1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Stardust is a nice guy. He only beats the shit out of kids when they really deserve it haha. Guy’s pretty fierce. No hesitation going after Quabala and he didn’t seem too shaken by Stigma either. I mean dude went and split his face open.

      Now that Mai’s got Ai, how’s Shy gonna stop her?

    2. Aerodynamic41 on

      Ah, of course the twins are gonna fuse together. I should have seen that coming. She’s even dual-wielding the swords now!

    3. Wooo! Lets go Stardust! He seems to kinda be the Batman of the group, a nice guy at heart, but really good at making his enemies think he’s cold-blooded. Really like that he still admires Shy.

      Speaking of Shy, damn, lets see how she’s able to split the two. Or maybe she wont and use her bond with Ai to have her take control? Yeah no idea if they’re gonna spit or remain one, but feel it’s pretty obvious that Shy and Mr. Shinobi are going to use their bond to reach Ai.

    4. * [**Ai-Mai Combined**](https://i.imgur.com/rDZXQxR.jpeg)

      After all the silliness from last week’s fights, things finally start getting real. I love Stardust so much! The dude was like, [“Fuck them kids!”](https://i.imgur.com/WNCTVQl.jpeg). I mean he went [easy on Quabala at first](https://i.imgur.com/6Sl9D4y.jpeg) When he realized that she truly was a threat, [he made sure to continue punching until her lights were out.](https://i.imgur.com/Hv4tnRY.jpeg) I also love [that move he pulled off on Stigma.](https://i.imgur.com/Xu36Q5S.jpeg)

      Too bad it wasn’t enough to beat Stigma but [it did fuck him up completely though.](https://i.imgur.com/6eN35PW.jpeg) And he’s like the main villain so there’s no way he’s going to go down so easily.

      As for Ai and Shy, [the two of them had to cover for each other’s weaknesses](https://i.imgur.com/bnMH0hx.jpeg) during their fight against Mai. They were pretty much outclassed. Considering how many people [Mai has already killed](https://i.imgur.com/rtYMwWL.jpeg), I’m wondering if there’s really even a way to turn her back. There’s just too much darkness on her now.

      [I was kinda expecting this.](https://i.imgur.com/1z1xYoy.jpeg) Mai wanted Ai to kill her this entire time so Ai would be “tainted”. I did not expect that to end [with the two of them merging though.](https://i.imgur.com/vMdHAsy.jpeg) Shy was already having trouble against Mai, this is going to be one heck of a fight for her.

    5. THEY FUSED. The principal objective was Ai killing Mai so Mai could fuse with her???
      And we got shy badly hurt almost unable to fight versus a dual blade kitsune who´s got Ai and Mai inside? Unless Tokimaru comes and saves the day, this is not going to end well

    6. Oh dang, that poor girl. Didn’t Shy save someone without cutting the finger? Poor ghost girl, being forced to fight. Oh wow, she wasn’t down for the count. Terrifliss? Wut… Ah yes, stop hitting yourself lol. Ah yes… “Nice Guy” lol.

      Guess that fight is over. Back to Shy. Mai needs therapy. All this shinobi propaganda. If Ai lived through that kinda wound, couldn’t she? Oh hey, she became a cute kitsune woman.

    7. Loving this week’s character ED

      Shy is already badly injured and now she has to deal with Ai-Mai 🙁

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