1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      “This hole stinks of immorality” lmao dude. There’s just something about how that’s phrased that just cracks me up.

      Poor Dazai’s fiending so hard, he’s starting to look all healthy and shit. Bro was eating rocks to try and get his “fix “ lol.

      Yamada was so caught up in his own sense of “justice” that he failed to ultimately things aren’t always so black and white. Esche tried to help the town. I figured she was connected to the tree somehow. She always lived there watching over the town. And then the town got corrupted. I guess “justice” was doled out in the end.

    2. That’s a big tree, wonder if it spews out mists and has a weird boss at the bottom. Thanks for the info dump, Anette.

      A casino? Of course cause other worlder douches. Wonder if this Yamada other worlder will actually be nice. And who is this ara ara onee-san type lady? Dancer lady. Whoo flamenco style guitar. Anette is always fun. Oh her name is Esche? I dunno, she seems fine to me 😛

      See, Sensei can see through your dancing. Also, see, she’s a good girl. Protecting the town. Well at least Yamada seems sincere in dealing with them. Though needs to learn the truth of everyone before deciding things. Poor Esche. Stupid towns people. At least Yamada seems legit concerned. Quite the lesson for Yamada.

      Oh, Esche was the world tree spirit? Was hoping she’d join the party. Did she die or something? Or just leave? LOL Infinite Calmotin, wow.

    3. Great one-off side quest which yield OP item (infinite camoltin??)

      Minor comment, but it’s funny how some otherworlder just decided to dress up as mad max bandit instead of wearing something more civilised.

      Also the three guys that couldn’t pay the debt, that’s the same group who attacked sensei several episodes ago right?

    4. Awesome episode. I like how in this case there isn’t a right choice as Sensei said. Either decision would have consequences as the other worlders were going to break their promise.

      The mayors request made my jaw drop and saddened me as what Esche wished to protect is now gone.

      “The line between righteousness and evil is a hazy thing.” Sums up the episode pretty well and is overall fantastic and maybe my favorite yet. I always enjoy writing like this, it conveys the difficulty and consequences of every decision. Plenty of stories often depict decisions as right and wrong, but life is never so simple.

      However, if we never see Esche again – who is really likable even with the short time we see her – then we as the audience suffered the greatest loss today.

    5. The World Tree is one of the greatest sights in this fantasy realm! Too bad Sensei just isn’t into it and Annette keeps stealing Tama’s attempt to be a tour guide!

      Toneriko is meant to be a Holy place of healing and relaxation…and the Other Worlders have turned it into a den of sin and depravity. They even have a casino! Now it’s Sensei’ kind of town! Minus the fact that he’s finally run out of pills.

      So the town is obviously not happy with the behavior of the Other Worlders, but can they rely on an Other Worlder like Yamada (Yuma Uchida)? Is he the first actually noble and decent Other Worlder, hammy Hero of Justice that he is?

      Nobody likes being healthy and sober more than Sensei, so of course he finds an opium den where people are getting off on the restorative leaves. But a better temptation is a sultry and bewitchingly beautify Mamiko Noto character!

      Sensei just draws the beautiful ladies to him, including a gorgeous dancer in a very revealing outfit who knows how to flaunt her chest, butt, and legs during her dance. And she’s utterly entrancing.

      Annette does not take it well when Sensei leaves her. Just like she doesn’t take it well when Sensei returns in the arms of another woman. But the town in general doesn’t care for Esche, viewing her as a witch and a Femme Fatale taking advantage of the situation with the Other Worlders for herself.

      But Sensei sees the truth…sees that she’s a woman in need of saving herself and that she was only trying to save the town in her own way. Yamada may have destroyed the casino and felled the Other Worlders with his Justice Judgement, but Esche was a Hero in her own right.

      It’s just too bad no one in the town is willing to believe that and drive her away, refusing to believe in her. And in fact the town is willing to keep exploiting the World Tree just like the Other Worlders did. And Yamada is left reeling that believing himself a Hero he ended up driving out the real hero and helping a town that didn’t deserve one.

      But the World Tree had the last laugh…drying up so it can never be exploited again, and it turns out Esche was the spirit of the tree all along, and in gratitude of Sensei she gives him infinite drugs! What a woman!

    6. Shimmering-Sky on

      – [Hahahaha *wow*.](https://i.imgur.com/UbULKDY.png) [](#laughter)

      – [Oh noooooooooooooooo, Sensei finally ran out of his sleeping pills!](https://i.imgur.com/BA3Er2h.png) [](#crazedlaugh)

      – [BRUH!](https://i.imgur.com/ODboOfv.png) [](#laughter)

      – [Oh that’s not good.](https://i.imgur.com/WHfQUAX.png)

      – [lol of course *this* is what Sensei’s concerned with though.](https://i.imgur.com/NwZHc9S.png)

      – [Hahahahahaha](https://i.imgur.com/jUO7Sq1.png)

      – [lol, good luck with that.](https://i.imgur.com/1KOMgML.png)

      – [What a name.](https://i.imgur.com/N2ZP7tj.png) [](#trololol)

      – [They don’t know she was actually keeping them safe…](https://i.imgur.com/yy9AF1b.png) [](#sadholo)

      – [Ah fuck.](https://i.imgur.com/PHefdNB.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [Oh, they can’t sell the leaves if the tree decides to off itself.](https://i.imgur.com/vqdH6jW.png) [](#etotamadunno)

      – [Ohhhhhhhhh, *Esche* was the spirit in question!](https://i.imgur.com/pEs10Nr.png) [](#shock) That explains it.

