What would you do for 100 billion dollars?

    by GiganticGirlEnjoyer


    1. GiganticGirlEnjoyer on

      I’ll go first:Unlimited Void,at least it’s not lethal and i already have a fuckton of useless knowledge anyways

    2. Spacellama117 on

      Steal Saitama’s groceries, he’s the only one on here that wouldn’t immediately move to murder me

    3. I mean, 2 are immediate deaths that being Vegeta and infinite void. One is mental torture, and for the untrained may as well be death. I’d go saitama because you will be able to play it off as a mistake and pay your way out of it. The other 3 kill as easy as breathing.

    4. My Answer: Steal Saitama groceries. It’s a gag that when he hits a non-monster usually they just get comedically rag dolled and survive. Sure I’ll fly into a wall and probably break some bones, but I’ll live. He knows not to straight up kill regular people with his power.

      Punching Bulma in front of Vegeta is instant death. Unlike Goku, Vegeta is more willing to use lethal force.

      Itachi’s Tsukuyomi isnt just incredibly painful to the point of near death, it also significantly lowers your perception of time. You’ll feel like entire weeks are passing when it’s only been five minutes.

      Lastly, Unless you’re incredibly experienced in Cursed Energy and have the mental will to endure it, Gojos Domain Expansion would leave you near brain dead as your mind is overloaded with infinite information. Even if I recovered to the point of being able to claim the cash, I’d be too brain ruined to function most likely for a while longer.

    5. Well idk the last panel, i know saitama is the least threatening of the other two, because hes still a down to earth human inside with daily problems like us. if anything, if i offered coupons he’d probably even invite me over for games

    6. Tsukuyomi is scary but at least my body still intact, I don’t think I can’t survive the other 3

    7. LightningDragon777 on

      Explain the situation to Saitama.

      He lets me steal his groceries.

      Then we share the money.

    8. Steal Saitama’s groceries and explain to him that I will buy his groceries for life if he lets me go.

    9. BloodShadow45 on

      Saitama dosent kill humans, if you dress like a homeless man and steal his groceries, at worst you get knocked out and at best he sympathises with you and gives you some money to buy your own groceries

    10. Steal saitamas groceries then give him like 500 dollars and make one of those shorts videos

    11. Steal saitama’s groceries.
      Get 100 billion dollars.
      Play 1 billion dollars to saitama .
      Saitama leaves

    12. _Sir_Not_Mister_ on

      Itachi’s tsukoyomi, he doesn’t actually harm you. He just leaves you a memory implanted through the tsukoyomi that he did. You don’t actually experience any real pain, harm or damage.

      He never tortured Sasuke, and he only damaged Kakashi at the end of his tsukuyomi to leave a trail and proof for the akatsuki.

      Honestly, it’d just be a cool story. Considering I’ve almost died ten times. Three times by almost being impaled.

    13. I feel Saitama would give me a chance to explain myself then go “Oh yeah go ahead then.”

    14. StinkeroniStonkrino on

      What’s with these kind of 12 year old made Facebook/9gag/ifunny shitty meme? “What would you do for 1 boobillion dollars dollery?? 1. Die. 2. Die. 3. Die. 4. Cause mild inconvenience to someone.” Is this r/teenagers leaking or something.

    15. electricalserge on

      I question the people who don’t have Saitama as an option. You get 100 billion dollars. You can give him one percent of one percent of one percent of that money and he’ll forgive you instantly. Instant death, mental torture, and brain death / paralysis is not the way to go.

    16. NeonChampion2099 on

      Punching Bulma. She is smart enough to understand why I would be pressed to do it and is the only one on earth capable of actually stopping Vegeta from retaliation.

    17. Give him a few times the price of the groceries and tell him theres no time to explain! Then come back a while later and give him a billion :3

    18. the_bird_and_the_bee on

      Saitama for sure. He’s not gonna kill me lol. I’d just run up yelling “I’m sorry but I have to do this please don’t hurt me” and then find him later and give him some money lol.

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