1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Man, Tsuma Fes really started off horribly. Fu froze on stage, Tokage pissed off the Ashtray Kids fandom, Ichiko made almond tofu instead of mapo tofu, and Liv got shitfaced off that garlic infused energy drink lol. Total Rebuttal’s little scandal and the blackout almost threatened to ruin the whole show but good thing the girls killed that final musical performance. Salvaged the whole festival.

    2. yukiaddiction on

      Mayonaka Punch Ep 8 is sure chaotic episode or should I say….. Bombastic!

      This episode is pretty fun in itself. The new tuber that show up also have their own quirks which absolutely fit vampire gang for some reason lol.

      For a character that might be show up only one episode they sure over design them but results in pretty fun episode.

      I love how most gag here is homage to old episode gag they doing, Ichiko can’t read Kanji joke are use in different way, Poor Fuu, she have stage flight and blackout even before she knows it.

      Nah Tsuma, I know you like chaotic event and all but why do you think it good idea to bring political channel into this. The scandal was released right before stage is awfully bad timing though lmao. Good thing though because he get all attention and no one noticed Live using her superpower.

      Masaki punch is back! I think it pretty clear that this punch supposed to be homage to episode 1 but this time she clearly doing it because she want MayoPan to shine contrast to episode 1 even she herself don’t even notice her own emotion until she saw Live smile (although that scene feel more like ‘Gay awakening ‘ like the way she saw Live smile and goes ‘wait a minute ‘)

      Also that puch toward crazy jirei kei girl is a little funny way to show her character development. It really in character for Masaki but it also show that she actually really care about Vampires gang to the point she forget about her surrounded.

      Yuki doing live video while drunk is kinda subtle joke but I wonder if that punch will play later also she acting all cute showing her childish side contrast to her strict side is quite funny though.

      The last visual where she step on half of shadow from spotlight almost get into spotlight feeling like they foreshadowing (heh) something in future episode.

      Also last point, god danmit I get rope into Idol show again. Danm you Japan!

      MayoPan in idol outfit is soooo cute though, especially Fuu she looks completely different, I wonder who designed it? Lol

      Also another insert song drop.

    3. Idk if It was deliberated but all that festival and all those streamers gave me 2nd hand embarrasment (or maybe is me That i never consumed this kind of shit on YouTube/Twitch lol)

      Still a good episode

    4. Seems like the real MayoPan was the punch Masaki delivered to save their idol performance.

      Drunk Yuki is so cute, she needs to be fed Maztamin Z every episode now.

    5. I did see an unpopular opinion that new songs shouldn’t be premiered at a concert, but personally I feel it makes the audience feel special that they get to hear it before anyone else. Having the MV go up once the concert ends also helps everyone else not feel left out.

      Onegai Muscle!


      Seems like there’s some drama with the other guy.

      Shouldn’t that be something that’s announced to the audience beforehand? The backlash from that must be tremendous. The bare minimum would be offering refunds to anyone who wants one, and even then there would still be significant backlash because people will have made plans to attend, maybe travelling from away or even overseas, so they’d have paid for accomodations and travel fees as well… (Yeah I’m basically talking about all the backlash from when Nijisanji cancelled their concert at Anime Expo).

      Well that’s a time as any to show up.

      Why’d Tokage use her powers?

      Uh oh, where’s Ichiko going? Now she’s going out from her green room to go look for her.

      And now Live’s a mess because of the garlic.

      Time for him to bust out the ukelele.

      They’re going to make it look like Live is being suspended by stage rigging?

      Ah. Welcome back Live.

      What unfortunate timing.

      What’s her plan now?

      Uh oh, now she’s off her rocker too.

      Hey they’ve actually got performance outfits!

      Oh this time they really are being lowered by stage rigging.

      They really are idols…

      In the darkness the sea of penlights in the audience shines through even brighter.

      Or the more ghetto “phone flashlight” for those not willing to spend $30 on a multicolour LED in a plastic cover. Another one I’ve seen is some apps let you set the entire screen to a single colour, so people use that as an ersatz penlight.

    6. Prince-Dizzytoon on

      If I were the Outside Kids, I would have brought out a ring and a truck full of money for Tokage

    7. Well, we physically and literally have our title drop this episode with Masaki delivering her second swing of the season in the middle of the night

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