Mugen no Ryvius Episode 5: A Little Harmony

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    Step up front! You dig?

    Kikki of the Day Did you spot Radan?

    Comment of the Day

    Nobody! Nobody identified the sample from "Nowhere!" It's "Bumpin' Bus Stop" by Thunder and Lighting.

    However, honorable mention goes to /u/RadSuit, for doubling down on their crack theory:

    The Ryvius has weird time travel or reality altering powers, and everyone's stuck in a loop of the station being attacked and destroyed before it resets everything. Our magical girl is a bit like Dr. Manhattan, having a conversation that's out of synch with the current time of the show. She's finally gotten fed up with watching everyone die, and has averted the disaster this time, directly interfering. Or maybe she's done that multiple times as well.

    Whatever mecha-based combat occurs after this will be because of the damage they've caused to time/reality, and either a higher power is trying to correct things, or that was part of the terrorists' plans all alone. For a bonus crazy theory, I wonder if any or all of the terrorists are actually some of the kids grown, or even their descendants, attempting to stop everything before it goes out of control and creates an even worse disaster.

    Character Sheets



    • Q1) Do you hate Yuki as much as I do? What could Kouji have done to deserve this?
    • Q2) What sort of mecha show are we looking at?
    • Q3) What do you think of a show with such a large cast?

    Tomorrow's Questions, Today

    • [Q1]What do you think of Criff manipulating Charlie?
    • [Q2]Events are happening in almost real time. How is the pacing holding up? Seems kind of slow and repetitive to me.


    Neutrino tech: The Geduld phenomenon has rendered all E&M technology useless outside of an atmosphere. Technology based on neutrinos, which pass through matter easily, has replaced it. However, it too fails during the frequent solar neutrino bursts. This includes intra- and inter-planetary communications, and RADAR/SONAR-like technology. Neutrinos necessarily require very large receivers, so are only found on capital ships and stations, and land installations.

    End Tag: Revise Us

    See you Tomorrow

    by JustAnswerAQuestion


    1. JustAnswerAQuestion on

      **Rewatch Host**

      * Kouji is #26 on a list of the top 25 pilot trainees 😀
      * **YOU** UPSET ME — Kouji, probably
      * Can’t recognize Juli with her hair down at all, either
      * Robots on spaceships are cool! If you’re a little kid!

      I think “nowhere” is the best track on the OST, and I think the “step up front” sample is really catchy. I tried to find out the source of the sample for years. **For years.** I finally found it listed on a sample database, about 10 years later. [A lot of people of sampled it,]( although usually it’s either a guitar riff or an unintelligible and unrecognizable snippet. Kanye got sued for sampling it back around 2013.

    2. **First-Timer**

      Holy shit, they have several months worth of food? The cast are way better off than I expected. Sure, sure, the government(?) are out to capture/kill/exploit them, but that’s way less of an issue than starving to death.

      Anyway, someone needs to break Lucson Rectangle’s nose for being an idiot. Whoever let him sit in the captain’s chair should receive a similar punishment. Seriously, what sort of idiot immediately goes to “we must install a mertiocracy to maintain order” when the assumption should be prompt rescue? Maybe we can get Yuki angry at them somehow, it seems pretty easy..

      I wonder if Miss Gimp Suit is like, a personification of the ship’s automatic defense system or something? That would kinda track with what we’ve seen so far too. Probably just a function of her actually being the ship itself. I’m just glad someone has their head on straight.

      Did Blue and his cronies execute the saboteurs, or did they just beat them up? I’m not sure of the implication from the blood. I guess if they were still stuck on the remnants of Liebe Delta, the probably died anyway at the end of the episode.


      1. Honestly not sure, the brief flashback seemed like Kouji got hurt at some sort of amusement park, put he was bleeding from his head which doesn’t track with the brief shot of a scar on his arm that we saw.

      2. Looked to me like there were four-ish chairs outside of the diving suit, so probably a team effort one?

      3. Depends on how many of them they try to give actual character to. I’d rather have a horde of names and a few actual characters than a horde of half-made characters.

