Episode 18:

    From Zero

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    Crunchyroll has the Director's Cut available.

    • Director's Cut episodes are two episodes combined. Make sure to cover the corresponding half of content for each thread.

    AppleTV has the regular individual episodes available.

    Spoiler Rules:

    • As always, please be sure to tag any future content spoilers according to the r/Anime rules. There is likely to be first timer viewers here, and while discussing how previously seen content connects to content later down the road is interesting (be it later episodes or even Season 3), please be sure to properly spoiler tag anything mentioned! Let's make this a fun experience for everyone involved!

    • This also applies to cut content discussions, which I believe are fine to include for the sake of discussion, but should be properly tagged to avoid potentially spoiling viewers. Be mindful with how you present this information!

    Story Arc Lengths for Discussion Purposes:

    [Arc 1:] S1 Episode 1 – S1 Episode 3

    [Arc 2:] S1 Episode 4 – S1 Episode 11

    [Arc 3:] S1 Episode 12 – S2 Episode 1

    [Arc 4:] S2 Episode 2 – S2 Episode 25

    [Arc 5 and later:] S3+

    As always, if you have any suggestions for the Re:Watch, let me know!

    by Theleux


    1. **Re:Watcher**

      If you’re here… well, you’ve been through something. And I’m not just referring to the previous episodes of this show. Every single person in this world has been fighting a personal battle of some kind since the moment they arrived here. I won’t presume to know what any of yours have been like, but I imagine they haven’t been easy. If recent years have shown us anything, it’s that there are some struggles that are truly universal. Which is, of course, why isekai is so big. Who *hasn’t* had a point in their lives in which they wished to be somewhere else, to be some*one* else? To be… special? There are hundreds, if not thousands, of stories that begin like that; millions, if not billions, of people who enjoy them. And while most people enjoy it vicariously, the genre’s inherent escapism may lead some to treat it as wish fulfillment.

      Subaru is one of those people. He’s enjoyed the stories. He knows all of their tropes. Clearly, he was sent to this world because the universe knew that he was destined for greatness and that all he needed was for someone to start him on a new path, one completely unaffected by his past. No one in this world knows who he used to be, only who he is now and what he chooses to show about himself. There’s nothing stopping him from becoming a person everyone relies on.

      Except, of course, there is. Because the premise of that shift was flawed from the get-go. No matter where he ends up or who he meets, there is nothing that can truly divorce him from his past because he himself is what resulted from it. And the events that have occurred up to this point have shattered him and torn away at him until he can’t pretend like he has changed any longer. He’s still just as powerless and incompetent as he’s ever been, and he hates himself for it. It would be one thing if it were just the road ahead of him that was difficult and fraught with danger, but what is really causing everyone he loves to die is that he’s the one trying to walk on it. They would have been better off with anyone other than him. All he can really do now is hold out his hand to the only one who is within reach and give up for good.

      Depression sucks. It really does. I’ve struggled with it in the past, and every so often it’ll rear its ugly head and return with a vengeance. When it gets really bad, it feels like trying to escape a black hole: something that seems impossible and leaves me feeling completely drained. When Subaru laments that giving up is the hardest thing he has ever done, I think about how much it can frustrate me to have to go through all that, only for other people to be unaware of what I’m going through. Beyond the event horizon, a black hole is just a black hole. You can’t see what happens inside of it. Return by Death is truly the densest black hole of them all, one that prevents any and all information from escaping it, so it’s easy to see the parallels that it has with depression. Subaru wanting to give up… let’s just say that I can relate.

      But Rem knows better. Giving up doesn’t suit anyone. Rem gave up on herself all those years ago, but now she’s living a life that is happier than anything she could’ve imagined after Subaru helped her forgive herself. Giving up isn’t easy, but it *can* be easy to see it as the only option; if you aren’t able to value yourself as a person, giving up could just feel like the only thing that you both are capable of and deserve. Depression loves to latch onto any excuse to pull yourself deeper into it, and self-loathing is a big one. But whereas Subaru can only see the worst parts of himself, Rem can see just how much good there is in him. She’s been able to notice all of the things he does that indicate genuine kindness, no matter how miniscule they’ve been. And while he may be concerned with the bigger picture, it is the smaller details that make up the picture of who he is that caused her to fall in love with him.

      Rem rejects the notion that Subaru’s past has no worth and that there’s nothing worth seeing in what he has become. Because Subaru’s past was what enabled him to know exactly what to say to Rem to save her from her own self-doubt and unfreeze her time. It is thanks to his past that she now has a future, one that she wishes will be spent by his side. The insert song that closes out this episode, Wishing, is my favorite in the show because both the music and the lyrics perfectly express how it feels to simply enjoy being alive with the people you love. There is more to life than suffering. Subaru taught her that, and now she’ll teach it back to him as many times as it takes. Subaru is her hero not because he never falters but because he always has the courage to ask for someone to help him back up. To restart from zero.

      And her affirmation is immediately confirmed to be true as the greatest hero, Natsuki Subaru, is reborn in front of her. He acknowledges who he is and what he wants. This time, he reaches his hand out to her not in defeat but in triumph. Someone else may have started him on this path, but it is *Natsuki Subaru* who has decided to blaze his way to victory.

      I haven’t exactly been secretive about my love for Re:ZERO. The series just has so many things that resonate with me that it can be hard to keep track of what makes it my favorite work of fiction. But if I truly had to settle on one aspect, one specific part, of this series that makes it so special in my eyes… it’s that it *demands more*. It demands more from the isekai genre, to expand on its premise in ways that transcend mere escapism. It demands more from its audience, to be willing to put themselves in a position where they will be uncomfortable and actively engage with what they see. It demands more from Subaru, to be Rem’s hero even when he doesn’t feel like one and triumph over all the obstacles that he encounters. And it demands most of all from itself, to not just settle on having a simple narrative or characters that develop for the sake of it, to ensure that characters *earn* their developments, and to look back on those moments with the proper gravitas throughout the remainder of the plot. Because everyone has a story, and every story matters.

      Everyone matters.

