Episode 33

    The Value of Life

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    AppleTV has the regular individual episodes available.

    Spoiler Rules:

    • As always, please be sure to tag any future content spoilers according to the r/Anime rules. There is likely to be first timer viewers here, and while discussing how previously seen content connects to content later down the road is interesting (be it later episodes or even Season 3), please be sure to properly spoiler tag anything mentioned! Let's make this a fun experience for everyone involved!

    • This also applies to cut content discussions, which I believe are fine to include for the sake of discussion, but should be properly tagged to avoid potentially spoiling viewers. Be mindful with how you present this information!

    Story Arc Lengths for Discussion Purposes:

    [Arc 1:] S1 Episode 1 – S1 Episode 3

    [Arc 2:] S1 Episode 4 – S1 Episode 11

    [Arc 3:] S1 Episode 12 – S2 Episode 1 (26)

    [Arc 4:] S2 Episode 2 (27) – S2 Episode 25

    [Arc 5 and later:] S3+

    As always, if you have any suggestions for the Re:Watch, let me know!

    by Theleux


    1. **Re:Watcher** – anime only

      OP alert! OP alert! The OP plays for the third time at episode 8! And in a pretty much regular length episode to boot. I thought this was Re:Zero, now with 50% more anime at the same price!

      Just like Betty wasn’t convincing in saying the time spent with Subaru wasn’t special to her, Subaru also doesn’t really want to consider her an enemy.

      Betty’s book really does tell the future, that’s an extremely powerful book to have. If Subaru was to have the other version of it, he could do so much with it.

      Roswaal is really helpful here. Two key phrases to convince Betty, and she’s likely to save the situation at the sanctuary as a result. Looks like we’re finally getting ahead!

      Ram is really great here. Sure, Roswaal ordered her to help Barusu, but she is choosing how to interpret that order. Also her sass is at peak level. Subaru and Otto both only amount to half a man but take up the space of one man each, that’s such a dirty line. Not only does it say they aren’t holding up to what they should be, it also says they are a waste of space.

      Subaru should have let Ram do the talking, she might have gotten somewhere. I love that Garf’s weird idioms are actually relevant here, because this one is an actual idiom the others understand. Also I had to laugh at Ram still dissing Subaru in this tense situation.

      Garf knocks down another tree. Is there any count on how many trees have died in Re:Zero so far? Do we count the Flügel Tree as just one tree for that consideration?

      Ram even stays behind to distract Garf. And Otto has managed to get the support of not just Ram but all the villagers! What a good boy he is.

      More trees die. Also villagers get hurt. And Garf has turned into a giant orange tabby cat. You know how I mentioned how great I think Tappei’s versions of Western stories are? I don’t think Garfiel is a coincidence. He’s taken a grumpy cartoon cat and turned it into a complete character for his story.

      Subaru doesn’t want to see anyone else get hurt and considers getting ***zeroed*** by Garfiel**d**. Otto doesn’t know about this though and takes the blow for him. What a great man. He’d die for his friend. Subaru, you must treasure this boy. Artistically, I like how Otto flies over a simple background, and once he hits the ground the proper background comes back.

      And Subaru cries for his friend. And for everyone else that has rallied to protect him. Him, who he considers to be more worthless than any of them.

      Then things take a turn for the very weird. It’s snowing heavily, and everyone is gone. Then there is a cute and very hungry bunny. And it has many friends. This must have been one of the most brutal and painful deaths so far. Getting eaten alive is such a terrible thought. You can see how much it messes with Subaru’s head as he freaks out after being reborn.

      At least it leads to Echidna time again. And Subaru forcefully barters with her. And successfully. And he drinks the tea again, only to be reminded of what it is. Quite the funny scene after this horrifying death. But why is he here? Why this time? Did she invite him back because he was going crazy? But this was just after the trial, she wouldn’t get why he was going crazy out of a sudden. We could deduce this information right away, so can Subaru. He asks the question, and Echidna indirectly confirms it by saying something he has done before, in another time. He says the line, and absolutely nothing happens for once. He can finally confide in someone what he’s experienced and felt. Someone that understands him. Someone that has been watching him all the time. Someone that can give him this incredibly important relief. I love how he’s crying over being able to say the words, but when Echidna wipes his tears away like a loving parent and tells him she wants to hear his experiences from him (because she is greedy), he starts crying again because he’ll get such a heavy weight off his chest. Echidna is supposed to be this powerful witch, but now she protects him from RbD’s curse and even significantly boosts his mental state. She *must* be very misunderstood.

      And a short credits roll over black background. A great scene for the significance it holds, letting us think about it for a moment. It was posted recently to this subreddit, so I sure hope no first timer has noticed the clip. It spoiled that he could tell someone in the very title of the post.

      Break Time is maid SoL this time. Frederica is rather proud of Petra so far. We also see how Petra applied for the job, and how Subaru played tag with the kids at the mansion earlier. And it ends with a relatively cryptic message, letting us know Frederica has put some hope in Emilia, likely to free the sanctuary and possibly increase the quality of life for half-bloods.