    3. First timer


      Another day, another set of WTF. I know it is the super future and all but spacers would likely have better plans for this kind of thing. Otherwise you don’t last long in space as it hates us. Anywho, the exposition dump doesn’t explain that much and off we go.

      We get a ton of attempted characterization and we will have to see what of it actually lands. The mecha is not active yet which surprises me. The machine spirit turned on the gravity generator today as a weapon, which makes exactly as much sense as it relates to how they generate energy, of which I have no clue. Months is not the most useful of measuring times for food, but having 487 people means they have double whatever amount of months they mention. Also, a thousand occupants puts us at *Galaxy* class ship.

      QotD: 1 More. Murder him and give his food to someone useful

      2 Umm…memory eating vampire mech is still on the table…

      3 Sunrise writing is a cancer that should be chemo-ed out of reality.

    4. **First timer, subs**

      * Was this food all non-perishable, or was someone swapping it out?
      * That seems like an excessive amount of hangers. How are you even counting them?
      * Why is everything cables with you guys?
      * Dinogirl, Get!
      * [That’s a **Health Code Violation**](#badtaste)
      * You ever been space keelhauled?
      * ×2!
      * Trying to get into the correspondence track, eh?
      * OK, so it’s definitely a conspiracy. I’m just not sure the motives. If this is all official, surely there would have been easier ways to go about it?
      * [Cute Outfits! **Never Miss a Change!**](#neat)
      * You don’t *have* to be so openly aggressive with Turtle. He isn’t that far from being on your side.
      * This is on Yuki, he better not raise a stick about it.
      * [Robo-Thighs](#mechablush)
      * you’re telling me they have eggs on here?
      * More cute little pods.
      * And a third sighting!
      * What is your shirt made out of that you managed to rip a seem?
      * I have to say, this version of Space Jesus is a lot more aggressive.
      * [*Shedding*](#cosy)
      * Warp propulsion is fun.
      * Ah, so it is a faction type deal.


      1) No, I’m finding great amusement in the contrast to the other one. Caused their parents to divorce?

      2) The kind where the mech doesn’t do to much because it’s the only one.

      3) Names are hard. I like large casts, *if* they’re done right.

    5. *A Mecha Fan Watches Infinite Ryvius Episode 5:*

      – The survivors of Leibe Delta are really fortunate that the Ryvius is equipped with enough provisions for a thousand people and has the latest in technology aboard to make things both comfortable to live and to keep up maintenance on the ship. From the amount of stuff on there, it probably wouldn’t be too hard to a guess to say that the Ryvius was equipped for whatever deep-space operations it was designed for in the first place. Possibly even extra-solar exploration.

      – Dinosaur girl spotted! But at this rate, will she prove to be more popular than Flower Girl from Macross 7?

      – Man, the Ryvius looks great now that we’re seeing it under full lighting. Can’t really blame Yuki there from detaching his pod cable to get a better look. Again, you really can’t beat that late 90s Sunrise cell animation style.

      – Seems like all this “Bratica” talk was just the government using a different name for the Ryvius this whole time. And not only that, but they really want to keep the existence of the ship under wraps at all costs. That really just raises even more questions about it. Maybe the Mysterious Anime Girl renamed the ship herself when the students pulled up the schematics? If anything, that could mean that the government is just as much in the dark about what’s really going on with the Ryvius as much as the Leibe Delta survivors.

      – Oh yeah, just go ahead and assign Yuki to Kouji’s team, I’m sure they’ll result in no brotherly drama whatsoever.

      – The mechs here kind of remind me of the kinds in Overman King Gainer, if just due to the fact that they give me the vibe of a dude wearing a baggy jumpsuit. Although the heads remind me more of the Demi-series from G-Witch, but that’s more recency bias than anything.