      **Fan Art of the Episode:** [*From Zero*](https://files.catbox.moe/28xl0c.jpg) by @kusanosinta (September 5th, 2016)

      **Source:** [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/58825498)

    2. baseballlover723 on

      ## Rewatcher, sub, basically a secondhand novel reader (Arc 4)
      It seems reddit doesn’t like some of the terminology I used, so I am using “ultimate sloth” as a replacement term for the general concept of what Subaru needs to do in order to loop.

      Had a RBD interaction (shadowban) with Reddit yesterday (that has thankfully been mostly cleared up) regarding some of my word choice that it thought was something else. So you all may want to avoid alluding to the S word that Subaru did in episode 7, lest the RBD curse strikes you as well.

      This is I think the most misunderstood episode of Re:Zero. Which is odd, because most people agree that it’s an amazing episode that frequently ranks among the best episodes of all time. And I’m gonna tell you that it’s actually better then most people think (though maybe not for you first timers, you all have had some great takes and understanding of the story thus far). This topic usually comes up when people are complaining about “I love Emilia”, so apologies if it comes off as ranty. I also switched around my paragraphs like a million times, so apologies, if things feels in the wrong order, there’s so much circling back that I couldn’t figure out a good way to progress linearly through all I wanted to talk about.

      This also happens to be another one of the Re:Zero episodes that I have in my S Tier, and I considered to be my favorite episode of all time for the longest time (these days it fluctuates between my other S tier Re:Zero episodes depending on how I feel that day).

      As always, I’ve numbered all my spoilers tags so that they’re easier to respond to


      ###First Timer Safe Section
      This section is safe for first time watchers.

      It seems that [Puck](https://i.imgur.com/0v5x92o.png) personally (or at least is much more aware of Satella’s powers) [knew Satella](https://i.imgur.com/TwStYP5.png). Who I will remind you was alleged to [have been sealed](https://i.imgur.com/VCajxmB.png) [long ago](https://i.imgur.com/wJuiQXo.png).

      [Puck is revealed as the monster at the end of episode 15](https://i.imgur.com/BlfrbWF.png), though many of you first timers figured it out via the voice actor (I think it was more obvious in the dub, since many of the first timers I saw figure it out, were watching in dub).

      This is I think the [big mistake](https://i.imgur.com/xJUAuyq.png) Subaru makes.

      [Ayo what Puck](https://i.imgur.com/9Bg3EIQ.png)?

      The [White Whale](https://i.imgur.com/qTYyCAu.png) is [Gluttony](https://i.imgur.com/qAMEVTR.png)???

      ### The Rooftop

      The big thing that people misunderstand about this episode. **This is not a confession**. **This is an intervention** that uses a confession. This is an emergency action by Rem as she sees her hero completely fall apart.

      Subaru is at the [end of his rope](https://i.imgur.com/VWthShe.png). [Confronted](https://i.imgur.com/5k88lRn.png) with his own [powerlessness](https://i.imgur.com/gxvB51w.png), Subaru doesn’t see a way out, but to [run away with Rem](https://i.imgur.com/Zh1K3Zh.png), the only person he can save. It’s worth noting that in the LN [Spoiler #1: cut content] >!Subaru explicitly acknowledges that it’s horrible of him to [force an ultimatum](https://i.imgur.com/ize6Uck.png) with Rem and that the logical answer should be to not run away with him. But Subaru feels that this is the only way that he’ll be able to have a chance of Rem saying yes and thus saving her.!<

      So Rem begs Subaru to [tell her what happened](https://i.imgur.com/XWDBqdE.png) (Keep in mind, [Rem knows nothing](https://i.imgur.com/QR7X1by.png) of the [previous loops](https://i.imgur.com/6KPAmfD.png), the only thing that could be causing this is Subaru’s outburst in the castle and break up with Emilia). Which of course, [Subaru can’t do](https://i.imgur.com/HMgcisS.png). So she asks him to [trust her](https://i.imgur.com/6LeofI2.png), that [she’ll help](https://i.imgur.com/QcpOpVh.png). But Subaru’s done. [He’s giving up](https://i.imgur.com/Kr1yExI.png).

      [But giving up is easy](https://i.imgur.com/2YwbSGG.png), which [triggers Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/sp46l5z.png). [Whats easy](https://i.imgur.com/C3qSbSC.png) about [giving up on your dreams](https://i.imgur.com/RjJ9uVN.png). And out comes all of the bottled up feelings Subaru has for himself. That [Subaru hates himself](https://i.imgur.com/PjAc8rV.png). That [nobody knows the “real Subaru”](https://i.imgur.com/gtvDwNl.png). That [Subaru is self aware](https://i.imgur.com/dj91bHj.png) of how he is viewed.

      And so Rem [tells](https://i.imgur.com/Uasjaz5.png) [Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/0eRsTOV.png) [all](https://i.imgur.com/cuKXLqc.png) [of](https://i.imgur.com/pwsdGW8.png) [the](https://i.imgur.com/W4H2ZnT.png) [things](https://i.imgur.com/S3lLz5L.png) she [loves](https://i.imgur.com/D5KZbZL.png) (note that she uses suki here) about him. Note that Rem never directly challenges Subaru’s opinions, she simply provides separate things that she likes about Subaru. And how [Rem views Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/RUqh62o.png)

      So why does [Rem love Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/CugGirf.png) so much? Because Subaru [doesn’t know](https://i.imgur.com/IT5iwa7.png) when to [give up](https://i.imgur.com/3W9V1b7.png). [Subaru saved her](https://i.imgur.com/uW7MrQ9.png) when [she didn’t](https://i.imgur.com/MxBmANK.png) value [her own life](https://i.imgur.com/vaAnHNS.png). Subaru [never gave up](https://i.imgur.com/ovryDMz.png) on saving Rem. Subaru [risked his life](https://i.imgur.com/AS1L6Sq.png) to save Rem. And then gave [Rem’s](https://i.imgur.com/925r26o.png) [life](https://i.imgur.com/rwzJekF.png) [meaning](https://i.imgur.com/t26gzQo.png). So [Rem will believe](https://i.imgur.com/i3Hg5zd.png) in Subaru. Rem will believe that [Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/ej1UxPN.png) will be a [true hero](https://i.imgur.com/k7u3OQd.png). And [heroes](https://i.imgur.com/tKiedEk.png) [don’t give up on people](https://i.imgur.com/kQPLClD.png).