      Sugoooku counter: 40
      non-Emilia sugoooku: 3
      sugoku-likes: 9
      non-canon bonus material sugoooku (Re:Petit): 5

    2. That bunny attack is so surprising in terms of how brutal it was. It felt like something out of a horror movie, like a hard R horror movie. Even in a show with a lot of shocking content, I think you can put it against other scenes and it would still stack up highly against them.

    3. Hey guys. Holofan4life here.

      Welcome to the In Preparation of Season 3 Rewatch of Re:Zero!

      Oh, and nay I forget…

      **First Timer**

      I decided to watch this show because I wanted to do something for the month of August. ’Course, this was before the yearly Spice and Wolf rewatch got pushed back to September, but I just found myself looking for something to occupy my time with. And with this show being in my top 5 must watch list, I figured now was as good a time as any.

      I am going into this show relatively blind. I know some of the memes, who Rem, Ram, Emilia, and Subaru are, and that this show got its inspiration from Familiar of Zero, but that’s it. I find rewatches and my participation of them more fun when I have no idea what I am in store for. And with this series, I think we’re in for a blast. It’s also going to be the longest rewatch I participate in this year and second longest overall only behind the 20th Anniversary Fullmetal Alchemist rewatch. And given how joyous that show turned out, I don’t see why I should expect nothing less from this one.

      With that out of the way, let’s begin.

      I’m watching the sub, by the way.

      I should’ve gotten more sleep, but I’m too nervous about the results of the Best Girl contest.

      Ram referring to herself as an attendant, not Otto’s helper.

      I prefer Otto dealer, myself [](#hikariactually)

      Subaru saying she’s talking like she’s a witch’s familiar, which could be foreshadowing.

      Ram is here on orders of Roswaal to help out. However, it was her own decision to seek out Otto to make sure that happened.

      Ram says they’re going to escape. Garfiel can’t leave the Graveyard while Emilia is attempting the trial, so they’ll leave while his attention is away.

      Subaru, however, says they shouldn’t run just yet and that this is a golden opportunity.

      He’s going to do what he did three days ago, he says.

      Look at that, we actually do get the intro.

      Subaru with Roswaal

      He wants to ask him something under the assumption that his leaving the Sanctuary is a given.

      “Is Beatrice… a member of the Witch’s Cult?”

      Subaru says this being the case would make her his enemy.

      I mean, say what you will about her, she has saved him numerous times. The fact she hasn’t tried to kill him I think speaks volumes, even if it came from a book.

      Roswaal says that his words are not very convincing.

      The idea that they should become enemies is awful in his mind, which I agree.

      Roswaal offering a helping hand, it seems.

      He says that Beatrice is not a Witch’s Cultist and that that book is just a magical text that tells the true future, of which only two copies exist in the world.

      But then why does it look exactly identical to the Gospel in its design?

      Roswaal saying it’s the closest there is to the Tome of Wisdom.

      Wonder what the correlation is to the Tree of Wisdom.

      Subaru bringing up her calling it a Gospel.

      Roswaal says that’s because it lacks an official name.

      There are also defective versions, according to Roswaal.

      Now Subaru wants to know how he can get her to help him.

      “Roswaal said you are to ask this question.”

      Now Roswaal is saying based on his confusion that those words are insufficient to Subaru.

      Instead, he should tell her “I am that person”.

      Sounds like something that was used during the Herb Burger King campaign.

      Roswaal maintains that Beatrice will ally with Subaru if she asks the question and he answers it affirmatively.

      In the contract that she is powerless to override.

      Kinda feels like Roswaal is taking advantage of Beatrice.

      Subaru promises to punch him in the face if this doesn’t work.

      Roswaal doesn’t seem perturbed by this, instead saying that her alliance will be a great help in taking care of all issues involving the Sanctuary.

      Before Subaru leaves, however, he asks one more thing, like he’s a regular Columbo or something.

      “You’re not actually our enemy, are you?”

      Roswaal swears he is an ally to all of them.

      Given he’s the one providing the backing for Emilia to run for the royal selection, I’d sure hope so.

      Subaru back with Otto and Ram

      Subaru feels that all the pieces fit together now.

      As soon as they get out of the Sanctuary, says Subaru, they have to stop by the mansion. They can’t in good conscious let Frederica fend for herself.

      Ram agreeing to go with Subaru and Otto

      The problem now, of course, is how will they travel.

      Oh shit. Nevermind that, Garfiel is here [](#panic)

      He is PISSED

      Ram coming clean and matter-of-factly telling Garfiel what their plans are.

      Garfiel says Hoshin was Banan’s sunset, whatever that means.

      Ram and Otto look serious, all of a sudden.

      They explain he gave them two options: Surrender, or face an all-out attack.

      Garfiel saying he can’t let Subaru outside because he doesn’t know what he is.

      Ram saying that Roswaal could be upset by this decision. She still manages to insult Subaru in the process, however.

      Garfiel unfortunately feels he doesn’t care at all about this place.

