I just think this anime is really underrated and wanted to put this out there, definitely one of a kind!

    by Mobbyq


    1. The full sequence is one of the most interesting setups to a show I’ve ever seen. SSY is easily one of my favorites.

    2. This show is a complete mind fuck, and I mean that in both a good and bad way.

      The story elements of this show make it nigh impossible to follow. For most of this show, you have no fucking clue what’s going on. Then in the last few episodes, everything comes together and clicks— but you need the mental capacity equivalent to the force of an atomic bomb to follow what the hell is going on to be able to piece the puzzle together in the end.

      So all in all, a great mystery show, but way more unnecessarily complicated than it probably needs to be, and a fair amount of people aren’t going to end up watching it all the way through.

    3. I love this show. It’s so fucked lol.

      It HEAVILY reminds me of the concepts brought up in The Giver which is a book that used to be part of reading in a lot of American schools. Not sure now lol. That book went kinda hard.

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