Episode 1 – Light, Seven Flashes

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    You have to take out… those seven superheroes.

    Questions of the Day:

    1) So… what the hell is going on here?

    2) What are your first impressions on all the characters here?

    Wallpaper of the Day:

    Souya Kuroi

    Rewatchers, please remember to be mindful of all the first-timers in this. No talking about or hinting at future events no matter how much you want to, unless you're doing it underneath spoiler tags. Don't spoil anything for the first-timers, that's rude!

    by Shimmering-Sky


    1. Shimmering-Sky on

      **Rewatch Host who really needs to read Mizukami’s other works sometime**

      [Welcome, everyone!](#michaelwink)

      I’ve kinda wanted to run a rewatch for this show for a good few years by now tbh since I love highlighting lesser-known shows, but what really pushed me to do it this year was because Sengoku Youko is currently airing and I have been loving the *shit* out of that, so what better to do than to get more eyes on one of Mizukami’s other works?

      Planet With isn’t actually a manga adaptation, though. It *has* a manga, but the anime was made first and the manga didn’t finish releasing until like two years ago.

      – [Opening straight on a dragon laying waste to a city sure is a hook.](https://i.imgur.com/a0Dg7yF.png)

      – [Yes, that is a giant cat named Sensei.](https://i.imgur.com/KrFKAsj.png)

      – [F](https://i.imgur.com/eg7oqrG.png) [](#toradorasalute)

      – [Double F](https://i.imgur.com/0nTwtlQ.png) [](#toradorasalute)[](#toradorasalute)

      – [ngl that’s so many syllables I would 100% forget her name with ease.](https://i.imgur.com/gvr0SJt.png) [](#sillyme) I’m *really* bad with names.

      – [lol, him doing it super slow back at her is really funny though.](https://i.imgur.com/nvquB0s.png) [](#azusalaugh)

      – [I can hear a certain someone screaming, if he was watching this.](https://i.imgur.com/IjBOFoQ.png) [](#kukuku)

      – [Bro has no memories, but knows he loves UFOs.](https://i.imgur.com/mnjw5x5.png) [](#kotohoops)

      – [This is most certainly a UFO…](https://i.imgur.com/onfTrwO.png)

      – [There’s the seven heroes](https://i.imgur.com/jq9waBD.png) and [their mechs.](https://i.imgur.com/QKtONr0.png)

      – [Sensei pls.](https://i.imgur.com/YviQbxm.png) [](#kyonfacepalm)

      – [And there’s our mid-episode stinger.](https://i.imgur.com/PYgpXFp.png) [](#popcorn2) Don’t you just love a good villain MC?

      – [And what a cruel illusion it was.](https://i.imgur.com/18CzGMj.png) [](#therethere)

      – [True, true.](https://i.imgur.com/TElzXNZ.png)

      – [A villain’s first day on the job, and he’s already making an entrance.](https://i.imgur.com/xy6Xqck.png) [](#anko)

      – [lol, Torai gave it away.](https://i.imgur.com/aF6TwqY.png) [](#pointandlaugh)

      – A good protagonist mech always deserves a good first showing, and [man this shot is *so* cool.](https://i.imgur.com/BAKu97s.png) [](#awe)

      – [Such a basic reason to fight lol.](https://i.imgur.com/21N1Pn7.png)

      I’ve actually decided to read the manga adaptation alongside this, so I’ll note some of the little things Mizukami added when he did that here:

      – [There’s an extra line where Souya gives Takamagahara some tomatoes in exchange for the “steak” she gave him.](https://i.imgur.com/OReSJNL.png)

      – [Souya didn’t do the slow Ta-ka-ma-ga-ha-ra-san in the manga, he didn’t even *try*.](https://i.imgur.com/7bnUASI.png)

      – Right before the UFO shows up, when Souya is zoned out looking at the window, [their teacher tries to get his attention.](https://i.imgur.com/8DA1yo4.png) (Nothing comes of this though as the announcement over the speaker starts immediately after that.)