      By the way, I just checked the results of the Best Girl contest. Holo won, praise be [](#utahapraises)

      Garfiel wants Subaru handed over

      Otto running off with Subaru

      As that is happening, Ram is trying to fend off Garfiel.

      Is Otto calling for backup?

      A bunch of lanterns

      I guess this is like Otto’s fireflies

      It’s really messed up how the residents of Arlam have Subaru’s back, but still have a hard time accepting Emilia as good.

      A rumbling from the ground

      And we see a trail of dust

      Is this mabeast Garfiel?

      It is [](#spooked)

      So, do we call him Gabeast, or Marfiel now?

      Subaru walking up to him



      It looks as if Otto is dead [](#smoke)

      **Ran out of space. Part two in the replies.**

    4. **Rewatcher**

      We all carry burdens. They are a result of living life. But oftentimes the burdens that are imposed by life are too much for a single person to carry. And yet many people do. Whether they have no one to share them with or something inside prevents them from getting the words out. Subaru is a case of the latter. In his case there is something or more accurately someone preventing him from divulging the things that impact him most. The thoughts that keep him awake at night and make the quiet feel so loud.  After not even a full season has passed in this world, he has found someone he can confide in. How humorous fate must be for that person to be related to the one who has prevented him from that act.

      Subaru’s life has been irreversibly tarnished by Return by Death. With infinite time he has the capacity to experience an endless amount of pain. His latest death being the thesis of that notion. After the deaths of the villagers and his newest friend Otto. People who he exclaims should not have to die, only he should carry that weight. He is left in shock unable to do the only things he knows how to do, die.  The final thing he sees before he is spirited away, is his trusted ground dragon bearing the name of a beloved animal from his world, crushed after she saves him.

      He is greeted by snow as he exits the location of his captivity. Snow was a marker of one of the most whimsical times of Subaru’s life, before he experienced the cruelty that fate had in store for him. Every appearance of snow, thereafter, signifies failure. The death of the one he loves and the end of all he has come to care about. But the world hasn’t ended, because Natsuki Subaru is alive. Alone in a world of falling snowflakes, no other existence present. Until the snow laden landscape reveals the presence of small animals, rabbits. While the Beast of the End didn’t make its appearance to fulfil that role of finality that snow now carries for Subaru, the rabbits of the same colour as the frost will. In trying to find meaning in the people who have sacrificed their lives for a boy who can only die, he has stumbled across his worst death in this world. Eaten alive by animals. The pain is never ending. His neurons firing at full capacity at all times trying to process it. They get under his skin, bite into his flesh and crawl in every hole and orifice in his body that might fit them. The hell only stops once the organ responsible for perceiving it comes under attack.

      What led him to this moment was a burning desire to find meaning in the deaths of others. Born from the people who have come to care for him, people he has saved. Return by Death has an infinite capacity for pain, but with it carries endless opportunities for connection. The villagers, who Subaru has come to know deeply throughout all of his loops have put down their lives for him. Ram, the maid who was responsible for a bloody death under the setting sun, in trying to delay Garfiel has seemingly lost her life to the beast. Otto, the merchant who in a bygone world pushes Subaru from his carriage to save himself, has now pushed Subaru out of harm’s way, giving up his life in the process.

      Returning once again Subaru’s spirit is shattered. That desire to know more at its peak. Earning him an audience with the Witch of Greed.

      The author himself admits that “Walking the lonely road called ‘Return by Death’ is the greatest point of Natsuki Subaru’s suffering.” Once he overcomes the threshold that stops him from trusting others with his plight, fearing the sharp pain in his chest or succumbing to the greater fear of a loved one suffering that penalty, a dam burst within him. As he repeats the name of the curse he’s been bestowed with until his voice becomes coarse, memories forgotten by the world, but carried by him alone can finally come to the surface. They make their appearance known as Subaru’s erratic speech is consumed by wailing. But this time, unlike all the other times, someone can perceive him. The Witch of Greed knows. She’s seen every step he has taken on his journey. But it is time for her to stop watching and become an active participant in this play fate has penned. Wanting to absorb every essence of knowledge the stage has to offer. That’s what she, Echidna, The Witch of Greed is.

      With so many lives lost this episode you might wonder what is the point? I would say it is to showcase Subaru’s ever evolving relationship with death. From fearing it with every fibre of his being, it has now become something he is growing ever accustomed to. Thinking of death as the answer when his problems grow exponentially more demanding. But is that a healthy way to view his own existence? Something he can toss aside as soon as the going gets tough. Even if he can find meaning in his death by reversing causality, he is still a person. A person with a life he should cherish. Now that the lonely road has ceased being such, maybe Subaru can entertain a differing view regarding his curse from another person for the first time. He can grow to understand the value of life.

      Closing thoughts:

      The word for today is “Burden”. The amount of relief and catharsis Subaru must feel cannot be put into words. But it can be portrayed by the voice performances of actors like Yuusuke Kobayashi. Who has elevated this scene from an emotional highlight you can read in a book, into one you hear and will never forget. His confession never fails to bring me to tears. And apparently that applies to Yuusuke Kobayashi himself, crying during his performance. He embodies Natsuki Subaru, and I thank him for his dedication to voicing such a fascinating character.

