I found a reference pic and traced the basic shapes on that, and the copied it on the other side of the canvas. Is this a good method?

    by Axolotls_4life


    1. I wouldn’t call it anatomy, but more like posing/constructing a character.
      However, the way you trace does result in a stiff character. I’m not sure if it’s gonna help you. 😅

    2. chronic-joker on

      It’s best to practice using real human references, drawing based on a drawing ends up leaving poor inherent anatomical awareness.

    3. GeicoLizardBestGirl on

      Honestly for me at least tracing is a bad idea. Ive never traced anything at all and Im very happy with my progress the last 8 months or so. I atrribute it to the fact that I never traced or even direct copied a reference. The problem is you cant learn where to place lines if you trace. The lines are already placed for you.

      Secondly, the most important skill that I think I learned is how *not* to draw, or in other words how to quickly recognize whats wrong with a drawing. This is extremely important for improvement since if you never see anything wrong than youll never improve. If you trace, youll always end up with drawings that are “correct” already.

    4. Kinda? But I think it’s important you learn *why* things are placed and lines are where they are. Rather than mindlessly tracing and not knowing “why”.

    5. works for some people.. but personally, i’d prefer you just observe individual people, picture them as 2d with basic shapes, and just draw

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