      So Rem can’t stand [Subaru saying that nobody ever needed him](https://i.imgur.com/x0mCMlg.png). [Rem needed Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/pDs1poT.png). So [Rem rejects running away with Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/xKctk7a.png), despite her planning out their entire life in Kararagi. Because [Subaru doesn’t actually want to run away with Rem because he loves her](https://i.imgur.com/51LTn7H.png). Because while [Rem would love to run away with Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/qwOKVXy.png), running away with Subaru like this [would be Subaru giving up on Emilia](https://i.imgur.com/IzDbczg.mp4). A catch 22 for Rem. Accept Subaru’s love and then he ceases to be what you fell in love with. Or reject Subaru’s love and he’ll be what you fell in love with, but not for you.

      So as [Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/e1R3pJV.png) [lists](https://i.imgur.com/FrU0djb.png) his [failures](https://i.imgur.com/PjAc8rV.png). [Rem](https://i.imgur.com/psI35Eu.png) [lists](https://i.imgur.com/AWKKkVh.png) his [triumphs](https://i.imgur.com/W4YF9wZ.png). Note that when Rem says “I love you” here, she uses “aishiteru” (see below for significance). Which is why [Subaru finally realizes](https://i.imgur.com/2m85MiU.png) the depth of [Rem’s love for him](https://i.imgur.com/Ahy9xRy.png). So if Subaru can’t accept himself as he is currently, lets [reset, and start from zero](https://i.imgur.com/V8CnBp9.mp4), and [support each other](https://i.imgur.com/duhaEiW.png). [The exact](https://i.imgur.com/TyPPNte.png) [same lesson](https://i.imgur.com/kcUhELb.png) that [Subaru told her](https://i.imgur.com/fKl3Z7U.png).

      And so we reach the famous line, [“I love Emilia”](https://i.imgur.com/p4DXSrz.png). Not really a [rejection of Rem](https://i.imgur.com/ncVA8Jh.png), but an affirmation that [Rem’s hero](https://i.imgur.com/tKiedEk.png) is back. That [Subaru isn’t giving up](https://i.imgur.com/6iYJAOb.png) [no matter what](https://i.imgur.com/pVe30i3.png) [horrible things lie ahead](https://i.imgur.com/6iYJAOb.png), that [Subaru will get](https://i.imgur.com/UJpEN5k.png) the [happy ending](https://i.imgur.com/0PawXtZ.png). And [Rem](https://i.imgur.com/gRUEbvF.png) is [going to help](https://i.imgur.com/HanOCQu.png)

      ~~So bring out the [doves](https://i.imgur.com/tYoIDSq.png) & [spotlight](https://i.imgur.com/tKiedEk.png), and strike out everything you knew about Re:Zero so far,~~ [and watch](https://i.imgur.com/E89GCZo.png) as [the story of Natsuki Subaru](https://i.imgur.com/FRXv89n.png), [the most awesome hero ever](https://i.imgur.com/TPPPzIF.png), [begins now](https://i.imgur.com/jTomyUH.png), [From Zero](https://i.imgur.com/gHRV8OW.png).

      ###Continued below

    3. Hey guys. Holofan4life here.

      Welcome to the In Preparation of Season 3 Rewatch of Re:Zero!

      Oh, and nay I forget…

      **First Timer**

      I decided to watch this show because I wanted to do something for the month of August. ’Course, this was before the yearly Spice and Wolf rewatch got pushed back to September, but I just found myself looking for something to occupy my time with. And with this show being in my top 5 must watch list, I figured now was as good a time as any.

      I am going into this show relatively blind. I know some of the memes, who Rem, Ram, Emilia, and Subaru are, and that this show got its inspiration from Familiar of Zero, but that’s it. I find rewatches and my participation of them more fun when I have no idea what I am in store for. And with this series, I think we’re in for a blast. It’s also going to be the longest rewatch I participate in this year and second longest overall only behind the 20th Anniversary Fullmetal Alchemist rewatch. And given how joyous that show turned out, I don’t see why I should expect nothing less from this one.

      With that out of the way, let’s begin.

      I’m watching the sub, by the way.

      As I am writing this, it is 9:15 in the morning on a Sunday. I’m waiting on the first episode of Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan to drop so I can make some lame pun. I don’t know what better headspace to be in for one of the more infamous anime episodes of all time.

      The episode is a minute longer than normal. Oh boy [](#spooked)

      Puck killing the Witch’s Cult… uh, cult members.

      Not Puck is caught by the Unseen Hands

      Puck has evolved into Megapuck!

      I guess this confirms that the creature we saw at the end of episode 15 was indeed Puck.

      This evolved form of Puck just makes me want to bury my face in his fur.

      Betelgeuse bleeding from the eyes now

      “Death isn’t even a punishment. That is why I hate all of you.”

      And so, Puck kills Betelgeuse

      Puck telling Subaru he has committed three sins.

      First, he broke his promise to Emilia

      I guess that’s the date in the village

      Tells Subaru he doesn’t seem to know how important a promise is to a spirit-arts user.

      Second, Emilia told him to stay put but he refused to do so.


      …He let Emilia die

      I mean, if he stays put and Emilia dies, what is he supposed to do, eh?

      “In accordance with my contract, I will now destroy the world.”

      That’s one hell of a contract where if someone dies, the whole world dies with it.

      Puck says that Emilia is his entire reason for existing.

      So, the White Whale is Gluttony. I guess that checks out, a whale is kinda like a bottomless pit.

      Meanwhile, Subaru’s hands, arms, and legs completely shatter like glass.

      “You really are useless.”

      Subaru laughing really creepy

      “You truly are slothful, Subaru”

      Subaru back at the shop with Rem

      Subaru and Rem running now

      All we can hear is Subaru’s heavy breathing.

      Rem seems concerned about what’s happening to him.

      Subaru and Rem on a roof somewhere

      Subaru says he’s bothered a lot of people with his contemplating and agonizing.

      He says he actually has had the answer for a long time.

      “Run away with me.”

      Well, I wasn’t expecting that

      He says there’s nothing he can do in the capital. That he’d be just as powerless if he went back to the mansion.

      Nothing solves your problems like running away from them.

      This is a very sad scene for Subaru because it shows the self-loathing he is constantly experiencing. It is brutal how he feels he is so worthless. It also is interesting to compare this scene to episode 11 when Subaru was trying to Rem she isn’t worthless. It’s like the roles are reversed here, only in this case Rem is more unsure of what to do.

