I Analyzed 400 Anime: The Most Popular Seat for Main Characters (2.0) (further information in comments)

    by Math082r


    1. About a year ago I posted something like this (but with 200 anime), many people pointed out (rightfully so) that I didn’t have any sources for my graph (because I didn’t write it down), so I decided to do this again from the bottom and write down what anime have their main characters seated where. 
      You can find it in this document: 



      Here is some possible question + answers if you’re curios:

      Are classrooms always 5×6? 

      No, but I found that this is the most common layout, the second most common one is 6×6, and if this is the case and the character is seated in one of the two middle rows I just added them as if they were seated in the middle row.


      What about anime with more than one main character? 

      With some shows it is difficult I asses who is the main character, so for most of these it is just my opinion, so I have also tried to mainly use anime which I have seen or know of. But there is of course also anime where there isn’t any answer (like Azumanga Daioh), here I just skipped them.


      What about characters that change seat through the anime?

      I have tried to use where the character is seated in the beginning of the anime, or if I know it then the most iconic seat.

      There are maybe a few mistakes, feel free to point them out.

    2. Can’t wait for the inevitable Light Novel “I sit in seat B5, but can I still be the main character of my own harem romance comedy?!”

    3. It’s kinda hilarious how true the “in the back next to the window” stereotype is. Over a third are all in one of two locations there.

    4. snowwhitecat04aug on

      Now think about it I dont remember any anine where the windows are on the right and hallway on the left

    5. I remember that earlier (~2008-2013, ish) the stereotype was “the second one from the back” so the most popular seat in anime was E1 instead of F1 then.

      Things have changed or my memory is that bad and it always was F1?

    6. AnalysisParalysis85 on

      Why are the windows always to the left side? Are there no rooms on the side of the building?

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