      They brought back the credit roll for this episode. Intentionally mirroring the end of episode 15. While that episode ended in shock and despair, this one is remarkably more hopeful.

      Speaking of the production it is impressive just how much they were able to put into this episode even with the pandemic that was going on during that time. As much as I love the work they put into it I would like to highlight one mistake they made that might have caused some confusion. When Subaru is pondering how his behaviour doesn’t seem strange to Echidna even though they just saw each other they show clips of their first tea party. But his breakdown is happening right after the end of the first trial so they should have used clips at the start of episode 5. Again, with a hectic production amid a pandemic, mistakes like these were bound to happen, I’m just highlighting it to clear up any confusion.

      [S2 & Cut Content] >!Garfiel went on a rampage because he cannot control his demi beast form. Look at his eyes, red pupils with a green iris. Compare them to eyes he has at the end of the season after he overcomes his past. White iris with green pupils. He gives himself up to rage when he transforms, in this loop seemingly killing the one he loves. Also u/ripterrariumtv in this episode’s live tweets Tappei does tell us that ‘“The more it shines, the further away Magrittsa gets” is related to a historical event in the world of Re: Zero, that was also made into the drama “The Guillotine of Magrittsa”, and it’s a rare case of one of his sayings actually relating to something real.’!<

      The loneliness that has plagued Subaru seems to be coming to an end. With a Witch by his side perhaps the endless problems Subaru must face will start to be confronted for real this time.

    5. **First Timer!**

      Start time 9:28am

      I usually write these the night before but I didn’t get home from work until after midnight so hopefully I can get this done before the thread is posted

      Subaru is diverging from going back to the mansion this time

      We got an OP

      So the Book that Beatrice had wasn’t a gospel but something very similar, Sounds like it could be the book that the Gospels are derived from

      We hear that phrase again, “Roswaal said to answer the question”, I’m guessing that will force her to work with Subaru in accordance with her contract or something. I doubt Roswaal would tell him the phrase to break her contract or anything

      I don’t like the idea that Beatrice will be forced to obey Subaru as part of her contract

      Garf is here, I guess Otto has to focus to use his hearing ability

      Garf’s beast form is way more than I expected, I can’t imagine what a full blooded beastman would be like

      Well now this timeline is definitely a bust too, Garfiel has turned into a real antagonist it seems

      Subaru still had the crystal? What made it activate?

      did he get teleported back to the cell he was in?

      Is he somewhere completely different now?

      It’s the same place but all covered in snow. That seems familiar

      The rabbit just bit his hand off?!?! And feet?!? Dear god that whole scene was brutal

      And were meeting Echidna again

      [Lol I immediately thought of the bodily fluids thing when he started drinking](https://imgur.com/a/r47WHQ6)

      So Subaru can tell Echidna about RbD while he’s in this place?

      Not being able to talk about RbD was taking a huge toll on Subaru

      Echidna is comforting him, That’s a comforting image to see

      After watching that scene again, When she said “I know” it was the same text that appeared during Bonds of Ice

      They did rolling credits?

      I feel like so much happened in this episode that I’m amazed it was only 24 minutes, it felt like double.

      Roswaal still smells like a piece of shit, there is no reason at all to trust this guy, why does he have everything figured out and is unfazed by any of it? He may be an “ally” but he has to be the worst ally we can have. I don’t like the idea that if Subaru were to tell Beatrice those phrases he would likely be transferring ownership of her contract to him, it makes her sound like property and not something living, Plus there’s no input from Beatrice. Idk it all makes me uncomfortable, coming from Roswaal’s mouth doesn’t help either.

      The Gospel that Beatrice holds also tells the true future, I don’t like that either.

      Garf in his beast form is something insane, In terms of Destructive ability I would put him above or at the very least on the same level as Betelgeuse, and above all the Mabeast we’ve seen so far. He is a problem but the fact that he isn’t actively trying to harm everybody is our silver lining. I don’t know how Subaru is planning on dealing with him in future loops but it can’t be easy, I can’t imagine getting along with someone who just killed several people you care about right in front of you, and without a second thought to it.

      I want to know what the deal was with the crystal Subaru still had and the place he got teleported to. Did it somehow transport him to a future where the seal was broken and all the mabeast rabbits were able to overrun the place? Was it a different reality or something? The fact that the place was frozen over was reminiscent of Emilia’s home but we didn’t see anybody frozen. And the rabbit scene was just absolutely over the top brutal. I saw one of the Rabbits chewing on Subaru’s tongue, It has to be the worst death we’ve seen so far.

      This is the first time since episode 18 that we’ve seen Subaru this traumatized by a death, and a seemingly random one at that. If not for being pulled into Echidna’s realm he probably would have completely broken down again. I do hope that Echidna is some kind of ally to Subaru and not simply using him or playing him. I enjoy her stunned reactions to the weird things he does and her comforting Subaru in the end scene was very reminiscent of what Emilia and Rem have done for him. Who knew that being killed over and over again without being able to talk to anybody about it would stress someone out. It also seems like Subaru will be able to remember Echidna after this as well, which also means all their past talks too, a privilege I assume few people have. This means that Subaru will be able to remember what she told him about his witch factor and that they are able to talk whenever either of them want, I think this is probably a big development.