      Subaru says she has to choose

      “Me? Or someone else?”

      He wants to leave Lugunica and head west

      He says he’ll give her all he has if she chooses him.

      “Subaru-kun… I love Emilia.”

      Sorry, jumping the gun there

      Rem tells him she can’t run away with him. Not because it wouldn’t work out– in fact, she’s given it much thought right down to having a kid with him– but because not everything would work out as she imagined it.

      Rem really is talking a lot about child-rearing here.

      I feel like this is the most we’ve ever heard Rem speak.

      Rem says that if they run away together now, she would be leaving behind the Subaru she loves most.

      Ah, yes. Nothing turns me on more than someone in constant distress.

      Rem says she wants to know what happened.

      But Subaru can’t because of the Unseen Hands.

      Subaru says he’s already agonized over this, and that is why he feels it’s time to give up.

      Now Subaru is chewing her out for saying it’s easy to give up.

      “It was so much easier for me to think there was something I could do!”

      It should be noted that the last 5 or so minutes has only taken place in this one setting, the rooftop. If this technically makes it a bottle episode, than this is the best anime bottle episode I’ve ever seen.

      Rem clarifies her comments by saying while it is easy to give up, it doesn’t suit him.

      She says that while she doesn’t understand all he’s been through, she knows he’s someone who cannot give up on something halfway through.

      “You haven’t given up on anyone.”

      And now we complete the episode 11 parallels.

      Subaru, unfortunately, is still pretty down on himself.

      “I hate myself!”

      That’s okay, Subaru, a ton of the viewers hate you too.

      This scene also reminds me of the cliff scene from episode 7 when Subaru kept going on and on about what a loser he is.

      I honestly think that this VA performance by Subaru’s voice actor might be one of the greatest in all of anime. Every emotional scene Subaru is in, he knocks it out of the park.

      Subaru says that this is the result of him not doing anything.

      Says he was trying to justify himself in saying he was trying instead of not doing anything

      “At heart, I’m just a small, cowardly, filthy piece of trash, who’s always worried about how others see me. And nothing… Nothing about me has changed!”

      Hey, it’s me

      Subaru says he’s the lowest of the low

      Hey, better than being so fucked up

      Rem says after that long diatribe that he still has the courage to reach out his hand. That despite what he thinks of himself, her life is better with him in it.

      The piano music here is phenomenal, by the way. Really adds to the presentation of the scene.

      Rem now pointing out everything she loves about Subaru.

      This is still one setting, by the way, and it doesn’t feel monotonous at all.

      “I love you.”

      Rem says that when Subaru says he hates himself, it makes her want to tell him all the wonderful things she knows about him.

      “All you know is yourself! How much do you know about the Subaru-kun that I see?!”

      That reminds me of Emilia telling Subaru that the Emilia that he sees sounds like this amazing person.

      Subaru asking why does she like him so much.

      Subaru still insisting that he’s going to run away.

      “You are my hero, Subaru-kun!”

      Rem might be just as delusional as Subaru is. At least Subaru is aware his behavior is problematic.

      **Ran out of space. Part two in the replies.**

    4. Urgnu-the-Gnu on

      **Re:Watcher** – anime only

      Only three episodes after episode 15, this is another standout episode. If someone ever tells you that nothing happens when people are just talking, you can refer them to this episode (although a lot has happened during talking in earlier episodes already). I thought I could shorten the core of my post so I didn’t have to split it in two for once, but I’ve written too much for a single post again. Not surprising for an episode of almost pure talk, and even then I haven’t mentioned everything I consider important.

      So if you’re a first timer (or still a diehard Rem fan), chances are you might have misunderstood a bit of what happened today. I can’t fault you. Subaru telling Rem the infamous “I love Emilia” made me laugh the first time as it seemed to be so blunt to me. But let’s jump right into it to see that’s not really what this was all about.

      The scene starts with Subaru wanting to give up. He wants to run away with Rem, and they might lead a good simple life at some point. But he’s obviously very pained when talking about it. Rem then continues to paint a very detailed and hopeful picture of her life with Subaru. Unlike him, she has the biggest smile on her face when thinking about it, and it overwhelms Subaru. She even outright says it: She would have been happy if Subaru proposed to run away with a genuine smile on his face, if he really wanted it. But like this, she can’t agree.

      Next, Subaru explains he wants to run because he’s given up. Rem reminds him he’s not someone that’d give up like this. She still believes in him, but he claims he’s this terrible person who can’t do anything. That’s the real Subaru, he claims, and he hates himself for it, for not having become a better person. But Rem tells him that he only knows this version of himself, and not the version others know of him, the one she knows. To her, she’s the great and gentle hero that she loves.

      Her feelings of pure love contrast his feelings of self-hatred. He claims her version is fake, but the positive feelings turn out to be stronger than the negative ones. He thinks he’s completely useless, but what he’s done for her is the biggest proof that he isn’t, and so her faith in him is always real, even if his faith in himself isn’t. She suggests to get back and start from zero.

      And that convinces him to get back to this version of him that can be a hero. The one that can do things, that does achieve things. His actual true self. And essential to that Subaru is his love for Emilia. He says how much he wants to support her, without caring whether she returns his feelings. But this time, he sounds hopeful, he is looking towards his desired future, and he has a smile on his face. It is his truest self. And then he asks her to continue supporting him.

      Now, this is not a story of a love confession and a rejection. It’s part of it, but it’s not even the main part. Rem’s goal wasn’t to convince Subaru to be with her. She would have been happy if he truly wanted to, but she had the chance to be with him and turned it down because it wasn’t honest. It wasn’t coming from the true Subaru. She knows the true Subaru, she’s seen him, she’s fallen in love with him. The true Subaru can’t give up, always keeps on fighting, is helpful, kind and considerate. Also he’s in love with Emilia. Rem knows this. Everyone knows, and not only does she have eyes, she even talked about it before.

      So Subaru saying “I love Emilia” the way he does shows Rem that the true Subaru is back. She *wants* him to say it, in a way. She achieved the main thing she wanted to achieve.

