The 107th episode of B Project Radio’s “Gandhara BB+” will be broadcast on Friday, August 9th from 9:30pm! ➡➡➡Click here for the email form The August episode of “Gandhara BB+” will feature Taku Yashiro, who plays Teramitsu Haruhi from KiLLER KiNG! What’s more, Hatanaka Tasuku, who plays Asuke (Kurata Eisuke) from the Ultras, will be appearing as a guest!! And! The theme of this email is… “Ultra nostalgic memories of summer!” It’s midsummer! We’re looking for your nostalgic memories of that summer! ↓We look forward to receiving emails like this↓ *”My ultra-nostalgic summer memory is from when I was in elementary school. When I went back to the countryside where my grandparents live, I was told that there were lots of fireflies there, so at night, my sister and I went looking for them. We found loads of them by the water! They were so beautiful, and when I tried to catch one, I fell into the ditch. Luckily I wasn’t hurt, but it ended up creating both a beautiful and painful memory at the same time.” *”My nostalgic summer memory is of club training camp. In high school, I was a member of the track and field club. The night before the last day of camp, a boy from the same track and field club called me over and confessed his feelings to me! I had never had a confession made to me before, so I was thrilled, but I had liked another boy at the time, so I turned him down… Whenever summer comes around, I often think back to those days and feel nostalgic.” …Just like this, we are looking forward to hearing from you with your nostalgic summer memories! In addition, please send us an email with any questions you would like to ask Hatanaka about the live event “TV Anime “B-PROJECT ~Netsuretsu * Love Call ~” BRANDNEW * PARTY” this month! We are also looking for emails for the popular corner “Q Pro”! We are looking forward to hearing what you would like to ask the B-Pro members. “Haruhi, what do you like to eat in the summer?” “A question for Asuke. Are you good at ghost stories?” … And so on. The B-Pro members will answer your questions! ★Click here for the address⇒ And this month’s Gandhara BB + will also bring you the latest information on B-Pro! Everyone, look forward to it!! BB + Staff * The archive on YouTube will be available until 20:00 on Friday, August 16, 2024. * After that, it will be available only to LOVE & ART OFFICIAL FANCLUB Platinum members, so please check it out from the fan club member page!

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