This girl can never win

    by InviteAcademic4198


    1. I can see the good in both sides.

      Komi >!was great up to the point they got together. But it’s been 110 chapters since they started dating… and it really feels like very little has happened. There have been a few good ideas (Kawai, Manbagi and Wakai, Komi’s Brother), but personally they seem to failing at sticking the landing in their execution. It just kind of seemed to become directionless, we don’t even really get to see them being a couple that much…!<

      Meanwhile, Nagatoro >!had only 154 chapters total, but we don’t really get to see them be a couple post confession. To be fair, they were dating since a while ago (definitely since 86, when he asks her out, and debatably even earlier), they just didn’t do the full love confession until near the end, so we kind of already saw their relationship through those moments. But it would have been nice to explore their relationship a bit more post confession.!<

      And then Dangers in my Heart comes in! >!Start dating in chapter 113, and it’s still been going strong exploring their relationship for the past 40 chapters.!<

    2. James, while John had had “had”, had “had had”. “Had had” had a greater impact on the teacher

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