Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita., episode 8

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    by AutoLovepon


    1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      One of these days, Mira’s gonna turn that “cat” into a rug over how he treats Byakuya. I just know it lol.

      Bella, Alycone, and Spica are pretty hilarious. Bella especially. The little degenerate has quite the imagination haha.

      I like how wary Byakuya is the minute she sees Hibana. She can almost hear the “fuck!” and feel Hibana sinking her teeth into her head.

      I can’t wait for that Christmas dinner date. It’s gonna be so cute! I hope Mira doesn’t overdose on Byakuya lol.

    2. proneisntsupine on

      I love the dynamic between Hibana and bird dude. Every time they show up, he deadpans something absolutely hilarious

    3. Can Byakuya please get as far away from this cat as possible? Just so he can stop trying to force her into jobs where she has to go commando and she can stop getting sexually harassed by him?

      ‘Tis the season for Mira shopping for Byakuya, Femboy Alcyone and Legal Loli Spica getting into a shouting match with each other, and Bella being the type of person who imagines romantic relationships with her colleagues…including herself and Mira. That indecent dream of him going down on her bed sure was something!

      Hibana really does mean well in terms of expressing her affection for Byakuya even if she has to show it through violence and F-Bombs. But both girls don’t desert to get caught up in the pissing contest between their Familiars (and stop with sexual fantasies about Byakuya you stupid cat!) Though a proper scolding from Hibana always sets things straight!

      The only thing cuter than Byakuya in a mascot costume is Mira wanting to spend Christmas with her. But Byakuya needs to work…but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy a romantic dinner on Christmas Night! And Byakuya’s intentions in doing so couldn’t be more clear!

    4. AmethystItalian on

      Really glad these 2 are being more open with each other, good progression so far.

      Cat still sucks though…

    5. I really hate that spirit animal cat. Can he please some how die horrifically already? Sexual harassing piece of shit.

      Lol that other magical girl is fun. Fuck! D’awww cute, Byakuya asking Lieutenant out for Christmas.

    6. Shimmering-Sky on

      – [Blehhhhhhhhhhhhh](https://i.imgur.com/oOCG4gT.png) [](#peasants)

      – [Christmas, huh.](https://i.imgur.com/joXB4ro.png)

      – [Yeah, no, it is not.](https://i.imgur.com/CkLnecn.png)

      – [Her fantasy lol.](https://i.imgur.com/yqXnTY3.png) [](#azusalaugh)

      – [I wonder what this looks like to the random people in the area, actually.](https://i.imgur.com/yQYhxfi.png) They all clapped after Hibana did her little “Cooking is about love” speech, do the familiars look like normal people to them?

      – [F.](https://i.imgur.com/ao8Sffn.png) [](#toradorasalute)

      – [At least there’s that.](https://i.imgur.com/47xNd8k.png)

    7. * [**Delusional Belle**](https://i.imgur.com/CHK2Zhh.jpeg)

      Considering how serious she is, I did not expect [Belle to have such lewd thoughts.](https://i.imgur.com/ttrguPQ.jpeg) It’s always the quiet ones.
      I’m not surprised though [that she has a crush on Mira.](https://i.imgur.com/TC30Bx8.jpeg) I would’ve been more surprised if none of Mira’s coworkers saw him that way. Sorry Bell but your [fantasy will only be a fantasy](https://i.imgur.com/wYgXWLN.jpeg) since Mira already has someone special.

      I love how our Magical Girls and their mascots [are making a scene in the middle of the shopping arcade.](https://i.imgur.com/Y9bb9OZ.jpeg) Mira really needs to kill that Cat Dude again though. [They wouldn’t be asking for freebies](https://i.imgur.com/CLRnKlI.jpeg) if he wasn’t spending all of Byakuya’s hard-earned money for his “social gatherings”.

      [Christmas dinner date for Mira and Byakuya next week!](https://i.imgur.com/kBti0cB.jpeg) That scene was so goddamn adorable. I love how [Byakuya’s ears were completely red](https://i.imgur.com/ObKtPm4.png) when she was telling Mira that [she wants to spend Christmas with him <3](https://i.imgur.com/I1agUKt.png)

    8. External_Mall_3897 on

      Gotta get a magical girl that consoles you saying “f*ck, f*ck” instead of “there, there”

    9. Mira’s assumption that he’d misunderstood Mimori’s feelings in the previous episode had [left a sad look on her face](https://imgur.com/a/W8eTyyz) back then, but now she’s the one taking the initiative by arranging a Christmas Evening date.

      I suppose that Hibana’s little speech about “the heart” gave her the push she needed to ascertain her own feelings as love. The question is if this love of hers will also become clear to Mira.

      It wasn’t very clear to Bella however that she’s not the one occupying Mira’s mind. I’m liking her though. It was very adorable to see her get so flustered over her own fantasies. Who’s more innocent: she or Fomalhaut?