      – [Shiraishi was *extra* clear that none of the seven leave their mechs while they’re fighting the UFO.](https://i.imgur.com/n7FvfKQ.png)

      – [Torai made an observation of how beat up the *others* were before he was asked if he was okay.](https://i.imgur.com/XQI0ykM.png)

      – [Souya noted how easy it is to move around in Sensei, while Torai made the iconic “H-Hayai!” comment.](https://i.imgur.com/4VjUO1M.png)

      – [This is potentially spoilers, I think?]>![Torai’s mech exploded into cotton just like the UFO.](https://i.imgur.com/P9S2Skt.png)!<

      – Which version do you think looks more intense, [Anime](https://i.imgur.com/MCoQ6cw.png) vs. [Manga?](https://i.imgur.com/3LQmt13.png) [](#ama)

      Not sure if every episode will have this section because I’ve read through the halfway point and there were some things Mizukami *really* extended past what was in the anime rather than just an extra line or two here and there, but for now this is fun.

    2. **First timer, subs**

      * Get the hell out of here, Bazelgeuse.
      * Prophetic? Calling it out that much like that makes it seem like it will be a misdirect.
      * This is not the Ginko-san I am used to.
      * [Bronze Age **Earthenware Dolls!**](#dekuhype)
      * Damn, that’s a long name. No wonder he has a hard time remembering it.
      * Ah, so the dream was of the past, and he just doesn’t know that.
      * They are acting like this doesn’t have precedence. The timeline is getting a little murky for me here.
      * My God, the NFTs are invading!
      * This is why you don’t fly fighter jets next to your target.
      * Damn, look at that morale attack bonus.
      * [Possibly Zodiac?](#missingpiece)
      * A full circle. I thought they were going to be the enemies from the OP, and now they are.
      * Is this whole thing going to be fueled by trauma?
      * It kind of looks more like a bat, if I’m being honest.
      * [You Just Had To Have **It In The Dark, Eh?**](#tch)
      * He didn’t kill him? Maybe this show won’t be too edgy after all.


      1) We are following a reverse perspective of that trope where the loved one of the hero who died tragically joins the villain side. No one apparently remembering Bazelgeuse is throwing me a bit. Maybe the trauma illusions are nested, and that’s why there is amnesia?

      2) I don’t like the MCs. It’s been one episode, and I already feel like they have run through their joke. Glasses might be interesting, if they give her the right amount of screen time. I have high hopes for Old Man.

    3. **First-Timer**

      Wait, the Char isn’t allowed to also be the dumbass MC! Does toku work under different rules?

      Anyway, there was a lot throw at us but I’m not sure how important any of it is.

      Like, the monsters are probably supposed to come across as some flavor of Lotus Eater, but it also kinda seems like therapy? The crown-wearing maid and the giant cat monster couldn’t be lying.. right?

      Probably not, but the “hero” squad are maybe working for someone in a dark boardroom which is probably bad? Giant buff dudes who hang out in boardrooms late at night are typically bad news.

      Anyway, current money is on Souya’s amnesiac apst being an alien from a previous world the Lotus Eaters invaded. Note that Ginko and Sensei didn’t bother to have him try to stop the hero squad from destroying the big thing.

      [I wish aliens had invaded during *my* high school trig class.](https://i.imgur.com/QWwQcN2.jpeg) Then I’d have a better excuse for not being very good at it.


      1. Rambled about above.

      2. Ginko has a nice voice. All others TBD.

    4. ShadowWasTakensTaken on

      **Psychokinetic Mega-God Photon Rewatcher**

      So I watched this show back when it was airing and remember just finding it okay. A lot of people were singing high praises, so I thought I might be missing something… but whatever it was, it remained missed. I did not really care for anything this did.

      Many years later, and I have completely erased this show from my memory. I *vaguely* remember one specific thing from near the end, but I’m otherwise as in the dark as to what’s going on as all the first timers. I didn’t even remember he had to fight the heroes!

      With that being said, the one difference from back then is that I’ve read Spirit Circle now, and I absolutely loved it. Just with that, Mizukami has shown me he is a skilled man, so I’m hoping I’ll come out with more appreciation of this show than I had back in the day.


      > Go back and tell your friends! I’ll beat the crap out of all of you!