      – I have to take issue with Lucson and Stein’s feelings about posting the student skill leaderboards for everyone to see. They think it’s to keep discipline and order, but between giving everyone a clear ranking and giving less rations to the lower students, that’s just going to create resentment and make the students turn on each other over time. You simply can’t have a leaderboard without at least some people taking the rankings personally. If you want an example of that in action, go watch the Freelancer Saga seasons of Red vs. Blue.

      – Hey! I will NOT tolerate this slander towards humanoid robots! They’re cool! And you’re all on a super advanced space ship anyway, so it’s dumb to draw the line at that!

      – Oh hey, we got to the brotherly drama already. That wasn’t a hard prediction though, since of course Yuki would treat an arbitrary decision like that as a personal sleight against him. You just can’t argue with edge lords, they won’t listen to reason.

      – Well, it looks like the Orbital Security Bureau’s attempt to capture the Ryvius completely failed, although I doubt anyone would’ve expected for it to generate a field to suddenly dive straight into the Sea of Geduld. Seems that other people are interested in getting the Ryvius for themselves too though, definitely not the Bureau. If I were to guess, they’re the people who commissioned the building of the ship in the first place, since they said that it’s their last hope. Last hope for what, I’m not sure. Maybe deep space colonization? It’s not like a lot of the Sol System is as habitable anymore thanks to the Geduld.

    6. **Infinite First-Timer, subbed**

      – [Ah, well that’s good at least.]( I was wondering what they were supposed to do for food & water supply. Though I still have to question why the thing was stocked like that in the first place…

      – [So he noticed that mysterious girl too…]( And possibly recognized her, considering his reaction was “It can’t be…”? [](#csikon)

      – [The shadows slowly uncovering from Ryvius was a neat shot.](

      – [lol, of course.]( [](#kotohoops)

      – [Mech?!]( [](#concealedexcitement)

      – [Bruh.](

      – [Missiles, right?]( [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Not missiles…](

      – [Oooh.](

      – [That’s what they’re telling other people, hm?](

    7. Seems like they have access to a bunch of small craft. I wonder if they’ll have to jury-rig them into ghetto strike craft later.

      Where’s he going?

      Where are they going?

      Ah, they’re viewing the ship from the outside.

      And so now they see the good ship _Ryvius_.

      It seems like a battle will be upon them soon enough, 4th Fleet is on its way.

      Who _are_ those people anyways? And why’s one of them have a gun?

      It’s the hangar for the ‘Mech. But only 1?

      Contacts! 2 ships, dead ahead!

      Incoming fire!

      Huh. What did those things do?

      Prepare for boarding!

      Oh, she’s activating the ‘Mech.

      Seems like it’s managing to defeat the attached thrusters too.

      Contacts destroyed!


      1. Oh he definitely seems to deserve all the hate he gets.
      2. One where the mecha aren’t the only ones getting in on the action, I expect to see the Ryvius crew getting the rest of the offensive and defensive systems online as it becomes apparent they’re going into battle.
      3. As a big fan of Idol shows I feel it’s ok to have a large cast as long as they’re broken up into smaller groups that have distinct identities. You’ve got the piloting guys, the flight attendant girls, the gang(?), and the officers, to name the ones I can see right now.

    8. **Episode 5 (rewatcher)**

      * Food for 1000 people for months? Multiple work ships? 38 hangars??? – This does not sound like an obscure hobby project.
      * The fact that various types of classes were conducted on Liebe Delta is proving to be very useful now.
      * Mystery girl spotted (by somebody who is not the MC).
      * Restricting food for some groups? The worst of ideas. I bet more mutinies have been started over food than anything else.
      * Space photography in real time – totally looks like a warship.
      * “This is not an opponent that one group of ships can easily defeat”


      * Posting marks in a survival situation – I assume this is *Japanese things*.
      * “Saloon Speise haus” – looks like the infatuation with German extends to the makers of Ryvius. Tbf, it was inside Liebe Delta.
      * Registering Youki in the same team as Kouji – very understandable, but also a big mistake. And of course, Kouji does not have the balls to say so and get Youki into a different team.
      * Multiple seats? A mecha? A multi-piloted mecha??
      * Team Blue tortured the saboteurs – I think torture is vastly overrated as a tool to get information (mostly due to incorrect depiction in media), but it is hard to feel sorry for those guys.
      * “We can go home now” – with 21 episodes still to go?
      * Rescue or killers? A high stakes question.
      * Yuki is definitely crazy.
      * “You’re an eyesore!” – I agree mystery girl.
      * Gravity alteration?


