Can someone keep me in on this because I don’t understand it

    by busterbrown78


    1. You don’t understand why someone might adapt a story to a different medium? Wait until you find out there’s animes WITH MANGA AND LIGHT NOVEL.

    2. The main author of a Story is most likely not the drawer of the manga. Because he can’t draw. He can write stories. So he wrote a novel. The light is because I think they don’t use hardcover but idk actually.
      When the Light Novel is good, the Company behind the author asks one of their manga drawers if they wanna draw the series. In most of the cases in the Light Novel is it already given how the characters look by a third person that is the character designer (in most cases).
      When the Light Novel or Manga is also good (mostly financial) The Company behind the author asks an animation studio to make an anime.

      There are some Cases where the manga drawer is also the author and because of that a light novel doesn’t exist.

    3. Check my facts, because im not ab expert, but the route is usually that there is a webnovel. This is just a draft, an idea of a story basically. This gets attention and recognition. The author finalizes the work,cleans it up, reworks some things, and publishes it as a book(light novel). It is now a complete work. Then the book gets recognition and a fanbase, then someones great idea is to give visuals to the writing, a mangaka picks up the story, and either follows the books, or changes some aspects to be more fitting to the manga form. And or comes a studio, and by either the manga, or by the books, they animate it to make an anime.
      So basically it gets to new platforms, for a bigger audience, if people like it enough.
      If a webnovel is not popular enough it wont be a light novel. And the same applies to some manga, that will never have an anime made of them.

      This is only my understanding, and my exp. Please if someone knows better tell me.

    4. Wait till you find out about

      Web Novel -> Light Novel -> Manga -> Anime

      And throw a Visual Novel in there for good measure

    5. One of the simple examples r opm the cosmic garou thing was completely different and the power scaling is more balanced according to the story in the novel

    6. MikolashOfAngren on

      Simple: time and money. Imagine you are a multi-talented person who can both draw and write. You want a story out the door right now, so you write a light novel. Some day you get enough time and funding to adapt it into a proper manga; otherwise if you can’t draw, you hire someone to draw for you, which still takes time & money to invest with. Oh look, now a studio is interested in adapting your work into a visual novel, which takes less production value & money as a fully fledged anime series, so you take it. Your audience happens to like your creativity and asks about different scenarios and endings to your story because maybe they don’t like the one canon path you wrote previously, so it’s time for visual novel path-writing. Oh look, the visual novel sold well enough that you now have garnered the interest of an anime studio and you have enough startup funding to get that going. Hopefully you’ll pick the best scenario from the visual novel and use any lessons learned along the way to make the anime adaptation work as the ultimate experience. Looks like the anime did really well and the audience wants more story content… so back to light novel writing you go and see what happens from there. It might not become a manga even, but eh, that’s life.

    7. Usually it starts with a webnovel then the popular ones get a light novel adaptation that basically cleans up the plot and makes the whole thing much more comperhendable then the popular light novels go the next step which is a manga adaptation usually the story of the manga is the same as the light novel but there can be deviations if they are produced at the same time and one advances faster than the other

      So in fewer words web novel evolves into light novel evolves manga but if one starts doesn’t mean the others stop

    8. perish-in-flames on

      A lot of time it just makes sense for more reach. Not everyone is going to want to read a light novel, and if you have a light novel and Anime, it’s fairly straightforward making it a Manga as well.

    9. Light novels and manga are completely different mediums. One is a novel, one is a comic book.

    10. I mean it’s not that confusing is it? Like how many movies are adapted from novels, take Harry Poter for example,many light novels gets adapted into anime or mangas.

    11. I really don’t see where the confusion is coming from, light novels and manga are different things.

      Light novels are novels; the story is told through prose. They often have anime/manga styled illustrations. Manga aren’t novels; the story is told through the art and dialogue.

      Adapting stories from one medium to another isn’t a new thing. In fact, it’s quite common. They tell the same story, but in a different medium.

      *The Lord of the Rings* is a novel, yet there is a film adaptation (multiple, even). *All Quiet on the Western Front* is a novel, yet there is a film adaptation (several, actually). *Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi* is a film, yet there is a novelisation. *JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 1: Phantom Blood* is a manga, yet there is an anime adaptation, and a film adaptation, and a video game adaptation, and a musical adaptation.

    12. Wait until bro finds about movie adaptations of books. Gonna blow their mind if they read books.

    13. Sui-chans_gloves on

      They are called adaptions. Not everyone consumes all forms of media so for one series to reach a wider audience, the publishers would publish it on different mediums e.g. Light Novels, Manga, Anime, Live action movies etc.

      Some people are anime-only, manga-only, light novel-only consumers so to get more wider and varied audiences series would adapt to a different medium and usually it’s essentially the same thing just in a different skin.

    14. serotoninantagonist on

      Bungo Stray Dogs has entered the chat.

      Is it manga? Is it anime?! Is it a light novel??!! Is it a live action film???!!! Is it a STAGE PLAY???!!!!! IS IT ALL OF THE ABOVE?????? BUCKLE UP, BABY, WE’RE ABOUT TO SEE THE SAME LITERARY TWINKS IN FIVE DIFFERENT ITERATIONS!!!!!!!!

    15. Usually the light novel comes first then gets a manga adaptation then possibly an anime which can use either the manga or the LN as source

    16. Web novels are raw practically unfiltered versions of the series. Then you get the light novel which refines the story and is usually cannon. Then there is the manga which further condensed the light novel and then there is the anime that condensed the series so much some details can be altered or loss all together.

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