      So one thing that’s immediately odd to me is that, in the post credits scene, we’re shown the director of whatever organization the heroes are fighting for… and he’s clearly alluded to being the dragon, or, at least *a* dragon. Would make sense narratively for it to be the same one that destroyed Souya’s hometown, but could also just be another one of its kind.

      The funny part is that, in Souya’s flashback, we’re shown those people use the hero powers to *fight* the dragon. Or… I guess we’re not explicitly shown a fight, but that would be the assumption. Why would they be working under a dragon now? Do they just not know? Are they stupid? Though there’s also the possibility that him looking like a dragon is a red herring. Maybe his eyes are just naturally scary. I genuinely don’t remember.


      It is quite unusual to start the series with our protagonist being told to defeat the heroes protecting the planet and so vehemently declaring their demise. But are they really the heroes?

      > Within our own justices, we all lose sight of justice

      [Closer translation of the first line in the ED’s chorus; not in love [with this translation](https://i.imgur.com/uRvUODd.png). It does get the message across but I don’t like how it’s phrased… though mine doesn’t flow too well either…]

      No one ever believes they’re on the wrong side of history.

      Souya’s little outburst at the end makes me curious about what that little powder of theirs is. If [Spirit Circle]>!is anything to go by, I wouldn’t be surprised if it took the death of tons of aliens to make those things.!< Whatever it is, Souya finds it despicable. To him, enacting… revenge? Punishment? …Is likely his justice. But is *his* justice really *justice*? Are the heroes complicit? Do they even know what it is themselves? To Souya, they may simply be guilty by association.

      > It’s because we can forgive that we can love

      This other line from the ED also stood out to me after the illusion segments. The giant creature shows people a mirage of regret. The pilot that got caught up in its light definitely lost someone in his family. His wife? His daughter? It doesn’t really matter. All he wanted was for all of them to live together, but as implied by the cherry blossoms (a common symbol for the *fleeting* beauty of life) and [this line](https://i.imgur.com/iBpqihv.png), that didn’t quite work out.

      The interesting thing about all this is that, after seeing this illusion, he just… goes home. What happens once he reaches his destination is left up in the air. An optimistic interpretation would be that he decided he’d spend any time he could with whoever’s left of his family, but the fact that the enemy is *not* defeated makes me think otherwise. Examine it under that lens and it doesn’t sound like he was *grounded* by the vision, it sounds like he was *defeated* by it. He could never forgive himself for what happened, even if it was out of his control.

      In contrast, Torai manages to defeat the UFO by rejecting the illusion. He willingly casts aside the mother he failed to save to carry his duty through. He lets go of the past, and decides to do what he can now. To save his friends. To save the world. He breaks free of his past regrets to do what he can do in the present, and what he sees once he manages to do that is his younger self, saying “I forgive you”.

      It’s only after forgiving *himself*, that Torai manages to defeat the enemy. He forgives so that he can love today.

      Now the question is if this is the main theme of the series or just Torai’s thing.

      [Sorry, I have amnesia.](#yuishrug)

      > 1) So… what the hell is going on here?

      refer to above comment face

      > 2) What are your first impressions on all the characters here?

      ginko my goat you will always be famous

    5. First Timer

      Oh, the amnesiac protagonist. A classic. Although, it seems like his memories came back at the end of the episode. No idea whether it was a full recovery or just enough to know that whatever these tokusatsu peeps are doing, it is related to the cause of his brother(?)’s death.

      Honestly, though, I would have been down if this was a story about 2-bit tokusatsu villains ~~abducting~~ adopting an amnesiac child with a strange past to force him to fight the heroes in their stead.

      Generally speaking, this first episode felt very Mizukami-esque. You can feel his fingerprints. The class rep especially.

      I really liked the design of the big monster thing. It was also very interesting the way it didn’t seem to actually hurt anyone. I was expecting the fighter pilot to get distracted and crash or something, but it seemed like he just wanted to go home to the people who love him. Same for the firefighter; he didn’t seem in danger at all. The illusion of his mom felt more like a therapy session allowing him to reflect on where he is in life rather than something like a trap you’d normally expect from those kinds of illusions.

      Of course, just because the MC wants to take out the tokusatsu heroes doesn’t necessarily mean the big creatures the tokusatsu heroes fought are good. So I might be giving them more credit than they deserve.