      Mimori’s familiar isn’t innocent *at all* on the other hand. I’d kind of hoped for Mira to swoop in and serve him some swift justice after those sexist comments of his towards Mimori. That said, this was *overall* a cute episode.

    10. Somehow not surprised Mira isn’t the only evil organization member who can barely hide how down bad he is with a thin mask of professionalism. Hope we see more of Bella lol

      Hibana was already based but her public speech defending Byakuya’s bread crust offer elevated her to a tier of her own.

    11. OK but how close do you have to be to each other two casually make jokes about necklaces meaning you want to tie someone up and clothes gifts meaning you want to strip them down? Those two must be close… so close… how indecent…

    12. I really hate Mimori familiar so much. The shabu shabu serving with no underwear thing made me so uncomfortable. Why can’t dude just be somewhat normal and not try to be rapey every time he’s near her.

      Other than that, good episode and I love Bella. She’s an amazing addition to the cast that I hope we see lots more of! Her fantasising about Mira doing lewd stuff was so funny. Seems like they only hire down bad people for this gig lol.

      I can’t wait for the Christmas date with Mira and Mimori and it’s so sweet how much effort Mira put into getting her a gift.

    13. SquashPuzzleheaded50 on

      Because that would be f*cked up! Audience 👏👏👏 How is this girl so funny?

    14. As usual, [Byakuya](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4jwr8l978) was [so cute](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/84jdcolxgz4.png) and [adorable](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cn85kl4.png). I’m very happy that [her relationship](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzczjpda7.png) with [Mira](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkanxl4j) is progressing well since we’ll have a Christmas date between them in the next episode.

      [We got to know Bella from Mira’s oganization better and she was hilarious](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrwmaqyx)! I love [how easily her mind runs wild](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogcemagay.png) and [succumbs to delusions](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6cja9mzy.png). I really hope that we see [more of her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k46acj2lad7.png) in the future xD

      [Byakuya’s familiar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9cb6qmp7.png) is still [a major asshole](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pcjgq227.png) and he doesn’t seem to be getting any better. Looks like he should get another good thrashing from Mira.

      Hibana and [her full of love ‘fuck’ never fail to be funny](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcv3nqp7.png), as does [her familiar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/6yxkc56prj7.png), while [Alycone](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5cn85ja4.png) with [Spica](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcmpxgp4.png) are [a nice additions to the cast](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739ca2ze97.png).

      Here my screenshot albums from the episode:

      * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/md7oj68mlyp)
      * [Byakuya](https://imgchest.com/p/vj4jwr8l978)
      * [Bella](https://imgchest.com/p/n87wrwmaqyx)
      * [Mira](https://imgchest.com/p/qb4zkanxl4j)
      * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/bp45daqgvy5)

    15. Emi_Ibarazakiii on

      I’m sure they were having an interesting conversation, but I’m sorry, [soon as they put those thighs on screen, they better not expect me to focus on the subs!](https://imgur.com/bDOE37u)


      So we got a proper introduction for this girl, and so far, she’s a blast!

      Where were they hiding all these fun girls for the first half of the season… Hibana and Bella, top tier girls both!


      I like how she tries to act prim&proper (even a bit strict) with the others, but in her head, [she’s](https://imgur.com/ClEuATJ)



      (Feeling a bit sad for her, she seems head over heels for Mira, but obviously that’s not gonna lead anywhere…)

      [Good lord.](https://imgur.com/SV9J8fJ)


      I wasn’t expecting that in my comfy fluffy diabete-inducing romcom! (Then again, I suppose I wasn’t expecting an avalanche of F*CK! either, but it happened!)

      [I love how they always have a reaction everytime Hibana says something!](https://imgur.com/NcQtq92)

      She may not talk a lot, but whenever she does, [she has pearls of wisdom!](https://imgur.com/I9pgA5i)

      Also love how F*CK is her go-to for everything, not just battle; When she’s shy, when she’s angry, when she’s happy, when someone gives her a gift, [when she comforts someone, like a “there, there”..!](https://imgur.com/QN5daV3)

      Well, our main duo have lost a bit of the spotlight now that there are more characters involved, but they still managed to set a little Christmas date! Hope it all goes well!

      [I’ll count this as a symbolic kiss, until we get a real one!](https://imgur.com/l8QsmMr)

    16. ProfessionalOwn9435 on

      Is Hibana like magic girl of Tourette syndrome?

      The show is a bit frustrating, as with each episode evil empires looks like better option with just horny edgelords a leutanants. Minori should just turn evil, join the dark side we have healtplan. But then there will be no show.

    17. Annnnnd Belle is my new favorite. I hope she lives her wild fantasies someday… with someone who isn’t Mira

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