Eri knocked Mayuri’s soul out her body with that punch lol. That’s true friendship right there!

      I wonder what kind of bullshit Ririsa’s gonna have to deal with next week?

    2. When even Mayuri started shipping Okumura and Ririsa, Mikarin really stands no chance at this rate.

      Glad Nagomi managed to get over her fear and only realised her issue over caring too much about the online haters, knowing how Okumura has her contact its only inevitable she’ll return soon.

    3. Missingnoleader on

      And so Ririsa’s second cosplay event comes to an end. And as with all shonens, everyone comes away with it more enlightened. Nagomi was so caught up with the online comments that she doesn’t realize the impact she has among actual cosplayers. And the message of self-love applies to both Ririsa and Nagomi. Are they destined to be rivals? Will they actually be friends? Probably not as long as Okumura’s with Ririsa, but hey its all about reconciliation. The Mayuri and Eri moment is perfect complete with the move execution. And we’ll find out next episode what the Principal and the Student Council decide…

    4. Prince-Dizzytoon on

      Mayura is a shipper just like the rest of us

      And what was on the chalkboard must of been extra spicy, looking forward to next week!

    5. Nagomi is back in the swing of things as a true passionate cosplayer! Perfect for putting on a show along with Ririsa as Liliel!

      Well, Nagomi-chan, “Kai-sama” WAS looking at you…but then he immediately turned his attention to Liliel.

      I love how they acknowledge “skimpiness” as a factor of gaining and keeping photographers.

      But Ririsa as Liliel doesn’t just need her great, sexy, outfit and photogenic looks, she knows EVERYTHING about Liliel, which means she knows ALL her most iconic and famous poses and can recreate them exactly!

      It’s nice to see Nagomi and Ririsa gain a mutual admiration and respect for each other. Nagomi helped Ririsa fully realize how much of her love for Liliel goes into her cosplay, and how that’s what makes her happy and comfortable expressing herself, while Nagomi is finally able to have fun and understand just how similar she and Ririsa are. It’s very sweet.

      Even Nagomi’s manager, Saito, is happy to finally see her putting out her passion again as a cosplayer. This is the Nagomi she wanted to work with, in fact.

      Is Ririsa a cosplay Cinderella? Running off with no one knowing who she really is? Or should Ririsa start working on her social media presence? Especially if she’s a prospective new queen?

      Although as a “Cinderella” she already has her prince in Okumura, she immediately throws herself against when she needs to relax!

      Mayuri and Eri finally have their long-awaited reunion…and Eri delivers a huge gut punch to Mayuri. Which, yeah, if your best friend ditches you and all your other friends and never properly explain why, you would have every right to be angry. Because even beyond being fellow cosplayers, Mayuri and Eri were friends, and Mayuri needed to know that. But at least they’ve finally reconciled.

      Look at Nagomi and Ririsa fangirling over each other! Despite how much she’s not quite comfortable with it, Nagomi can’t help but love Ririsa as the precious cinnamon roll and fellow fangirl cosplayer that she is! They could totally be best friends! Were it not for the fact that Okumua is the spitting image of Nagomi’s Kai-sama and Nagomi seems prepared to enter the Okumura bowl! Right down to trying to get HIM to cosplay as Kai.

      It’s probably been a long time since Nagomi has been in the public changing room, and she’s really anxious and nervous while recalling all the online hate she experienced…but now she gets to see the reality that is that real cosplayers support and accept her, and are her FANS, and are willing to help her unzip and gush over her! And in seeing this truth, Nagomi realizes that she was projecting her own inability to love herself onto other people, and is finally ready to love herself again.

      Look at Ririsa sleeping on Okumura’s shoulder! The ladies in front of them approve! It’s a very romantic moment…and Ririsa even confesses! In front of Mayuri, in fact! Too bad they’re still convinced their love for each other is purely out of being cosplay partners to the point where even Mayuri can’t make sense of them.