      Also, I hate that cat so much oh my god. Everything about it is just unpleasant, from its human teeth to the cracking sound as it unhinged its jaws to eat that cabbage. The mech it turns into is cool though.

      1. Beats me

      2. I like the maid

    6. DegenerateRegime on



      ### Light, Seven Flashes: [Planet With Amnesia](https://i.imgur.com/jwy01TF.png)
      Hey, *I* like it. So, amnesia as a plot device for the protagonist(s). It’s considered lazy because hey, no need to deal with the implications of starting effectively *in medias res* of the character’s life story, *or* to deal with a whole childhood-in-brief arc, or anything. The character starts off just like the viewer: not knowing anything, but having a vaguely defined background that covers all the basic, bike-riding type stuff. But I *like* it! In reality, our memories define a great part of us, but in fiction, we can entertain the notion of a soul, a true essence of who a character is, and the amnesiac character exposes that very plainly. What, then, is the soul of Soya? Is he truly the [soyest of boys?](https://i.imgur.com/nJRreti.png) We shall see.

      I love the [bit where Takamagahara](https://i.imgur.com/vHvSSYe.png) [breaks out](https://i.imgur.com/XIO8fbK.png) [the detailed](https://i.imgur.com/sEEuFkb.png) [reasoning](https://i.imgur.com/Mssesck.png) [as to why](https://i.imgur.com/3xI43i3.png) [you should not stay and watch](https://i.imgur.com/yEJaPu0.png), really quickly and with great visual flair. And I love the mech designs, seemingly based on Dogū (more on that later). And I love, love, love Mizukami’s writing. One picture-perfect cliche after another, and *then* you hit them with “you need to take out those seven superheroes.” Sure, everything has a “-but then!” pitch these days, but they just never seem to be having so much *fun* with the *rest* of the show. We cover *so much ground* here! And they do it by not wasting *anything*.


    7. **First timer**

      – [No…](https://imgur.com/a/aQ9VO0m)

      – [That certainly is a unique design.](https://imgur.com/a/d2EzZp6)

      – [Interesting concept, but why?](https://imgur.com/a/EgwIkum)

      – Also, he sure is quick to agree to this wild request.

      – Instead of playing with his insecurities, it helped him overcome his childhood trauma. Pretty shit defense system.

      – [Why?](https://imgur.com/a/B8KlsO0)

      – [Tell me the writers are fans of One Piece without telling me that the writers are fans of One Piece.](https://imgur.com/a/1ASWbPo)

      – Never piloted a mech or fought in one before. Immediately beats someone with experience. Classic Gary Stu.

      – [You didn’t exactly complain or resist.](https://imgur.com/a/hchomo1)


      – Things and stuff.

      – That the side characters are more interesting than the MC. Reminds me of Arslan in that regard.

    8. Inevitable_Car_481 on

      **first timer , subbed**

      alternate versions/ future ? (actually , it could even be his brother )

      research abt dreams hmm

      Kuroi sure seems like a meathead huh? (ba dum tss)

      wow what a nonchalant way of telling your insane backstory.

      fighter pilot used missile!

      It’s not very effective…

      unidentified flying object used dazzling gleam !

      It’s super effective!

      damn there’s an old guy among them

      “um… give me the source of your power” This dude’s delivery is actually so deadpan lmao

      ah, he’s already into it, creating names for moves and stuff

      wait he got it back already ? that was quick


      1. Not sure but I’m guessing getting back the power from the other 6 isn’t going to be as easy. After all, the only one of them who revealed their power got his stolen. But also, maybe they had something to do with how his family died.
      2. So far, the 6 remaining members seem interesting and nebula, whatever that is. I’m pretty ambivalent towards “Kuroi” so far but the name implies something dark so I’ll reserve my judgement on him for now.

    9. **Rewatching Planet With Subs**

      I’d like to start of this with thanking u/ShimmeringSky for hosting this rewatch. After watching this anime, it quickly became one of my favorites. Recently I’ve rewatched Gurren Lagann on my own and was happy to read the comments of your [rewatch](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/dhrqzn/a_rewatch_to_pierce_the_heavens_gurren_lagann/) 5 years ago, as I’ve progressed through the episodes, which made watching the anime all the more fun. So yeah, huge thanks.