      – [Fucking lmao of course his wish was for the sleeping pill bottle to be refilled.](https://i.imgur.com/VOVyiiM.png) [](#pointandlaugh)

    7. themaninthehightower on

      Okay, I was just joking about the pill bottle of holding earlier, honest. — Sensei can rizz forces of nature, natch. — Hero outworlder too dumb to talk, too regretful to deal. — There has never been a more deserving group of people to lose a world tree. — Sensei is not here to fix the world, only to document its demise?

    8. [Smug Cat](https://imgur.com/3lgqlk6) [](#smugrose)

      Damn, I’d let Esche ruin me all night long as well [](#ero)

      Even though [she](https://imgur.com/Vf0qRIy) has already found her [savior](https://imgur.com/7lTIVf3), Sensei has a rare talent for this, and absolutely no use for it [](#toradorasalute)

      The town and Yamada where some idiots, had no evidence against Esche doing anything wrong. That’s how you end up hanging “collaborators”

      And Holy shit, with [this](https://imgur.com/L88rdMz) Sensei finally got his own cheat item

    9. Lowkey what if the tree just immediately dies from him touching it or something

      Wonder what the ‘traitorous witch’s’ deal is, inb4 she’s the spirit of the world tree or something


      I thought I was wrong after her backstory but damn


    10. Considering how this episode [opened up with a freakin’ casino](https://i.imgur.com/Cbw1S22.jpeg), [Sensei running out of drugs](https://i.imgur.com/HAqGuLv.jpeg), and [finding a den of addicts](https://i.imgur.com/8xugptD.jpeg), I was expecting a silly episode after Tama’s arc. It was especially hilarious [watching Sensei deal with his healthy body](https://i.imgur.com/VHR9nIs.jpeg) without his pills. As soon as [Esche was introduced though](https://i.imgur.com/TPaiLr0.jpeg), voiced by the lovely Mamiko Noto, I knew there would be more than just comedy this week.

      Honestly, I thought Esche was just looking for some company [when she brought Sensei to her bar.](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcbja9a4.jpg) She even [danced for him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3czqnqe4.jpg) which Sensei [surprisingly appreciated](https://i.imgur.com/znxKIxE.jpeg) given how he doesn’t to be a fan of dancing. As soon as the Mayor gave Esche’s story about [how she sided with the Other Worlders](https://i.imgur.com/Ea82mJN.png) and [how mysterious she was](https://i.imgur.com/PbVGXIs.jpeg), that’s when I started to pick up that there’s more to this dancer/tavern owner.

      We also get to meet Yamada, [an Other Worlder who isn’t on the side of the fallen Other Worlders](https://i.imgur.com/abuDWaz.jpeg) and actually wants to help people. I was expecting him to turn against Sensei at some point but he was surprisingly a straight arrow. He was such a straight arrow that he could only see between black and white that [he’s already willing to pass judgment on Esche from what little information he has.](https://i.imgur.com/cN1eAgO.png)

      I absolutely love the reveal that [Esche was protecting the townsfolk the entire time](https://i.imgur.com/nzcL9Yr.png). Esche doesn’t owe these people anything, she could’ve just left them alone to be tyrannized by the fallen Other Worlders but she still did it. [Sensei was correct in calling her an angel.](https://i.imgur.com/33FOlfI.jpeg) I also love how the fallen Other Worlders weren’t going to be the main focus of this episode since [they were dealt with quickly by Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/BFhtSqF.jpeg), the real problem came after that.

      It’s good that [Yamada was willing to forgive Esche](https://i.imgur.com/nzC13tG.jpeg) but the townsfolk aren’t so quick to forgive. [Even after Sensei explained how Esche protected them](https://i.imgur.com/oV6pyGq.jpeg), the townsfolk still cast her out. The best part of the episode was [watching Yamada finally see how ugly humanity is](https://i.imgur.com/dMyBlZ0.jpeg) and now that evil has passed, a new evil will just replace it in the form of [the Mayor wanting to profit off the World Tree’s leaves.](https://i.imgur.com/7SiMUuz.jpeg)

      [The horror on Yamada’s face is absolutely brilliant.](https://i.imgur.com/SNOmT05.jpeg) His entire belief has just been shattered. I really hope that [he’ll learn from this experience](https://i.imgur.com/yZTX1Hv.jpeg) and I hope we see him again someday maybe a bit more wiser than he was. [Sensei’s line about righteousness and evil](https://i.imgur.com/2FW54Om.jpeg) is definitely going to stay in Yamada’s head.

      And the ending! The World Tree’s leaves [suddenly decaying en mass was just perfect!](https://i.imgur.com/X8mpaA9.jpeg) It turns out that Esche is actually the [the Spirit of the World Tree](https://i.imgur.com/sOxbwN6.jpeg). I guess instead of letting the villagers sell her leaves, she chose to dry her leaves up to stop them before they could even try. That was so satisfying. And as a reward for his help, [Sensei now has an unlimited supply of Calmotin!](https://i.imgur.com/TdxHSYF.jpeg) That was such a good episode!

    11. Damn, like I cried when the world tree died and I realized SHE was the world tree spirit that they abandoned. Ridiculed and kicked out. With Only Sensei giving her his love and affection towards only for her to die and giving him and infinite supply of sleeping pills in return for his love.

      This anime is so fucking sad it’s up there being my favorite anime of the year by far.

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