In real fantasy world elves are creepy and inhumen looking
    But in anime fantacy:

    by MiloReese


    1. What “real fantasy” novel are you referring to? Tolkien certainly was part of the beautiful elf fraction, though admittedly he didn’t describe their bouncing boobs

    2. It would not be fantasy if the author of the story did not put in some fantasy.

      Over the course of history, humans have changed the appearence or lore or more of monsters and fantasy creatures. Even in ancient times people changed the Ugly monter Medusa into a Hot woman or other creatures to go with the time or let their imagination go out.

      What important is, is that we should not be mad that fantasy Creatures to not look like we imagine, if the aithor wants to give the elf big bouncy melons, then its compleatly fine

    3. Ok-Broccoli-756 on

      I feel tolkien started the whole hot elves thing and I believe he is part of this new ‘real fantasy’ thing u speak off

    4. They are made up races that are now common in fantasy styled worlds. None of it’s real so it can be depicted as anyone sees fit.

      And dude you cannot spell to save your life. I know who to call if I need something spelled wrong.

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