      Getting to the actual episode, we see our young protagonist Soya waking up from a dream where there’s a disaster happening. A maid-costume wearing girl Ginko, bursts into his bedroom to wake him up and the two get to eating breakfast with a human sized cat called Sensei. Yep, nothing out of the ordinary here folks. This seems to be just a normal slice-of-life anime with normal slice-of-life characters. And as everyone knows, human-sized cats eat cabbage for breakfast. That’s common sense. After eating Soya is off to school.

      At school, Soya seems desperate for some meat. Is his household vegeterian? Oh wow, the girl he meets shares some meat with him. Oh, it’s Tofu and not actual meat. Well at least it’s a source of protein. Through Soya and the girl talking we get to see how he was in an apparent accident leading to amnesia. His parents are dead? Well, that’s tough. We get left with an air of mystery here.

      The class gets interrupted by some UFO being nearby, and as anyone his age Soya wants to see it. But Takamagahara convinces him to evacuate with her. Looking at the pacific ocean we see some weird giant teddy bear with human ears and arms sprouting out of its torso floating above water. These guys are all around the world apparently. Some fighting jets arrive, firing rockets at this thing, but unfortunately the missiles’ seams had to burst.

      As the fighting jets retreat, 7 random people appear and start to fly towards the thing. They each manifest a mecha mid-air. Oh, so this isn’t a simple slice-of-life anime? At the same time Ginko calls Soya and wants him to take on these 7 Tokusatsu people. Soya seems to want to go to the toilet and some people he runs past try to tell him, that the toilet is in a different direction, but he runs the wrong way. One of the seven, Hideo, enters some weird field to destroy the UFO’s core, and he’s confronted with a memory of his past where his young self had to watch as his mom lost her life in a burning house, but then his present self goes to rescue his mom and it seems like he manages to save her? We see Hideo apologizing to his mom. It seems like he felt a lot of shame for not being to save her. He manages to forgive himself and destroys the UFO core, fulfilling his duty. Takamagahara meanwhile is concerned about Soya, because he never came back from the toilet. Was he constipated? Maybe he has hemorrhoids? We’re left without an answer.

      At the end of the episode a masked Soya together with Sensei confront Hideo and want him to hand over something. But how are they gonna force someone with a mecha to submit to them? The answer is simple. By Sensei eating Soya up and doing a roll, he turns into a mecha. Oh, and Soya turns into the pilot of that mecha. Ginko works as the interpreter here, and motivates Soya with some Tonkatsu. Finally some meat for our boy! And now that he has an incentive, he fights and wins against Hideo. As Soya sees Hideo’s necklace he regains his memories and now seems intent on defeating the remaining Tokusatsu people.

      Time for some trivia: Did you know that the story writer and actual creator of Planet With is [Satoshi Mizukami](https://myanimelist.net/people/6386/Satoshi_Mizukami) He’s a mangaka known for Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer and Sengoku Youko, of which the second season of the anime is airing right now.


      I forgot to answer the questions, whoops.

      >So… what the hell is going on here?

      A boy has some complaints about his food and has some struggle with his bowel movements. There’s also some other stuff going on, buuut that’s probably irrelevant to the plot.

      >What are your first impressions on all the characters here?

      Technically, these are not my first impression as I’m a rewatcher, but the characters are very charming. Not only the main characters stand out, but also the side characters, like how some characters called out to Soya while he was trying to find the toilet.

    10. **First Timer**

      First episode, and it felt like they were already trying to speedrun every wacky anime trope. We have an MC with amnesia, whose parents died in an accident, who is a high-school loner, and who now lives with a maid and Neko-sensei. The story begins with a mysterious dream, and proceeds to mecha-vore and fighting tokusatsu heroes.

      Needless to say, it was certainly an intriguing opening, although I have no idea if it will be able to keep it up. It’s probably reasonable to assume that we’ll be getting six episodes of defeating the remaining heroes, so how well they can execute that is going to be a major factor in my enjoyment here. The CGI powersuits look decent enough that I won’t complain about that, but the fight this episode really didn’t showcase much action, so it remains to be seen if they can animate more dynamic scenes well.