      I think that Echidna is also the one who made the deal with Puck back in The Frozen Bond/Bonds of Ice, the detail with the text on the screen can’t be coincidence. I don’t think anything is a coincidence anymore in this series. I wonder why it was those words specifically. Maybe a symbol of her greed for knowledge. One thing I will agree with Roswaal about is that The Witch of Greed doesn’t seem like a fitting title for her, she’s been too kind so far for such a derogatory title, The Witch of Knowledge or something similar would be a better fit. If someone was truly greedy they wouldn’t have passed on the offer Subaru gave her when requesting to remember her. Not sure if she will bring it up in the next episode but he offered to pay whatever price and she just agreed but didn’t state that she wanted anything.

      Stop time 11:53

    6. **S02E08 – Rewatcher who finished the Season yesterday, making his replies less useful**

      * [Oh of course.](https://i.imgur.com/4TWWExA.jpeg)

      * Second OP in eight episodes!

      * [“How could she? She spends all her time indoors!”](https://i.imgur.com/PCpafn0.jpeg)

      * [Uh-huh.](https://i.imgur.com/RGFiEau.jpeg)

      * [Aww.](https://i.imgur.com/WXzD7b5.jpeg)

      * [Garfiel is a dick.](https://i.imgur.com/PbMCdiW.jpeg)

      * [Noooooo.](https://i.imgur.com/5TaRDM9.jpeg) This must be a busted loop then…

      * [Well… something happened.](https://i.imgur.com/EiFezpL.jpeg)

      * [That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!](https://i.imgur.com/4VEZdxr.jpeg)

      * So staying in the Sancurary doesn’t work out either!

      * [I mean, someone needs to get to parts 2 and 3 of the Trial.](https://i.imgur.com/hgRxH9B.jpeg)

      * A very cute evil witch!

      * [Hanekawa made it in here!](https://i.imgur.com/VdgI56F.jpeg)

      * [“Is it necrophilia if I fall in love with you?”](https://i.imgur.com/RyPgFPN.jpeg) “Not unless you find my corpse.”

      * Not impactful enough for rolling credits lol. Your ED isn’t that upbeat to break immersion. ED lead-in would have been fine. This isn’t 15.

    7. **First:Timer Starting Over in Another Rewatch, subbed**

      – [Yeah…](https://i.imgur.com/GylNduK.png) [](#sadholo)

      – [Is that why she was so adamant she only follows what happens in that?](https://i.imgur.com/kTJISgg.png) [](#sakurathink)

      – [Welp, Garfiel caught up to them.](https://i.imgur.com/ZxEJKOP.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Ah fun…](https://i.imgur.com/cmyJIFh.png)

      – [Nooooooooooooooooooooo, Otto!](https://i.imgur.com/g67vhmR.png) [](#makicry)

      – [Patrasche too?!](https://i.imgur.com/83wf6cV.png) [](#howcouldyou)

      – [Yeah, I was expecting that to happen.](https://i.imgur.com/8OKv1vk.png) [](#kumikolook)

      – What the fuck even *was* that, anyways?

      – [No shit the weird curse doesn’t affect Echidna, she’s supposedly already dead.](https://i.imgur.com/fDbbRy9.png)

    8. **Rewatcher**

      **Arc 4 setting based on current information:**

      **Sanctuary -** a poor village located within Roswaal’s territory which has been taken care of by Mathers over the years. The village itself is a group of buildings located in a clearing within a forest that only demi-humans with mixed half-bloods live in. It is surrounded by a short fence with an old stone gate at the entrance. Other known information about The Sanctuary:

      1. **Sanctuary Barrier -**  A barrier created by Echidna that prevents halves from going through it. Any halves that leave the barrier will have their soul left inside the barrier. The barrier checks the blood of those that go near it and only affects those it clearly determines as half-bloods. It also causes those who are not permitted to enter the Sanctuary to get lost.
      2. **Echidna’s Tomb(Glowing building) – Echidna’s final resting place** and where the trials are conducted to lift the barrier. During the day, miasma bars entry to anyone except to those without the qualifications to enter, therefore making the trial accessible to those qualified during the night only. In order to meet the tomb’s requirements, one must either be a mixed blood demi-human or own a **Witch Factor.**
      3. **Residency Area -** The place where denizens of Sanctuary live. The buildings are largely dilapidated which give the whole area a run-down look. There is farmland for growing some crops, but residents otherwise rely on Roswaal for gathering and delivering necessities from the outside.
      4. **Cathedral -** A large building where the citizens of Arlam Village are held captive.

      **Emilia -** a half elf taking on the trials to break the barrier. She is a powerful fire magic user, but does not use it to her full extent due to **lack of control** and relies more on spirits. As she is taking on the trials and is in **a poor mental state** she isn’t the most suited to deal with other obstacles.

