Ookami to Koushinryou Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf, episode 23

    Alternative names: Spice and Wolf

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. Looks like I was wrong on it being a bait and switch and they wouldn’t be blaming Holo & Lawrence. Should know better by now.

      Next hot take prediction will be that it is sabotage to try to undo the deal on the taxes.

    2. How curious, I was speculating with people in some previous ep’s posts that Elsa could be made a Saint with a miracle (involving Holo somehow) to make her status higher, and get Enberch off Tereo’s backs.

      Turns out they’re just gonna leg it, hah! We’re still waiting for the cave reveal, and my first thought at the ending was that that is where the church passage connects to.

    3. That would be the case if my companion was a mere girl like she seems. *ear flick under hood*


    4. AmethystItalian on

      Some good banter once again, really does feel like Lawrence is able to keep up better. Expected her to hit him harder after his comment on her body though lol

      I’m a bit surprised they ended up with the running plan, really thought Lawrence would merchant his way out of it all.

    5. Well, Tereo’s in a bad situation. Their wheat was poisoned and someone died as a result, and now Enberch is going to hold them responsible and return all their wheat…leaving Tereo, who spent pretty much all the money Enberch gave them, without much of a strong position stand on. And plenty of frustration for the likely suspects behind it, Lawrence, Holo, and Evan. But at least Sem is a cool enough head to make them focus on the important things instead of lynching anyone.

      Elsa isn’t unscathed either. Not only is her boyfriend a suspect but the village starts to turn on her for from their perspective never doing anything and not contributing as much as their Snake God did. But I’m glad Iima’s got her back. Girls gotta stick together, right?

      Well, this is another fine mess Lawrence and Holo have landed themselves in, with Lawrence once again facing imprisonment with the likelihood that he’ll be used as the scapegoat when Enberch arrives. Though it would be easy for Holo to just transform and bail with him back to his Merchant association where he’d be safe, but Lawrence can’t bear with abandoning Elsa and Evan who would be the pair most likely to get put on the chopping block after them. So they’ve got to make it work for all four of them.

      Elsa’s a smart girl, she realized Enberch was likely behind everything, but she can’t rely on her patron for help and no one in the village takes her seriously. But it’s kind of sweet how she prioritizes getting Evan out of this situation rather than herself. Even if Evan is also a bit of a snoop.

      Elsa calls Father Franz “father” so it seems like he genuinely regarded him not only as a mentor but as a father figure.

      I love how despite everything that is going on Holo and Lawrence can still banter with each other like usual. Nothing would be worth more than Holo’s sacred tears.

      Well, Elsa interrupted an intimate moment between Holo and Lawrence, only fair Lawrence interrupts an intimate moment between Evan and Elsa!

      But Elsa has so much on her mind and is so stressed she collapses…and it really feels like this village doesn’t deserve her or all the work she and Father Franz tried to do to help. The village was too caught up in the luxury of their deal, crediting their Snake God, and living it up that they lost sight of the people who made that happen. Maybe the village had this coming all along.

      Bad news is that there’s not much in the book about Yoitsu that Holo and Lawrence didn’t already know. The good news is it sounds like Holo’s fellow wolves escaped! So her people are still out there, she just has to find them!

      Well, the lynch mob is back and it’s time to go, with Iima saying some wise words about how life in the village may have appeared pleasant and easy but it wasn’t like the real world, and all you really need is the people you love by your side. And that’s enough to firm Elsa and Evan’s resolve to escape with Lawrence and Holo.

      Lawrence, you were asking for that jab. Holo’s human form is perfect!

    6. discuss-not-concuss on

      Holo and Lawrence escaping was not on my radar at all

      the flow of the story made it seemed like Elder Zem was going to utilise Lawrence’s wisdom to save the village and get out of this knotty situation

      Ilma does fit with the name of beer fairy, yet Holo admits she’s more dignified than she is

      a few love jabs here and there (not right now guys)

    7. Shimmering-Sky on

      – [Damn, that’s actually kind of terrifying.](https://i.imgur.com/iMoAw4c.png) [](#ohfuck)

      – […would *Holo* not be able to tell?](https://i.imgur.com/xbhnyR5.png) [](#harukathonk)

      – [The timing is awful sus, that’s for sure.](https://i.imgur.com/xZ2cZvu.png)

      – [Lawrence “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/cso7ql.mp4)

      – [Heh, Lawrence walked in on them having a moment.](https://i.imgur.com/rOqaPO1.png)

      – [lol](https://i.imgur.com/0M7r1jC.png)

      – [Lawrence pls.](https://i.imgur.com/NIdDaY2.png) [](#facepalm2)

    8. Huh. That’s rather inconvenient.

      Those are some serious accusations.

      Time to see what the plan is now.

      So, we know what Enberch is up to, time to see what they can do about it.

      So they’re willing to abandon everything other than that 1 book and take them with them and run?

