[Deathblight] Apfelstrudel [by Crescentia Fortuna / Projekt Wolfenstahl]

    by Crescentia-Fortuna

    1 Comment

    1. Crescentia-Fortuna on

      Ahoy hoy!

      Looking at my galleries, I noticed that I’ve aquired a massive backlog on artworks that are fully completed, yet not posted. If I counted correctly, it’s about 16 artworks by now o.o
      So even though I still have a couple of finished comms to post, I figured I really should go and post one of our Deathblight related supporter artworks again.

      That said, here’s the Supporter artwork of Vanessa happily snuggling with her Apfelstrudel Dakimakura xD

      Hope you like it!

      Obligatory link to all the socials:

      **And please come join SubStar / Patreon!**
      Full resolution of the artwork:

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