      Subaru not saying that and instead going to return Rem’s feelings… Well, it could have worked. But not for this story. It would have been pretty bad for him to go on while betraying his feelings for Emilia. And I think it’s fantastic that at this emotional moment, he still remembers those feelings, and that Rem and Subaru both consider each others’ feelings with care and respect.

      Maybe I should have just posted the abridged version to save characters.

      Subaru: “I give up, let’s run away.”
      Rem: “That’s not the real you, I know that because I love the real you.”
      Subaru: “I love Emilia.”
      Rem: “Yes, that’s the spirit!”

    5. Yoshi_captain on


      »From Zero« is the most important part of Re:Zero.
      It’s our first look at Subaru fully unmasked. What he truly thinks of himself and his situation and where he’s coming from. It is dense and every line is imbued with meaning so forgive me if I’m overly verbose today or quote the dialogue frequently.

      At this point in time Subaru has given up. For the very first time in the story, he sees no way out. He is backed into a corner from which there is no escape. He has tried everything and come out the other end worse for wear each and every time. And if you can’t confront your problems, you run away.
      But Subaru can’t do it alone. More than even the pain that his curse brings it is the isolation that kills him inside. He needs someone who can wait for him at home after a long days work. And when he resets in front of the Appa stand, possibilities endless yet none proving to be viable, his mind firing signals to run, he grabs the person closest to him in both senses and sprints. Not explaining anything.
      He does need to eventually explain himself and he does so in an elevated park.
      This is the start of the episode long dialogue between Subaru and Rem.
      Subaru has figured it out. He finally knows what to do. And that is to run, run away with Rem. He’s known this all along.
      The answer has been there for a *long* time. Nobody needed him, he’s been told this countless times in these loops. Every interaction he’s had ending in tragedy or heartbreak.
      And what was the cause?
      Subaru has the answer.
      It is him.
      He is the problem, and he needs to get away from this place.
      He’s made his choice, but he needs Rem. He can’t bear his own existence. He needs someone there. The only way he can keep going is if he knows she’s there.
      Knowing full well Rem’s feelings for him he gives an ultimatum.
      >> […]you have to choose. Me? Or someone else? Choose. […]
      >> Please choose me! If you choose me I’ll give you all that I have! So please… Run away with me. Live with me!

      [Arc 4] >!Not the only time Subaru pleads for someone to choose him!<

      He’s using Rem’s feelings and he knows it. But he doesn’t know of any other way. He needs her and this is the only way he can get her to come with him.
      But Rem says no. **”We’re supposed to laugh together, as we talk about the future, remember?”**
      Rem has thought about it too. How they’d go with a carriage west and arrive at Kararagi. How Subaru would need to take care of things around Rem and get an education. How when they’d eventually settle down, they could have children. How they’d become known in the neighbourhood as a couple of old lovebirds. And how Rem would prefer to die before Subaru being unable to live in a world without him. She’s thought things through from beginning to end countless times. She wishes for this future more than anyone.
      And yet when Subaru offers himself and gives her a chance to seize that dream, she refuses.
      Because she knows that if they leave now **She is leaving behind the Subaru that she loves most**.
      Rem knows who Subaru is. She has seen his best and she’s seen him at his lowest. She knows him and she knows this isn’t like him.
      They need to head back and recalibrate. She doesn’t know what has made Subaru like this, but she knows it is necessary they keep moving forward.
      But Subaru has been through this scenario countless times he’s seen that any action from this point leads to seeing his loved ones dead. He’s struggled, he’s suffered, and he’s given up. Closing his eyes in resignation and shame.

      **Part 2 in replies**

    6. Brief-Fig-7506 on

      **First Timer!**

      Watching the Dub

      Before I paste my notes I just have to say what a great episode this was in my opinion. It’s in my top three favorite episodes now, that might be an unpopular opinion but I loved how this episode made me feel.

      We get to see Puck in his Kaiju-wolf form

      What he said about Satella sounded like he experienced it personally

      Puck is Pissed at Subaru. Is Puck going to be the one to finally make him realize everything and change his act, probably not.

      So the White Whale is Gluttony. Quick ramble, I wonder if when Satella supposedly “consumed” the other deadly sins she mutated them into these Mabeast and that’s why they weren’t seen anymore.

      They baited me there, I really thought Subaru was using his brain but it’s still damaged apparently

      Running away from your problems doesn’t fix them Subaru

      Rem has really thought out a future with Subaru and it’s making me sad

      Was not expecting the flashback of Rem being mutilated, that hit me pretty hard

      Subaru doing some serious self-reflection, laying out all his shortcomings and weaknesses of his past and since he got here

      We’ll start from Zero.

      [1 The first laugh and smile we’ve had in a while](https://imgur.com/a/InuiKpU)

      Ah so everything so far was just prologue, thank goodness, we can finally get to the real show

      ~~Weird introductory episode for the series, doesn’t really make sense to me that they spoiled how the main character is going to die in the first few minutes of the episode but I guess it’s a creative choice. Also weird how they only showed two characters talking in one place for 90% of the episode. I thought this was an action anime but if this is all it’s gonna be I think I’m just gonna drop it here.~~

      I can already imagine that a lot of people hated this episode when it first came out, probably for the same reason why people hate on Tensei Slime, some episodes with no action but lots of development or flushing out background details of the story.

      To start, we got to see Puck in what I imagine is his true form. From how he talks about Satella and Gluttony it gives me the impression that Puck has seen them up close. Also Puck talks about how many shadow arms Satella *could* control, past tense, can she not anymore/is she not around? We also get more information about his contract with Emilia, if she were to die Puck will destroy the world. We get a glimpse at just how much they care about Emilia since nothing in the world is worth existing if Emilia isn’t in the world with it. I wonder how their contract came to be, I assumed that Emilia sought out Puck to form the contract but it could be the other way around with how he talks about her.

      Puck also gave Subaru some insight about his promises that he’s broken to Emilia and it’s so important. To a spirit arts user, promises appear to be much more valuable and have a more sacred meaning than they do to others, so Subaru is going to have to apologize deeply to Emilia when he goes back this time and figure out some kind of way to atone for it.