      **Garfiel -** a halfu who has a **volatile personality** and a **threat** to Subaru. Can transform into a giant kitty to wreck shit up.

      **Ram -** a snarky maid demon who **is on Roswaal’s side**, but as per his instructions she **will help Subaru**. Can use powerful wind magic, but due to not having a horn she is **unable to replenish her mana**(that’s why she sometimes stays in bed and can be in a foul mood because her body is exhausted and hurts).
      **Otto -** a friend of Subaru’s that has the Divine Protection of the Soul of Language, which **allows him to communicate with creatures and comprehend their speech.** On Subaru’s side.

      **Roswaal -** a shady man with clown get up that knows more than he lets on. He said that he is on Subaru’s side, but is that really the case? Is the most powerful mage in Lugunica, but currently **bandaged** due to injuries after attempting the trial.

      **Frederica -** a beast human that’s not a complete halfu like Garfiel. Currently in the mansion with Petra and Rem. Can transform into a beast, but was **implied to have lost to Elsa in loop 2.** She has an oath that prevents her from exposing **certain details**, but seems to be on Subaru’s side.

      **Petra -** a young girl who seems to be in love with Subaru. Cute and needs to be protected. She is on Subaru’s side, but does not have any combat prowess.

      **Beatrice -** a great spirit of the forbidden library. She is powerful, but not yet known how much. However it is implied that she is powerful enough to beat Elsa and Meili. Due to her owning an original copy that comes close to **The Book of Wisdom** her allegiance is currently unknown – neutral. As per Roswaal’s advice if Subaru asks **“Roswaal said to you are to ask the question”** and responds with **“I am that person”** Beatrice will become his ally as per her contract. Note that in Arc 2 (loop where Subaru jumped off a cliff) Beatrice chose Subaru for unknown reasons.

      **Continued bellow**

    9. **Re:Watcher**

      With all of these suspicious people with suspicious motivations moving around, Ram’s no-nonsense attitude is a breath of fresh air. Her tongue’s still as sharp as ever, but she cares about Subaru more than she lets on, even if her devotion to Roswaal comes first for her. Considering that Otto isn’t that much more effective in a fight than Subaru is, Ram may just be Subaru’s most reliable ally right now. No shade to Otto, though. (Okay, maybe a little shade, since it’s hilarious to see how he reacts to it.)

      Subaru insists on getting some answers from Roswaal before leaving, however, and their talk this time around is much more revealing than the last one. Beatrice’s book isn’t a Gospel of the Witch Cult variety, but she referred to it as such because there’s no other word for it. Personally, I would’ve given it a cool name by now if it was that important to me. Maybe something like “Horoscope” if it truly predicts the future. Anyway, Subaru was obviously feeling really conflicted at the idea that she could be an enemy, so it’s reassuring to hear that she isn’t a member of the Witch Cult. She is still a bit suspicious for not doing anything when the Witch Cult attacked, but at least she wasn’t aiding them in the attack. Satisfied with this information, Subaru leaves this mysterious clown to rejoin the others.

      I wanted to see how they would try to get three people on a single ground dragon, but Garfiel steps in before they can sort that out. After their subterfuge, he has been pushed to the brink and threatens to kill anyone who gets in his way. The “Hoshin was Banan’s sunset.” exchange is so *brilliant* and sends a chill down my spine every time. Garfiel’s idioms are already such a nifty character quirk because they serve two purposes: they reveal his way of thinking and perform some minor world-building on the side. But here, it’s also pulling triple-duty by subverting the audience’s expectations as well. This idiom obviously holds very little meaning if you have next to no knowledge about the history of this world like Subaru does, so for it to immediately set the others off after the rest were taken in stride is completely off-putting and conveys the seriousness of the situation in an instant. [Isekai Quartet] >!Just what did you do to that country, Alec?!<

      The villagers try to help Subaru escape, but it seems that no one is able to stop Garfiel when he shows his true stripes and goes on a rampage. It is *brutal* to see Otto, Patrasche, and the villagers sacrifice themselves to save Subaru’s life. He’s done so much for them that they don’t even hesitate to defend him at all costs, but to him, having to watch them die horribly is so much worse than meeting his end at Garfiel’s hands would have been… especially when you consider how he actually ends up dying.

      What would be the most painful way to die? I imagine that there are quite a few contenders. Immolation seems awful, but from what I’ve heard, your nerves would stop feeling pain extremely quickly. Radiation poisoning would be terrible all around, but at least you have a long period in which you can relieve yourself before the suffering gets to that point. But just imagine how horrible it would be to get devoured by a horde of small animals. Experiencing indescribable pain while every inch of your body, inside and out, is violated by the movements of a mass of fur and teeth. Not even being able to scream without creating another opening for them to tear into you. Hard to imagine a more morbid way to die.