      As for the rest of the plot, I get the impression that this is going to be a religion-themed mecha. The UFO-thing certainly seemed like it was of that sort, and the character names (Takamagahara especially) stand out as being blatantly evocative of religion. There’s also the open question as to who Souya and friends are, and why they’re fighting these supposed heroes – from what we’ve seen, it seems like the heroes are decent people who have been tricked into helping the dragon, although there’s presumably more to be revealed there.

      With all that plot chaos going on, I can’t say I have any strong opinions of Souya (let alone any of the other characters) yet. The amnesia aspect really makes him a bit of a blank slate for this episode, basically just going along with what the plot demands without much agency. It seems though that at the end it established a revenge motivation for him though, so presumably that will be important going forwards. The only other thing I really got was that he has no friends (besides for ~~megami~~ megane-chan), although whether that will actually be important or just an excuse for not having an expansive school cast remains to be seen.

    11. **First Timer**

      Before I even started the first episode I noticed that there under 500 ratings for planet with in crunchyroll. I guess we will find out if this is a hidden gem ~~or if it should stay hidden~~ [](#slowgrin)

      I can’t even remember when was the last time I saw an anime where MC has full blown amnesia so cross that on your bingo cards. I also really liked the UFO’s attack. Does not attack you directly but tells you perhaps reconsider your life choice and go be happy somewhere else. They got blown up rather quickly though.

      Also nice [terminator reference](https://imgur.com/a/dA7gDgR). ~~I also swear to god I recognize that figurine Sensei was trying to peek under the skirt. I looked that up month ago but can’t remember the name at all.~~ Oh yeah should have checked the original manga author. It’s Samidare from Hoshi no Samidare.

      1. It’s a mecha alright. We already got multiple tragic backstories and some PTSD for our MC.
      2. I don’t trust anyone except glasses-kun. Sensei and the maid are super sus and the superhero organization’s boss could not look more evil.

    12. **First Timer**

      The only thing I know about this show is that Mizukami is writing it which gives me absolute confidence.

      And indeed, the moment a giant cat was just… *there* his fingerprints were kinda all over it. Although by that same token the moment that flying… cat… thing appareared I wondered if I was just hallucinating actually and if Dandadan’s Anime started early. And then apparently Kuroi has to kill all those Toku heroes so naturally this is actually Ranger Reject and [](#spinning)

      If there’s something I love about the man is how if nothing else, his works are completely unpredictable in terms of what you’re gonna get. Admittedly that’s mostly because of how… unconventional they are, but hey, it does make for an unique experience, and I’ll gladly have this over any generic LN Isekai that gets adapted on average. Characterization-wise I don’t have much to say but [Saejima the Cat](https://i.imgur.com/Z2OxSy3.png) or whatever sure is a daring choice for a mascot.

      The big exception to this of course is firefighter man and I find that whole bit where they do his backstory a bit… off within the structure of the episode (With how much focus Kuroi had gotten up until now having him just vanish so we could get the backstory for this guy was kinda jarring) but overall it’s a solid scene hampered by how we literally just met the guy so my reaction is basically “Wow, poor dude I guess.”

      Presentation-wise it’s mostly solid I’d say, although something about the CG seems a bit… off. I dunno, it’s like they tried to give it a sorta cel-shaded look to it and I’m not entirely sure if I vibe with it yet but I guess it could improve. The actual human animation is fine enough though. Nothing amazing but very expressive and that counts for a lot.

      Overall though? Solid start.

    13. Planet With the Bone Rumbling Bass Mix

      Rewatching, for the first time since it aired and it looks (and sounds) great on bluray. The first episode is just as insane now as the first time and, if anything, I’m even more impressed by it’s brisk but extremely efficient storytelling, especially since it does what it does without feeling rushed. 