      I’m really glad that Subaru actually talked to someone about everything he’s been feeling, just like during the lap pillow scene he was keeping so many emotions bottled up, here he finally talks about his shortcomings and how he feels about himself. There are SO many similarities between Rem and Subaru’s relationship and Subaru and Emilia’s relationship, Subaru/Emilia only focused on what was wrong with them and what they lacked but Rem/Subaru could only see the good parts of them and don’t worry about what others say or what they say about themselves because their perception of the one they love can never change. Subaru/Rem is always throwing themselves into danger when Emilia/Subaru doesn’t want them to.

      I’m glad that Rem was able to calm Subaru down enough to actually talk and then counter his doubts about himself. I would worry about Subaru getting over confident again like when we got to the capital, but Rem provided him with some hope he desperately needed and it makes me smile that he wants to be the hero that she’s seen in him.

      This episode made me feel invigorated after I watched it. I had to watch it again right after without pausing to take notes. If only we all could have somebody as supportive as Rem is to Subaru.

    7. The funniest part of the episode to me is the fact that Rem is seemingly able to move on from Subaru as a potential love interest when so many fans weren’t willing to do the same. It’s almost like they missed the point of the episode.

    8. **Episode 18 (rewatcher)**

      * Apparently, Satella could grow 2000 shadows.
      * “Are you Puck?” – reasonable question.
      * “In accordance with my contract, I will now destroy the world” – Uhoh.
      * I don’t think that contract will hold up in court. Care to renegotiate?
      * “Gluttony” – So we have Sloth, Pride, and Gluttony already. Surely the other sins must be out there?
      * “You called it here” – hmmm. Could be his witch stench …
      * “Well, not that I dislike when you are forceful” – all kinks get equal representation.
      * “I’d just be as powerless in the mansion. So run away with me, Rem” – Concluding that he’d be powerless at the mansion when he has not even tried going there directly to warn people is a cop out, but running away is an understandable thing to try.
      * Rem is giving us the synopsis of her personal fanfic. I am sure more than one person out there has actually written it.
      * Subaru is a proper Subaru hater.
      * Rem is a proper Subaru stan.
      * That was one hell of a declaration of love.
      * “Rem, I love Emilia” – Rem can’t win. Blue-haired anime girl curse.

      I should hate this, but I don’t. It is a simple turnaround. A pep talk. An outrageous proposal that is accepted. Yet it is all so well executed that it works. It should not, but it does. The VAs deserve all the praise they can get for this episode.

    9. How does this show continue to get better and better? It’s unreal how great this show is.

    10. ripterrariumtv on

      **Rewatcher (sub) and Novel Reader (reading arc 7)**

      1) There is no obligation for anyone to reciprocate someone’s romantic love. Subaru already loves Emilia so he cannot reciprocate Rem’s romantic feelings.

      2) Subaru still loves Rem but not romantically. He cared about her back when she murdered him and still cares deeply for her

      3) My favourite anime episode of all time

      4) Good news for Rem fans – There is an IF story about what would have happened if Rem and Subaru ran away.

      [Part 1](https://youtu.be/8VTXinveGlY?si=ab8I3mDlKkkjfYjJ)

      [Part 2](https://youtu.be/Q2Apsjrgkgs?si=lM-pHXvdoRkvvYdL)

      [Part 3](https://youtu.be/6EFc9imxSBw?si=weMmKYgHqVwGlf_4)

      [Part 4](https://youtu.be/46ephRI5Kpo?si=fXHS3647AzBKYyEE)

      The videos are a great summary. If you want to read it instead of watching summary, you can find it [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DK3fMXvI50GpBJA1IvFJ79_iWm4EvDhr)

      5) The song that plays towards the end is sung by Rem’s VA – Inori Minase

      6) Subaru laughing at himself was such a chilling scene

    11. ussgordoncaptain2 on

      **First Timer Dubbed**

      Note ORV=Omnicient reader viewpoint it’s a way to describe the difference between thinking in Subaru’s knowledge and the Knowledge of the Viewer.

      Note2 Intentionally trigger RBD means what you think it means it’s just reddit has crazy admins.

      **Reaction to the Episode**

      Oh boy we get to see Puck go Apeshit ! he kills everyone and then PKs subaru

      Subaru giving up arc is not what I was expecting, Sure he failed in the “evacuate the village right now” plan but he has gained so much information. He knows the spawn point and spawn time of the white whale, he knows the witch’s cult date of arrival,
      and he knows about Crusch’s army. He still needs to find out Crusch’s goal with her army, I really really dislike this decision from Subaru, you still have multiple outs left to consider,


      1. Rushing to emilia and escaping even sooner without asking for help (you may be able to get past the great white whale this way) then you can plausibly not PK emilia by saying “the witch’s cult is here I saw them with my own eyes”

      2. Getting Anatasia’s army to help you she’s a nice girl 😀

      Man Subaru falling in love with Rem is so cute, his desperation is weird, and it really doesn’t make sense but it is cute in a way.

      Rem going on about Subaru running away with her is so cute man this scene has been a big surprise to me.

      Subaru going nuts via RBD must mean RBD takes a lot out of him every time it happens.

      Rem is being best girl here, wow she is really completely different.

      Subaru bursting out going crazy as Rem tried her hardest to calm him down. Man fuck Subaru

      Subaru’s mental breakdown is great though at the same time. Rem just being so cute to him. (imagine if Rem didn’t have that dark cold side to her)

      Rem is really really trying hard to get subaru back metnally.

      Rem “I love you” Subaru goes “I hate myself”

      Man Rem can be simultainously so cold to those who are not in her inner circle and so warm to her inner circle.

      The greatest scene in all of Rom coms

      Rem (in many words) “I love you”

      Subaru “I love Emilia”

      ok The preview has some weird stuff that probably confirms my spec from last ep… dang I was hoping to be wrong in at least a few big ways.


      Ok I’m more and more convinced that the Familiar of Zero Fanfiction energy never went away. This whole Rem Subaru conversation reminds me a lot of Siesta x Saito in the early parts of the Familiar of Zero.

