1. ProgrammaticallyPea3 on

      A less dramatic episode, but the scene with the composer was surprisingly touching.

      Ruby fans got to eat good for the first time in ages 🙂

    2. Ruby: “there’s still a long way to 1 million subscribers!”

      What, is this a Mayonaka Punch sequel?

    3. [Episode 10 OP Gag](https://imgur.com/TIwVuJ6)

      [Episode 10 ED Gag](https://imgur.com/UwlXyfm)

      Previous Gags

      [Episode 1 ED Gag](https://imgur.com/JSbCHbV)

      [Episode 1 ED Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/VgG9xhv)

      [Episode 2 OP Gag](https://imgur.com/oLxpAPm)

      [Episode 2 OP Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/UqiPFG7)

      [Episode 2 ED Gag](https://imgur.com/wiGxllR)

      [Episode 2 ED Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/27jnOwF)

      [Episode 3 ED Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/5VaBq1Y)

      [Episode 4 OP Gag](https://imgur.com/XikQGJb)

      [Episode 4 ED Gag](https://imgur.com/yfZ3ciE)

      [Episode 4 OP Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/OGrniN8)

      [Episode 4 ED Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/8TOcJUn)

      [ED Gag Episode 7](https://imgur.com/CyLxeQ1)

      [ED Gag Episode 7 No Logo](https://imgur.com/QrzpmSe)

      [Episode 8 OP Gag](https://imgur.com/CZuGmqT)

      [Episode 8 ED Gag](https://imgur.com/yPgL80M)

      [Episode 8 OP Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/GD8nXRZ)

      [Episode 8 ED Gag No Logo](https://imgur.com/vxkDa2y)

    4. mr_miscellaneous123 on

      Ruby may be our face of B-Komachi, and Kana the centre, but Mem-cho is literally carrying B-Komachi on her back.

    5. “Don’t go calling me Big Bro”

      A very funny line I didn’t expect from a very calm person after hearing what he heard.

      That realization of good ‘ol dad was like a building dropping on Aquas head!

      The sparkle is gone in his eye as he opens the curtains and shines a light on a new chapter in his life…or so we hope.

    6. mr_miscellaneous123 on

      Leave it to Kana to buy an overpriced prebuilt and not use it.

      (For reference, 300k yen is about USD2108 now, but that’s with a weak yen.)

    7. mr_miscellaneous123 on

      Mem-cho: I’m crazy enough to take on ~~Batman~~ Youtube, but the ~~IRS~~ National Tax Agency? Nooo, thank you!

    8. Ruby: Reminiscing about Ai on her bed

      The large doll beside her: 😲

      Jokes aside, the transition to Sarina holding AI’s doll is great

    9. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Yeah… I don’t think Seijuurou Uehara is the father. Wife was definitely stepping out on him too. Himekawa and Aqua/Ruby’s dad is still out there. One thing is for sure though, being a womanizer’s in the DNA. Man has 2 waifus and a little brocon sister after him hahaha.

      “You learn just how harsh taxes are once you become an adult” I felt that shit in my soul lol. Memcho really knows her shit as a veteran YouTuber. Writing off personal items as expenses in that room tour was smart.

      Ruby’s gonna be upset and in for a shock when she learns about the doc. That Miyazaki trip is gonna hold a lot of surprises I’m sure. Gotta be weird for Aqua and Ruby to go back.

    10. LOL, all the YouTube talk like Mem spewing about how YouTube sub percentiles, and Kana berating the idea of YouTube room tour videos.

      Thanks Ruby for giving Himura a magic bullet moment of inspiration when he felt unmotivated!

    11. Kana “Even if you’re out of content, it’s all over once you start selling off your private life.”

      Mem-Cho “If we shoot a room video, personal belongings that we show can be claimed as expenses”

      Kana “Let’s get filming”

      Glad to see Kana on board now…and a bit lighter in her bank account!

    12. When they said room tour, I was expecting to get at least one [Mem-cho no heya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k88R2nDrZrM). Like, come on, everything was set up. But I guess, Mem got killed later on by Ruby. She is still a high schooler at heart.

      I thought, Aqua losing his star after realizing that there is no revenge anymore was interesting. I was expecting it to go back to being white like it was before. But completely dropping it is also an interesting idea. It has an interesting double meaning imo. On the one hand, it shows that he only lived for his revenge for the last 10+ years and used his gift (i.e. talent and second life) only for that goal. Without that goal, he doesn’t know where to go from here, what he wants to do. His connection to Ai was mostly overshadowed by his revenge. So on the other hand, I can see his star coming back later in the story when he decides for example that he still wants to be an actor, but this time, because he wants to and not due to some kind of revenge. And that’s when his true abilities can shine again.

