Which ultimate move would you tank for 5 billion dollars? Easy money or instant regret?

    by WaifuWhirl


    1. Billions of needles piercing my cells is a no go, being electrocuted is a no go, being incinerated by pure energy is a no go too, so that leaves the punches and out of all of them I think the one that’s gonna hurt the least is the US of Smash

    2. Each one would kill me. So probably none. If a choice HAS to be made, then one punch. Because it would most likely kill me the fastest.

    3. I think the only one that DOESN”T leave me as a jelly-man with no bones left is Indra’s Arrow. Sure I’d survive the others, but unless it means they all have same recovery times I’d rather not have to experience life as a puddle of flesh while my literally obliterated bones and organs grow back.

      “just have to endure the pain” is very vague.

    4. I’m tanking the states of smash, Saitama would get excited you survive his punch and would want to fight you

    5. I will survive but what about the damage, I do not want to be crippled or worse, go into a coma.

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