      Subaru is incapable of comprehending that horrible end to his life, to the point where he’s about to throw away the life that follows it. Before he can bash his brains in, though, Echidna intervenes, giving him some reprieve from the horror that he just experienced. And he has to wonder, why does she not seem surprised by his state of mind? She dares him to say it. And he does. And then he can’t stop. This is the first time, throughout all of the death and suffering that he’s gone through, that he has been able to confide in someone, and he’s overwhelmed by it. Finally, someone else knows. Finally, someone else understands. Finally… he’s not alone any more.

      [**Re:ZERO After-Talk #33**](https://youtu.be/SPeyY-59VP8)

      **VAs:** Yuusuke Kobayashi (Subaru) and Rie Murakawa (Ram) / Yuusuke Kobayashi (Subaru)

      While Subaru is undergoing some of the worst moments of his existence, the VAs are laughing it up behind the scenes at how horrible it must be. Yuusuke recorded this After-Talk before and after the screaming that he did for the episode at someone else’s recommendation. He talks about how overwhelmed he felt by the ending scene, crying and snotting during the recording session. His dedication to the craft is just unbelievably amazing.

      **Highlight:** Yuusuke mentioning that he didn’t receive any specific instructions for the rabbit scene other than “Rabbit. Rabbit.” and “Do as you wish.” (likely because the staff trusted him to knock it out of the park)

      **Fan Art of the Episode:** [*Garfiel Tinzel*](https://files.catbox.moe/6f74fm.jpg) by kumuo (November 13th, 2022)

      **Source:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/roikumama/status/1591732881067761667) (artist’s timeline contains spoilers)


      **Bonus Comic:** [*0 Points*](https://files.catbox.moe/aulfbd.jpg) by @iwa_to_mushi (June 28th, 2021)

      **Source:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/iwa_to_mushi/status/1409493402677174277) (artist’s timeline contains spoilers)

    10. ussgordoncaptain2 on

      **First Timer Dubbed**

      Note ORV=Omnicient reader viewpoint it’s a way to describe the difference between thinking in Subaru’s knowledge and the Knowledge of the Viewer.

      Note2 Intentionally trigger RBD means what you think it means it’s just reddit has crazy admins.

      **Reaction to the Episode**

      [Oh boy Ram got otto to aid subaru](https://imgur.com/5Rfj1lL) maybe lord roswaal really does care about Subaru given that he ordered Ram to aid Subaru.

      Subaru continues his streak of being composed under pressure, I guess one effect of RBD is that he always stays calm even when the going gets rough.

      [amd subaru manages to escape to roswaal’s house](https://imgur.com/SCYLaFE)

      though isn’t this a little… conspicous? From Garfiel’s perspective Subaru *is* Emilia’s Lackey and is thus by extension Roswaal’s lackey. Thus Garfiel is likely to notice Subaru entering the village.

      Even if Garfiel doesn’t notice one of the villagers might. If he were wearing the purple cat ears cloak this would be understandable.

      Subaru is extremely annoyed at Roswaal and is definitely against his antics.

      Let’s fucking go asking Lord Roswaal point blank if Beatrice is a member of the witch’s cult.

      Lord Roswaal just avoiding questions like a total chad. His mysterious aura is really poweful in the dub.

      So instead of having a Gospel Beatrice has a magical text that “tells the true future”

      There are appearently only 2 of them, though this begs the question, where is the other one.

      More in speculation.

      Roswaal said a sentance that is unbelivable, “aahh I see these words are insufficient for you aren’t they” Then gives him an additonal password “I am that person”

      More in spec but uhhhh uhhhh uhhhhhhh you know what I’m going to say.

      Lord Roswaal talks about his contract with Beatrice

      I’m glad Subaruuu is being suspicious of Roswaal asking him point blank if he’s the enemy.

      “rest assured I am an Ally to you”

      Press X to doubt

      [HMM I wonder who leaked the plan to escape](https://imgur.com/GRr8yCO)

      The fact that Subaru escaped Jail is pretty easy for Garfiel to spot by this point so the question is did Garfiel hunt for Subaru or did somebody leak Subaru’s location?

      I really like the whole “in universe phrases that Subaru doesn’t know about” thing. Just like Garfiel wouldn’t understand “Rome wasn’t built in a day” or “On the other hand” “touch base”, or “goldilocks zone”
      Subaru doesnt’ understand Hoshin brought on sunset.

      [Keep running you idiot why are you slowing down for a second Garf is hot on your trail](https://imgur.com/329dcag)

      [Super epic Garfiel transformation appeared!](https://imgur.com/MgNJ5MG)

      [And otto becomes Pepporoni](https://imgur.com/EnYbz38)

      [Oh boy Subaru get’s transported by Ryuzu?](https://imgur.com/gPOPbEH)

      [and Subaru get’s transported to snow world](https://imgur.com/vMl7bDj)

      [and we rbd with little info on what snow world even is](https://imgur.com/ZwQ4AkS) is it what happens to the sanctuary on day 4? Is it Puck causing a snow calamity in response to Subaru’s dissapearance? Is it Emilia causing a snow calamity? what are those rabbit mabeasts?

      and we get a Subaru mind break! oh boy I haven’t had one of those in a while.

