1. ObvsThrowaway5120 on

      Another week of Rin and Eiji being the goofiest most adorable almost couple ever lol. That date to Kyoto was too cute! Rin basically all but confessed, so are we gonna have them date soon?

    2. WhoiusBarrel on

      Rin needs to be teased more by Eiji, girl can put out more “Don’t be afraid”s and pouting faces and it still will be entertaining.

      That handholding sequence was simultaneously the cutest and lewdest thing to happen so far. Definitely felt their progress into being a married couple!

    3. Nickthenuker on

      Shouldn’t props be one of the first things done?

      What’s he doing with a camcorder? Who _uses_ a camcorder in this day and age? Just use your phone.

      Thinking of interview questions is rather hard.

      And _that’s_ why you don’t use a camcorder. A phone would last very long.

      At least they’re in a store so they’re restricted to what’s right in front of them. When you’re out and about say at a mall both or everyone saying “I’m ok with anything” results in just wandering around not actually deciding on anything.

      That’s kinda a shame that she can’t go around the festival because she’s busy.

      Yeah in some parts of Japan the aquarium really is the only attraction that isn’t a castle or shine or temple.

      Musical? Makes sense, they’re both theatre kids and so there’s some common interest.

      I realise they’re completely different types of stage performances but seeing this just after [meta] >!Oshi No Ko’s almost entire episode spent purely on a well-animated stage play!< these PowerPoint slides do make me feel like him right about now.

      Oh hey it’s that temple that everyone both IRL and in anime goes to when in Kyoto where if you jump off and survive you’ll be lucky. I’d say you’re already pretty lucky if you can jump off and survive. And there’s another famous temple in the background.

      They’re being _very_ loud.

      And that’s the golden temple that’s on all the magnets and souvenirs.

      Isn’t that the road that’s become rather infamous for banning tourists or cameras or something like that?

      And now he’s got to get something for all her personalities.

      A sword letter opener? Sure.

      She seems to be taking a while.

      Why’s she tearing up?

      Well we’ve got some progress at least.

      Rin.exe has stopped responding.


      Huh, they visited Kyoto and _didn’t_ go to the 1000 torii gates? That’s also a rather famous tourist attraction and was seen in the movie “Hello World”.

      Well I guess we’ll be seeing them in a cat cafe in an episode soon.

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