      Not like anything is going to survive if the townsfolk destroy everything in revenge.

      Uh oh, she’s collapsed!

      Seems like their plan is set. They’re going to employ the Joestar Ultimate Technique.

      Right, they’ve got what they came here for. Time to make like a tree and leave.

      Seems like things are getting hairy, best expedite things.

      There’s their ticket out of here, time to get going.

    9. Guys, remember! The Wise Wolf never **runs away**, she just makes **tactical retreats** from time to time! Lmao.

    10. Holo didn’t hit Lawrence fast enough after that ample figure comment
      [](#breakingnews ‘better yet it should have been a strong elbow’)

    11. Not sure how satisified I’m with the solution to the arc being running away. What about their horse and cart
      Surely the next episode will spice things up.

    12. **The Merchant’s Corner**

      Welcome back to another episode of Spice and Wolf, and with it, another chapter of The Merchant’s Corner! In this series, I try to dive deeper into the economics (and the political) plots of Spice and Wolf, and break them down with more detail so you can understand them better than from the show alone.

      [Episode 22 here](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1f7dcyx/comment/ll6n25s/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

      Disclaimer #1: I am not an economics professional, so I may get some things wrong. If you have a different, possibly better understanding of a certain point than I do, feel free to suggest edits.

      Disclaimer #2: All of these are pre-written before the episode airs, based on the content of the source material. Expect that there will be extensive rewrites after I watch each episode – as a result, expect that each episode will take much longer to post.

      We ended on a cliffhanger last week: someone had apparently eaten wheat from Tereo and died. That was almost certain to serve as the catalyst to spark the conflict with Enberch in full, and now Lawrence and Holo are caught right in the middle of it.

      This week, we find out how the village intends to respond, and what Lawrence and Holo’s role in this will be. Will they be captives? Will they be let go? Will they become the saviors?

      Let’s find out!

      **Episode 23, Part 1:**

      Last week, we weren’t given many details on what exactly happened, just that someone ate wheat from Tereo and died. This week, we learn the full plot.

      It is said that they died from being poisoned by a wheat disease known as Khepas Liquor, or alternatively, Ridelius’s Hellfire. To give some background, this is actually *not* a fictional disease, it just has a fictional name. The real-life counterpart and the disease that Khepas Liquor was almost certainly based on is called ergotism, also at one point known as St. Anthony’s Fire (which isn’t too far off from the in-universe name of “Ridelius’s Hellfire.) This is a disease that mainly affects rye, but can also spread to wheat, barley, and other related plants. It poisons the wheat and can cause anyone who’s eaten it to experience gangrene in their limbs and a laundry list of other nasty effects, ultimately resulting in death.

      (The one liberty that the writers seem to have taken with this is the timeframe: gangrenous ergotism, which is the form where the victim’s limbs “burn from the inside” and turn black, would take weeks or months to kill. Instead, the series seems to imply that the harvest was only sent out days ago, and someone has already died. This would be more in line with acute ergot poisoning, but that wouldn’t have the symptoms of gangrenous limbs. We’ll just chalk the difference up to the fact that, nominally, Khepas Liquor is technically fictional.)

      In modern times we know that ergotism is caused by a fungal disease of the wheat, but in medieval times with slightly less sophisticated medical knowledge than ours, they often believed it was a form of divine punishment or a plot by demons. Demons would add these diseased wheat plants (which can be identified by the fact that they’re black, rather than golden-brown) to the harvest. At this point, it’s still fine if those blackened wheat berries are sorted out, which is the responsibility of all farming villages; however, if they are left in and ground into flour, it is too late. That flour is now contaminated.

      Now, just as a disease, this is bad enough. However, what makes this a *truly* devastating economic force is that villages would often pool their harvests for exports, and there was no careful batch tracking or record-keeping or any modern techniques we’d consider necessary. That means if ergot is discovered in their harvest, *none* of the harvest can be considered safe anymore. In fact, that even goes for any parts of their harvest that they kept for themselves for subsistence.

      Essentially, they’ve lost an entire year’s worth of production. 

      Enberch is now going to be sending all of the wheat purchased from Tereo this year back to Tereo. Obviously, that also means that Tereo has to return the money. Which they apparently can’t do, because they had already spent a lot of it on their farms and on their celebrations as we saw just a few episodes ago.

      Poverty and debt, in and of itself, isn’t the end of the world. But a much more scary factor for Tereo is that since they counted on a good harvest this year, they’ve already eaten most of the food reserves from harvests of previous years, thinking this year’s harvest would be enough to stock up again. Well, now what they’re finding out is that this year’s harvest may be *entirely* contaminated, so they have to throw out their stockpile. What will they eat? You can be sure Enberch won’t be providing food for free.

      Played wrong, this could be the end of the village.

      [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/1fcvws2/comment/lmbif30)

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