      * I guess this should not be a huge surprise, given that the ship has artificial gravity, but you are so used to *that* in various Scifi, that you forget how mind blowing a technology artificial gravity is and that other application of gravity alteration would not be far from it.
      * Yep, that’s it for those two ships – could they have just opened comms and dock with the Ryvius? I guess we’ll never know now, but if so, they made a bad mistake by being silent.
      * Announcing that the Liebe Delta has been crushed with no survivors – brutal. Also showing us that whoever is behind this cover up has quite the resources to spread misinformation.
      * *Another faction on Earth?* cliff-hanger.

      Another really good setup episode. The first four episodes dealt with surviving the collapse of Liebe Delta and the identity of the attackers was a mystery with only some clues for the crew of the Ryvius. This episode is one of exploring the Ryvius and the identity of the attackers. The audience learns the first with the crew, but gets a growing information advantage over the kids in the second aspect. The Ryvius starts to look suspiciously like an advanced warship. Food, space vehicles, apparently some big guns, a mecha … this is no holiday cruise ship. While at least some of the cast begin to have their doubts based on that, the audience is let into the bigger secret: Some higher ups on Earth are terrified by what is going on and are treating this as a class A security threat. They think that a fleet of warships will not be enough? That sounds scary. And might induce them to do some scary things to the Ryvius. The cast is only just about to find out, though, and their hopes for a quick rescue will probably not survive that.

      Meanwhile, mystery girl apparently takes control of the Ryvius and shows us an example of what the security bureau is afraid of. Gravity alteration that pulls in and easily destroys two subs? Who knows what else her and the Ryvius are capable of. One thing is for sure, though: the security bureau will not like this outcome.

    9. ***Finite First Timer (Dubbed)***

      Most of these types of stories just have 10-20 people survive, easier to keep track of all of them that way. We’ll see how well this works with 500 I guess.

      They launched a distress call pod, good thinking. I assume it gets destroyed/jammed, like I said last time.

      Alright, evil businessmen, now we’re getting somewhere.

      And they’ve specified that Bratica is the ship, even though its own computers call it Ryvius. Maybe adding a bit more to my theory that it’s been renamed by whoever actually used it before.

      I like that she holds her hair up in a ponytail to help identify her, she knows no anime character is recognizable if they change their hairstyle.

      Great reaction to seeing a highly inefficient humanoid robot, when they’ve been using way more practical equipment their whole lives.

      Why is Yuki such an asshole?

      Alright, *these* businessmen call it the Ryvius. [](#hardthink)

      Thanks for the shoutout in the OP, we’ll have to see if anything I said winds up being true. Also I did learn what sample was used, but only because someone specifically mentioned it on a forum or something, hahaha.

      1. So far he’s the worst. Hopefully they don’t try to redeem him with a tragic backstory.

      2. It’s reminding me of Nadesico so far, but I’m probably way off.

      3. Like I said earlier, I don’t think this setup is going to work, but maybe they’ll prove me wrong.

    10. **First timer**

      – [Five seats, group of five boys, they’re gonna control the mech remotely as a team, aren’t they?](

      – Why does the younger brother have to be such a turbo dick all the time?

      – You know, I get wanting to have a sense of mystery, but it’s really hard to care about anything when mystery is the only thing that the show is focusing on.


      – He’s annoying. Dunno.

      – Remote control mecha, the most boring type of mecha.

      – The bigger the cast, the least likely the characters are to be well written. At least, most of the time. The fact that it’s made by the same dude that did Code Geass doesn’t fill me with a sense of reassurance either.

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