      Sadly there’s nothing really to speculate on this episode, none of the mystery boxes changed in any way. The only thing we get is that we basically confirmed that Puck intentionally PKed subaru all 3 times and Emilia died in all 3 loops

      **What I would do if I were Subaru**

      Realistically speaking the next step is doing what I reccommended last week but you had to have a mental breakdown wasting time…

      The goal is to find out what Crusch’s army is up to, and if any major military power is going after the white whale try to get them to come with you to stop the white whale and convince them to also help you kill the cultists

      I 100% agree with Subaru’s rejection here, what’s important to do is keep track of the “master run” and the “fogotten loops”

      the first master run starts at 4 minutes in episode 2, until 2:37 in episode 4. (using BD cut here)

      2nd master loop is episode 8 until roughly 7:45 of episode 13 (after he yells at the fruit seller but before entering the mansion)

      If you watch the 2 master loops and don’t think about what happens inside of the loops you get the impression that Rem is the best girl by a mile. She’s so nice to Subaru and extremely loyal, while Emilia was extremely cold to Subaru in episode 13

      However Subaru knows the many faces of Rem and Emilia, Emilia never ceases to amaze Subaru with how she’ll help those in need even when she definitely doesn’t have the time, in arc 1 she always helped the little girl, in every loop of arc 2 she helped Subaru get out of trouble if she could.
      She tried to help *Felt* who just a few hours ago stole one of the most precious things she owned. Her moral circle is large, and I serve the Soviet Emilia.
      Emilia was even willing to put up with Subaru’s repeated antics and while she rejected him as his knight there was *good* reason for that. Even Subaru realized this after a few loops. In spite of all of his failings Emilia would still Heal Subaru when he got into the mansion,
      The fact that Subaru did things that angered her didn’t matter she still is at her heart the worlds nicest and purest girl. In a world filled with devious creatures she is nice and respectful. She’s the EILF of Subaru’s dreams and

      Rem on the other hand has many positive and negative traits, but her undying loyalty for those she trusts is only outmatched by her extreme disrespect for those outside her innner circle. We see that Rem who has been with Roswaal for a long time and has to buy food in the village still doesnt’ even know any of the villagers purely doing buisiness with them.
      The reasons Rem killed Subaru in loops 2 and 3 of arc 2 were… weak at best from Subaru’s perspective. Though from Rem’s perspective Subaru had the stench of the Witch’s cult and clearly seemed like one of their members (heck Betalguese thought he was a sin archbishop)
      The thing is though Subaru sees this and goes “So just because I stank of the witches scent you tried to kill me, and then in loop 5 you suddenly changed drastically? what happened (ORV knows it was probably Emilia, but that just further reinforces the point).

      So we have Rem, who is extremely warm to Subaru *now* but has shown herself to be extremely cold to outsiders, and we have emilia who is nice to everyone she meets, and even if she’s currently mad at Subaru *now* Subaru recognizes that he is in the wrong.
      It’s pretty clear to me that Emilia is very easily the better choice if you can get her.

      **What I would do if I was Rem**

      Alright look the boy of your dreams rejected you for a girl who rejected him just wait it out until he shows up to Emilia and Emilia rejects him a second time.

      If that fails maybe try to find some guy in the village. There’s gotta be somebody you can love aside from Subaru.

    12. Shimmering-Sky on

      **First:Timer Starting Over in Another Rewatch, subbed**

      – [Oh boy…](https://i.imgur.com/lPYeuUZ.png)

      – [Wait *what*?](https://i.imgur.com/UZesYyK.png) [](#whatdidijustread)

      – [So wait](https://i.imgur.com/wa78Z2P.png), the [White Whale](https://i.imgur.com/PZjjGXx.png) is a different one of the Seven Deadly Sins? [](#shock)

      – [Is Subaru really pulling a “Fuck this shit, I’m out!” move?](https://i.imgur.com/ILKOGZV.png) [](#emiliaohdear)

      – [And he wants Rem to go with him…](https://i.imgur.com/yds0OWn.png)

      – [Oh Rem you have no idea…](https://i.imgur.com/JD9Al56.png) [](#godisdead)

      – [Subaru…](https://i.imgur.com/Pt1pYfB.png) [](#therethere)

      – [Ooh, it’s been a good while since I’ve had a good “Demo… sore demo”, thanks Rem!](https://files.catbox.moe/9e44kk.mp4)

      – [Mmmmmmmmmmmm.](https://i.imgur.com/JVQz9bq.png)

      – [There’s a Subaru “sore demo” too!](https://files.catbox.moe/dpu015.mp4)

      – [Insert song!](#listen)

      – [Another Rem “sore demo”!](https://files.catbox.moe/gjyq4a.mp4)

      – [Aw…](https://i.imgur.com/Wy9CGMx.png)

      – [Lowkey title drop there.](https://i.imgur.com/boMX7yb.png) [](#harukathink)

      – [Oh, was it technically a spoiler to know about this already?](https://i.imgur.com/dQgIBYi.png) I’ve seen that line been memed a lot, so I was kinda expecting him to drop it here. Poor Rem.

      – [Okay now *this* was a full-on title drop.](https://i.imgur.com/SY2YlMq.png) [](#happyclap)

    13. **Rewatcher for Season 1**

      **On today’s episode of Re:Zero:** I think it’s a testament to how compelling movies and TV can be that you can have a whole episode centered around just characters in one location talking to each other and making it the most compelling thing you’ve ever seen. My favorite movie is *12 Angry Men* and it’s just 12 people mostly in one room having conversations. This episode reaches a lot of that same high. It has such compelling dialogue between compelling characters that the time just flies by before I notice it.

      This episode really is a momentous occasion for Subaru’s character. I think it also explains so much about Subaru that we’ve seen thus far. After failing so many times, Subaru has decided to give up and run away. When he’s tried so many different options and been powerless to save the lives of the people he cares about each time, he decides there really isn’t anything he can do after all.

      I think it’s very revealing that Subaru says that giving up was the hardest thing for him to do. I believe he’s telling the truth. We saw Subaru die again and again, hoping that he could find some solution to save the manor and village. He really did put effort into it, only to fail each time.

      But there’s a deeper, more psychological, reason for why Subaru found it so hard to give up. It’s the same reason why Subaru was so stubborn for such a long time. Giving up would mean admitting that he really is powerless to do anything. It means that everyone he spoke to that called him powerless was right. It would mean he really was all bluster with nothing to back it up. But worst of all, it means that Subaru’s own worst fears about himself are true.

