Holy shit this was one of the most satisfying beatdowns I’ve seen in a while. My man really brought out his inner Kazuma lol. (Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers)

    by Small_Balls_69


    1. Hard to find “character with instant win powers because he’s an isekai protagonist” beating someone up satisfying just because there’s no real stakes to set up and pay off. Though with a title like that I guess it’s just satisfying because it’s a woman being beat up?

    2. Certain_Effort_9319 on

      Just wait till you see what Makoto does to the empire hero in tsukimichi.

      But honestly? What he did to the angel bitch was much more satisfying.

    3. MisterMAYHEM935 on

      Djinn deserved all that beating. Just wish Naofumi did something like that to “Bitch” Malty in Shield Hero after all the evil shit she has done to him

    4. Ahh yes, just what I want from my action scenes, constant cut aways, half of it happening in the background, low fps, and still images for impacts…

      Very thrilling…

    5. RedditSucksMyBallls on

      “It’s good because man beats the shit out of woman!!! We totally owned the libs and feminists!!!”

      This trope is so tired lol. Anime writers will do anything to show their progressiveness except actually writing a good female character

    6. Audibly gasped at this when i watched the episode and by far the most memorable scene of the show IMO.

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