      Also, damn it’s fun to see all these weirdos again glad I saw this post, it was just the impetus I needed to watch it again 

    14. **Rewatcher**

      Well, technically, at least. I remember *watching it* and I also remember *liking it* because frankly, I’m easy to please: Give me **GIANT FUCKING ROBOTS** or color coded heroes fighting monsters and I’m happy! But I’m really fuzzy on the details of how everything went down…

      Anyway, what a damn opening episode huh? Basically speedrunning the premise, barely introducing our protagonist and his supporting cast before throwing… uh… Giant Lucky Cat statues(UFOs?) sprouting hands at the world? Are we sure those aren’t leftovers from EVA? But somehow our protagonist is also kinda in cahoots with cats himself and then fights one of the heroes that just saved the world from a cat-astrophe. In a giant cat-mecha. That he enters by being literally devoured by a giant cat?

      I’m a bit at a loss for words, this was *a lot*, but I liked it 😀


      1) [Beats me](https://i.postimg.cc/FRcM2Q7K/vlcsnap-2022-09-04-16h40m26s546.png), tbh. Probably tokusatsu bullshit.


      * I like Kuroi, even if he’s a bit cliched shounen protagonist (though he likes meat, I can relate). Also I noticed he’s not sitting at the usual anime protagonist seat!
      * Taka…youknowwho seems nice too, very kind towards our protagonist and she shares her meat with him (even though it’s tofu…)
      * The maid was cute and seems like one of the few reasonable characters?
      * Sensei seems like an otaku (looking under anime figurine skirts, smh). Also apparently is a robot in disguise, sorta?

    15. Sandor_at_the_Zoo on

      **First time**

      I watched the first couple (3?) episodes when it was airing, but dropped it and don’t remember much.

      – the in media res opening reminds me a lot of madoka

      – does anyone like an amnesia plot. I get that they’re convenient for the author, but [blech](#badtaste)

      – told his family is dead by who?.. I don’t trust it

      – so this is going to be a longrunning complicated name joke

      – did haruhi invent esp/occult club as a premise? or is there something older?

      – 7 people gives us the structure of the show. That leaves 5 episodes without/after defeating a hero. Now the question is if the next heros will get a full episode of development or all have the quick single event backstory we see here

      – getting eaten by the mech to transform/powerup reminds me of Kanta in FLCL. What’s the history of that? [](#curious)

    16. **First-Timer**

      So here we start! I have… about no idea what to expect, other than I heard this is good and weird and there’s some kind of cat character. And mechas. I also know it’s by the same author as the currently-airing Sengoku Youko (which I haven’t been watching, but if this is good, I will) as well as that manga that got a shitty adaptation a few years back, that I can’t remember the name of right now (and that I should probably read too).

      Okay, that’s a bit of knowledge, but I don’t know anything plot-wise, I’m going in mostly blind. Which is good! And without further ado let’s dive in:

      * So the cat is called Sensei… Wait what on earth are these teeth? And why did that make me laugh-
      * Come on, now, Takamagahara is not that hard to remember. Try Jugemu Jugemu… (I forgot what came after-)
      * Okay. Sensei was already pretty sus, but with the whole backstory, things are just getting worse.
      * Ah yes 1/2^(∞2) ∫d. Truly one of the mathematical formulas of all time.
      * At least they switched to normal trigonometry right before the UFO arrived…
      * In real life, Takamagahara would be right obviously. But I feel like she won’t here…
      * (after that point I stopped pausing to write stuff so I’ll talk but not in bullets-)

      Honestly, I’m not sure what’s going on but I intrigued. I like that I have *no* idea who the bad guys are, or if there are even are such things as heroes and villains in this anime.

      The UFO’s powers do seem like “pacifying” powers, maybe they do come in peace after all. But there’s definitely some link to the past that’s got to be uncovered. I have no idea where this is going, and what hidden motivations lie, and I want to see how it unfolds!

      Sensei’s powers seem to be as strong as Souya can imagine them to be, which could very likely make for cool upgrades and scenes in the upcoming episodes.

      1. Well, I don’t know but I’m certainly intrigued.
      2. Not sure so far honestly. I need more content to answer that.

      Now, will we learn the truth about Souya’s brother? Will Ginko turn out to be an alien? Will Souya ever manage to eat the meat he’s longing for? Will he finally remember ~~Tanaka-~~ ~~Tamaga-~~ ~~Senjougaha-~~ Takamagahara’s name? That’s what we’ll find out tomorrow. Or later. (Probably later.)

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