      I love that we finally get some insight into Subaru’s life before he was isekai’d. We already knew that he was a shut-in, but we never got a sense of just how deep his own self-loathing was until now. It’s quite likely Subaru was stuck in a self-perpetuating depressive cycle. He was a shut-in and too depressed to really do much of anything with himself. Because he couldn’t get himself in the mindset to do anything, Subaru wasted away his days as a shut-in. The feeling that he was a useless and unneeded person wasting his life only made him hate himself more and reinforced his depression.

      I believe that’s why Subaru was so afraid of being useless and unneeded. It’s why he tried to bluster his way through everything to prove that he was necessary. He had to prove that he had something worthwhile to offer. But he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried. He gives in to his worst fears and admits that he is useless. Just like he feared, he’s a weak, useless, powerless, cowardly person.

      But there’s someone who doesn’t believe that about Subaru. Rem is there to tell Subaru exactly what she thinks. She doesn’t consider Subaru useless at all. To Rem, Subaru is a hero. While all Subaru can focus on are his negative qualities, Rem is there to highlight his positive qualities. That’s something I really love about the structure of this episode. Subaru and Rem’s dialogue goes back and forth with point and counterpoint. Subaru explains his feelings of uselessness that led to him giving up. Rem will counter with how she feels about Subaru. Then, Subaru will counter Rem with another negative point about himself. It goes back and forth in this way and I love how it results in digging deeper and deeper about how both characters feel.

      Rem loves Subaru. He is her hero. Rem fell in love with the way he threw himself into danger to save herself and Ram. Rem felt incredible joy when Subaru said they could struggle together and lean on each other to work towards the future. For Rem, that moment was when she felt she was alive again.

      I think it’s worth pointing out that a key similarity between Subaru and Rem is that they both hate themselves. Rem hates herself for being happy Ram lost her horn. Rem wanted to stop existing, becoming only a replacement for her sister. She didn’t see anything worthwhile in herself. Subaru similarly hates himself because of his own powerlessness and the feeling that nobody needs him. Both Subaru and Rem felt like their existences were unnecessary.

      I love the parallels in how Subaru and Rem save each other. When Rem confessed how much she hated herself and how useless she felt, Subaru was the one who pointed out all the positive qualities he saw in her that made her a worthwhile person, not just a replacement for her sister. When Subaru confessed how much he hated himself and how useless he felt, Rem told him all the things about him she loved and how his actions made him her personal hero. Both Subaru and Rem make the same offer to each other: if it’s ever too hard to carry on, the other person will be there to support them. Both Subaru and Rem feel like the other person gives them a new chance at life. They feel like they’ve been freed from the stagnation they were experiencing and can finally move forward again. I really love just how similar these scenes are to each other. It makes this episode feel like a massive payoff to Subaru and Rem’s earlier interactions. It makes Rem’s words feel so much more meaningful. I also adore the narrative parallel that Subaru and Rem get to save each other this way.

      This episode also served to remind me why Subaru and Rem make such a compelling ship. The narrative parallels between them that I outlined earlier make them feel so compatible with each other. They saved each other and can continue to support each other. Rem’s confession of love is so beautiful, too. So it really does feel like a shame when Subaru rejects Rem’s confession.

      I love the use of the lighting this episode. It’s simple, but man is it effective. As Subaru and Rem talk, the clouds roll in and cover them in shade, darkening the scene when Subaru finally confesses about how much he hates himself. As Rem starts to speak about how much she loves Subaru, bits of light begin to poke through the cloud cover. And finally, when Rem tells Subaru that they can start over from zero, the sun shines once more. It’s good stuff, reflecting the mood of the scene perfectly.

    14. **18: Rewatcher ready for the “I love Emilia” episode.**

      * [What kind of fucking contract is this.](https://i.imgur.com/tJtsDtC.jpeg)

      * [Ah, there she is, our little Stage 1 conquest.](https://i.imgur.com/KSvFZ1c.jpeg)

      * [She could have fallen for worse men.](https://i.imgur.com/HjDp857.jpeg)

      * [If only.](https://i.imgur.com/aEy5vm0.jpeg)

      * [“Close! Actually I’m having a massive mental breakdown,](https://i.imgur.com/vFqNLk1.jpeg) which, tbf, I am constantly having.”

      * [I mean, the cult attacked without you.](https://i.imgur.com/lN5bNn8.jpeg) And Puck would come out and raze a bunch of land to the ground. So just running away ain’t solving anything for Emilia and Co.

      * [How far does Ram’s telepathy thing work?](https://i.imgur.com/d42VWpq.jpeg) Wouldn’t Rem want to go back eventually?

      * [What makes you think that you’d be the breadwinner?](https://i.imgur.com/wtksV7B.jpeg)

      * [Rem sure is down bad.](https://i.imgur.com/TlrrWqo.jpeg)

      * [Bruh.](https://i.imgur.com/aR6a07s.jpeg)

      * [And instead of trying to learn or achieve something, all he does is whine.](https://i.imgur.com/iKMMnyj.jpeg) But I get it. Get your Remapy.

      * [“Maybe if my home had some kind of appreciation for a professional to handle such cases, it’d have worked](https://i.imgur.com/qppmly4.jpeg)! But I am a Japanese! We don’t have therapists!”

      * [Good to see you know that now.](https://i.imgur.com/gDHiwky.jpeg) Now, will you do something about it?

      * [Bro forgot his greatest moment.](https://i.imgur.com/II9XebE.jpeg)

      * [You silly girl.](https://i.imgur.com/b2bERVU.jpeg) Kiss his lips.

      * [THAT’S THE NAME OF THE ANIME!](https://i.imgur.com/ICDU7b5.jpeg)

      * [Wait, that was from this episode?!](https://i.imgur.com/16pCIKx.jpeg) You fucking donkey. You didn’t change at all. Your love for Emilia is obsession. Your connection with Rem is actually genuine.

      * [They did an entire episode with just one conversation!](https://i.imgur.com/BXLMVHk.jpeg) Isn’t ReZero fun. Other shows have told whole stories in 12 episodes and this guy spends 18 on his “prologue”. Now that’s a guy who knows how to write and write and write and write…

      * [That was fast.](https://i.imgur.com/R4B4uIT.png)

      Episodes of this arc: 7
      Times Subaru has died this arc: 3. I feel this is less than he died in episode one.

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