    13. The light-haired girl at the end of the episode just screams “no, Aqua, your pain isn’t over”. Aqua’s previous life didn’t have a clean end, what with him just “gone missing” officially. Can’t wait to see how this trip will go.

    14. Ah yes Aqua, the greatest motivator is cute girls cheering you on. Aqua’s genius shines through again.

      I doubt it is the end of Aqua’s revenge tour, but if it is then it is nice seeing him have a sincere smile for once. With the end of the play he also has a lot of time to think of the future, I’m sure he could always go back to being a doctor.

      Still, with the reveal at the end, I have my doubts it is the end for Aqua’s hunt. Going back to Miyazaki is going to bring back memories for Aqua and Ruby, but I believe Kana might be the most active with her sudden opportunity to get away with Aqua without Akane to intervene. That is the true war here, and as much as I would like for Aqua to live a simple happy life with one of these awesome girls, I believe the next few episodes will prove it impossible once again.

    15. That dude is taking the knowledge he has two half siblings quite well. Quite the sad backstory for the dude. Double suicide of parents. Sounds like quite a shitty sounding dad to sleep around. Lol, good advice from older brother about choosing between Kana and Akane and nto being a womanizer 😛 sure good advice there.

      D’awww cute Ruby and her cute PJs and being all concerned for Aqua. Aqua sure has lost his purpose though. Kana getting the wrong idea is silly too. Akane is a good girl too. Honestly, though, good for Aqua to focus on something other than revenge. Again, Ruby just the best girl.

      Poor Mem-cho… not having your efforts valued. Derp Ruby and Kana not knowing better. HAHA quite the way to get Kana to do a room tour video. Those fun bleeps. Dang, that statement of “weirdo fans” sure hit Ruby, you can tell. I doubt Ruby has to deal with taxes right now. D’aww, Ruby’s room. And Ruby’s thoughts. Again, best girl. Oh right, she doesn’t know sensei died… or is her brother lol.

      Ah, music video, fun. It’s nice getting some Ruby/B Komachi time in the series. Haha, Kana’s imagination. You perv, you. How convenient where they are going, Ruby/Aqua’s home in their prior lives. Best mommy/agent getting them a good song writer, nice. Heh, funny how Aqua’s first thought hearing that guy was to get closer for the sake of revenge, but realizing he doesn’t need to now. Or does he? Look at cute beaming Ruby. Ruby with some harsh facts and eagerness. But wew, poor Mem-cho, she killed the poor girl.

      Ah, poor guy, I can relate. Wanting to do the work for em, but not satisfied with the work and so it’s causing delays. Very relatable. Also, as Kana said, the slump of creativity too. How nice of Ruby to give him some motivation. Have I mentioned enough she is best girl? 😛 Whelp, play over, onto music video arc! Back to where it began for them both and the series. Oh, boy, time for The Crow (no not that one).

    16. Kana: “All entertainers should live in apartments with a two fold automatic security lock system”
      That instantly got a reaction from ruby.

    17. SnabDedraterEdave on

      Finally, Ruby and Memcho get some much needed major screen time for the final 3rd of this season, after the first 2/3rds of the season was spent focusing on Aqua, Kana and Akane on their Tokyo Blade play.

      Ruby is such a sunshine, igniting the creative fire of that songwriter once again with her charm. She has truly inherited Ai’s essence more than Aqua. She can also be unintentionally savage, when she just casually caused mental damage on Memcho regarding her age. LMAO

      Aqua’s quest for revenge seems to have ended for now, with his half-brother Himekawa revealing that his father, who would have also been Aqua’s and Ruby’s father, had died long ago via suicide. Though my tin-foil hat is feeling that their suicide might be staged and they might actually be murdered by the real killer, aka Aqua’s actual father.

      But for now, all leads have gone cold for Aqua, and he seems to be less edgy and more content as a result. This means a chance for Kana to invite him to B-Komachi’s MV trip to Miyazaki.

      Coincidentally, Miyazaki is also the hometown of Aqua’s and Ruby’s former incarnations, Doctor Amamiya and Sarina.

      Its revealed that all this time Doctor Amamiya’s body has never been found, nor has his murder been reported, so Aqua might use this trip as a pretext to go and investigate where his own body has disappeared to, seeing as Aqua has nothing better to do.

    18. The title is translated as “Liberation”, in keeping with the manga chapter it takes its name from — but unlike that chapter, the anime episode’s title is written in katakana as カイホウ (kaihou), meaning it can be interpreted in [quite a few other ways](https://jisho.org/search/%E3%81%8B%E3%81%84%E3%81%BB%E3%81%86), including “solution”, “good news”, “opening up” (as in a door or window), or even an archaic term for “collapse”.

    19. I_am_your_oniichan on


      Best episode of the season

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