What happened, Gege?

    by BaronBlackFalcon


    1. So many good mangas had this issue with giving a proper ending, I guess it’s hard to end off with everyone feeling satisfied?

      It’s like that masterpiece horse drawing meme with the tail end always being drawn like a elementary school kid

    2. I wonder how much control publishers and editors have in when a series ends? Bleach’s ending was notoriously rushed because the series was cancelled.

    3. Did he fuckin explain what happened with Nobara? He left her neither dead nor alive last time i checked zero explanation really poor writing there like decide something no confirmation….

      But also her death in first place was dumb ,made no sense how she stood like statue waiting to get face palmed didnt even move

    4. To be fair. How many Shounen series do get a good ending. So far I can only remember 1 or 2 on top of my head.

    5. Asian_Persuasion_1 on

      I really don’t see the logic behind this. the story is still consistent and is a natural end to what the final arc had been building up to this the entire time. The only issue is the lack of clarity on other plot points, but that’s not the argument here.

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