      [Echidna has been the one holding subaru’s mental state together](https://imgur.com/SqlbyXE) You know I never got that connection, I thought it was just Subaru getting mentally all brought together

      Echidna fishing for compliments is cute.

      Subaru finally asking some questions to the witch of greed

      Subaru is extremely assertive towards the witch of greed, man I’m going to have trouble finding a good way of roleplaying echidna in text form.

      Subaru you really should just indulge her fetish’s and realize that her bodily fluids are keeping you sane.

      Technically from echidna’s perspective this tea party is happening 1 day after the previous tea party. So uhh what is Subaru on about with “right after”.

      This Tea party is happening instantly after Subaru had the Ghost of Christmas past event happen to him though. So this isn’t *as strange* as subaru makes it sound.

      [oh so Echidna knows what happened to Emilia when Subaru said the wrong words](https://imgur.com/Dc2qtt7) I suspect Echidna is immune to Satella when she’s in her personal realm at least.

      I like how Subaru has an extreme fear of saying these words while Echidna knows how RBD works already so she’s like “Lol get rekt satella”

      Subaru becoming Petalgeuse oh no you really need to indulge yourself in some of Echidna’s tea right about now.

      [Subaru is crying up a storm](https://imgur.com/tZE4kAg) must be nice to be with the witch fo greed.

      Echidna hugs! oh boy I haven’t had this level of hug feel in a while.

      Wait Echidna has been watching every step Subaru’s taken? Does she mean since entering the world or since the first tea party? I suspect Echidna accessed all of Subaru’s memories hence why whe knew about the whole Emilia getting Ultimate slothed thing.


      Speculation about Lord Roswaal

      Lord Roswaal *definitely* knows subaru can return by death

      Lord Roswaal said that “aahh I see these words are insufficient for you aren’t they” now how the hell could lord Roswaal realize that that would be the case?

      He has the special gospel read to him by beatrice, surely that special Gospel might have some knowledge of Subaru Natsuki’s existence, after all he is connected to Satella very strongly.

      I therefore suspect that it is this new “Gospel of Wisdom” Let’s call it, that let Lord Roswaal know about Subaru and his ability to Return by Death.

      Speculation about Beatrice

      This is mostly stuff I was supposed to say last week but I ran out of time.

      Beatrice kept talking about being “commanded” and her “mother” It’s hard to know exactly who/what her mother is or wants, but it’s notable that Beatrice says “I haven’t been ordered to answer those questions.”

      Beatrice is a greater spirit and greater spirits sppearently have mothers. Similarly spirits are bound by contracts and Beatrice appears to have an extremely bounding contract.

      Beatrice appears to be bound by the Gospel of WIsdom. Since she owns the forbidden library AND is bound by contracts with roswaal and “mother” I suspect the purpose of the forbidden library is to contain the Gospel of Wisdom

      The rest of the library is a red herring.

      Now the real hole in the “Gospel of Wisdom let’s Roswaal know about Subaru’s ability to RBD” is that Beatrice *also* should know about it. However, Beatrice could be bound by a contract to *pretend* she doesn’t know this so she can continue with the march to the endgame.

      Such a contract will be broken by the words “I am that person”

      Speculation about Echidna

      So Echidna has done the big reveal that Subaru can talk to her about RBD during the witch’s tea party

      The question then becomes is this based on Echidna’s ability to negate witch factors or is it a special perk of the realm Echidna is in?

      I did notice a lot of additional RBD leaking that happened during Subaru’s time under Echidna’s spell. I wonder if that’s just normal RBD is dumb or if that’s extra special Echidna magic.

      Speculation about the Wabbits

      The Wabbits ate all the villagers bones and all.

      What’s uncertain is what caused the Wabbits to come to the sanctuary but we’ll find out later.

      It’s unknown if Emilia was eaten, but if we assume she was then Puck may have caused the ice clamity storm.

      Alternatively Emilia being the Ice calamity Witch caused the world to freeze over.

      **What I would do if I were Subaru**

      I’m not going to go over the long list of questions I had for Echidna from the first witch’s tea party, so we’re going to go over a whole new list of them

      1. What limits are there on Return by death?

      2. Exactly what happens during a return by death?

      3. What are the Wabbits and how do they work. How did they get here.

      4. What do you know about the book mentioned by Roswaal in my memories?

      5. How does Drinking your bodily fluids let me resist the Sloth factor? Will need to constantly refresh myself with your fluids?

      6. Do others know about my ability to Return by death?

      7. Exactly how does Satella’s operational security regarding Rebirth by death actually work?

      8. Am I the Sin archbishop of Pride?

      9. Has Lord Roswaal ever done the witch’s tea party with you?

    11. **Rewatcher (sub) and Novel Reader (reading Arc 7)**

      1) The final scene in the anime is so amazing. IIRC the novel wasn’t that impactful compared to the anime

      2) [This is the incredible OST that plays at the end](https://youtu.be/eCc6suoQTNU?si=7hnAlfLb75UrmI4-). My second favourite Re:Zero OST. I really hope they use it more in future seasons

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