      Well, whether they get to be a club with a clubroom is now up to the student council…but will they accept a student dressing in flashy and provocative outfits as a basis for a club?

      Oh hey, Mikari! We haven’t seen you in, like, 4-5 episodes! But wait, what’s on the blackboard? Has she been figured out as Liliel? Something to do with Okumura (which would explain why Mikari is so frustrated)?

    6. I expected nagomi to fangirl slightly crazier but I guess rainbow vomit is good enough
      I’m pretty sure most of us, if not all, can relate to what Mayuri felt during that train ride scene
      Finally some mikarin… She’s been missing for awhile, I was afraid for a moment nagomi gonna sneak up and steal her spot

    7. It was nice that [Nagomi and Ririsa](https://imgur.com/9O6CBYz) understood each other so well and even became Rivals/friends and even got to [nerd about Liliel](https://imgur.com/SWGxGrs) together [](#feelingloved)

      Oh, and speaking of friends, Eri gives us another reason to cosplay: because you made [friends](https://imgur.com/SaZPKEU) doing it

      Also loved how Nagomi got reminded about how [wholesome](https://imgur.com/8e2raO7) the actual cosplayers are, it’s easy for random people on the internet to be mean, but real people who know and love what you do will always be nice

      Also got an early contender for next seasons [#seasonalapproval](https://imgur.com/TgrmdOr)

      And damn cliffhanger [](#frustration)

    8. It’s kinda funny that Nagomi had no idea that she made the close friend/love interest of the guy she thinks is “Kai” end up crying, so he would never be interested in her after that. Really shooting herself in the foot there lol

      I had a feeling Nagomi wouldn’t apologize 🙁 that makes me feel better she probably won’t end up with Masamune 🙂 she was so mean to Ririsa before 🙁

      Man I’m so glad this anime has another episode and another cour.

    9. ###Stitches!

      * [Ririsa Pose 1](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acrz3po7.jpg)

      * [Ririsa Pose 2](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyvdc36gk9y.jpg)

      * [Nagomi Pose](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkce2kwj7.jpg)

      * [Nagomi & Ririsa](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcjz93ey.jpg)

      [That forward dash into a low punch from Eri was amazing!](https://i.imgur.com/dD75VH2.jpeg) That caught me off guard! [I’m glad to see Mayura and Eri finally talk](https://i.imgur.com/5yoJ4w1.jpeg) and patch things up after Mayura just suddenly disappeared from the cosplay scene.

      [I love Nagomi’s Jojo face](https://i.imgur.com/ik4qdMM.jpeg) when she finally met Ririsa on her way to the changing room. It’s funny how she went from being besties [to suddenly changing her mind](https://i.imgur.com/RvvvW0s.jpeg) when Nagomi learned that her Kai-sama is Ririsa’s photographer. I’m surprised [she actually asked for Okumura’s number.](https://i.imgur.com/mDipfI7.jpeg)

      [The girls supporting girls vibe of this show is so fucking wholesome.](https://i.imgur.com/5agJs3t.jpeg) I’m glad that Nagomi finally realized that the hate she’s seeing online shouldn’t affect how she sees other people and that [people are far nicer in real life.](https://i.imgur.com/IFoORho.jpeg) More people really need that kind of mentality.

      [These two really can’t stop saying misleading things.](https://i.imgur.com/53SEoAD.jpeg) Seriously! They don’t even realize that they’re practically dating at this point and [I can definitely understand Sensei’s confusion watching the two of them.](https://i.imgur.com/OVlD9aB.jpeg)

      [I’m glad that the principal is cool with the cosplay](https://i.imgur.com/RWIyUWZ.jpeg) and is leaving the final decision to the student council president who we already know is very chill. The principal does bring up some good points and it looks like [Ririsa’s photos are already spreading around the school.](https://i.imgur.com/vUGM9Ty.jpeg)

      And they really just had to end the episode [with that kind of cliffhanger!](https://i.imgur.com/wNZyQ7N.jpeg) What’s on the blackboard?!

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